Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 158 - Fight or Flight

AN: If you know anyone who wants to go to PH, please warn them not to go. The tourist destination may be great but it's not worth taking the risk. It's come to the point where the police are killing the military while the government kept quiet.


Inside a Venator-Class Star Destroyer.

Anakin was outside the command center, waiting for the council to call for him. When he was called, he went inside. He saw the holo-table and was just about to pay his respects to the council when he noticed a familiar face in one of the projections. There were some changes in the person's face but it was the face of someone he recognized.

Qui-Gon: "Hello Anakin. It's good to see you."

Anakin: "Master Qui-Gon... You're..."

Qui-Gon: "I'm sorry Anakin but we'll have to save the pleasantries for later."

After saying this, Anakin was informed of what happened. He first learned that it was Count Dooku who hired the Kaminoans to create the clone army. Another Jedi master may be behind the creation, but it was Count Dooku who prepared everything.

Next, Count Dooku stated that the current Master Sith was in control of the majority of the senate. The council didn't believe this statement at first, due to the Sith's tendency to use lies and deceit. They only believed this after Qui-Gon provided evidence.

According to Qui-Gon's investigations, the Republic has been passing policies that have caused bad things to a select group of star systems that formed the Separatists Alliance. Qui-Gon found out that all of these policies were somehow related to people from Naboo.

Hearing this, Anakin interrupted by telling that Padme wasn't involved. They all said that she was innocent but it doesn't mean she's not involved.

Anakin was about to defend his girlfriend but he was pulled away by Tony before he could say anything. He was pulled outside and was dragged to a corner where no one could accidentally walk in on them.

After making sure that no one was around, Tony pointed out how Padme could have been manipulated without anyone noticing.

Tony: "Look. I think you've been a Jedi far too long and have missed something. Just because someone won't use the Force, doesn't mean they can't control people. Even without being in the same room, I can make two people get into a relationship."

Anakin: "What are you..."

Tony: "Some people aren't that complicated. Women are inexplicable at times, but it doesn't mean that you can't influence their decisions. "

Then Tony slowly told Anakin about his fling with Padme. He tried to be as subtle as possible but it wasn't enough. Anakin still lost control of his emotions and punched Tony.

Tony already expected something like this the moment he thought about telling Anakin all of this but he didn't try to dodge the punch. Instead, he just stayed still and let Anakin punch him.

Tony: "Thanks. Now I can do this."

The boy was surprised by the punch but he didn't have the time to think. He already sensed another punch incoming and moved to dodge it.

He looked at Tony and noticed him doing something. He didn't hesitate any longer and the two were having a fistfight.

While they didn't use lightsabers, they still used their Jedi abilities in the fight. They dodged each other's attack which lead to them going all over the place.

There were others on board the Destroyer so it was impossible for the racket they cause not to go unnoticed. Some of the Clone Troopers(CT) who were moving along, noticed the two Jedis fighting.

The troopers didn't see any lightsabers and concluded that it wasn't that serious. Since the Jedis were their superiors, they didn't try to stop them and left the two Jedis to fight for a bit. The only intervened in the fight after some higher ranking clones arrived. They were able to catch the two and restrain them until they calmed down.


After calming down, both of them ordered the CT's to leave the area. The Jedis looked like they still wanted to fight, but the CTs had their orders that they had to follow.

While the CT's were marching away, the two boys were trash-talking one another. They appeared to be angry at each other even after the last CT left the premises.

After a few more minutes, they finally stopped talking and laughing. After 'settling down', they started talking again. They were discussing the current situation. They weren't discussing about the meeting. They were talking about the message left in C-3PO

Tony: "What do you think?"

Anakin: "You're right. They do have some anti-Jedi training. But... Is it really him? The Ch..."

Tony: "It couldn't be anyone else. His orders are the highest priority when it comes to those clones. Also, watch out for Jar-Jar. He is definitely a part of this."

Anakin: "Jar-Jar? Seriously?"

Tony: "It's a bit complicated with him but he's most likely an enemy. He's been way too involved not to be. Though I'm not sure if he's with Palpatine or alone. As far as I could tell, he just wants the galaxy to burn. "

Anakin: "And Padme is with those people all the time? Can't we do something? I don't want her to be involved in any of this. "

Tony: "She's already involved the moment she met us. Based on current events, the only other way she would be out of this is if she stopped being a senator. Do you think she'll quit just because you say so?"

Anakin: "Her? I don't think so."

Tony: "Exactly. Since that's not going to happen, the only way you can keep her safe is if you let them know that she could be used to control you. My guess is that they'll try to turn you to the Dark Side using her death. That is the only time we could get her to safety. Until then, she might get into trouble but she'll definitely survive. The question is, do you think you can learn about the Dark side without falling?"

Anakin: "I'll do anything to protect her. Besides, we're already halfway there. These deceptions, acting and planning that we're about to do. They're all used by the Sith and not the Jedi way. I'm not even sure we could be Jedis after this."

Tony: "Darkness is fine. Master Windu wouldn't admit it to you so just ask Master Qui-Gon. What you should be concerned about is your control. The council doesn't trust you enough because you quickly lose it. Remember how easy I was able to get you to punch me?"

Anakin: "Yeah. Sorry about that. I'll try to keep my head calm."

Tony: "I'll remind you of Master Yoda's quote about trying but I'm sure you've already heard plenty of that."

After a few more arrangements, they returned to the meeting.

The Jedis noticed their bruises but chose to ignore it. It wasn't anything serious and it looked like the two settled their problems. They continued with their Sith counterattack planning.


After showing all the evidence, they all agreed that Chancellor Palpatine is the most likely Sith Master. They wanted to arrest him but someone pointed out that the Chancellor probably already expected this. Since they expected this, they would have already prepared countermeasures. The Republic's Clone Army could be used to attack all Jedis.

They started thinking of ways on how to solve the Sith problem without the Jedi Order getting exterminated.

During their discussion, one of the participants suggested leaving the Republic on its own.

Tony: "Master is right. Can't we just run away and be done with it? The people don't seem to appreciate us Jedi anyway. As far as I could tell, most people would just ȧssume that the Jedi started the war in the first place. Why don't we respect the public's wish for us to leave? We'll just come back when they need us."

Qui-Gon: "They have a point. Almost everyone in the lower levels has a bad impression of Jedis. The Chancellor sending us Jedi to fight the war isn't helping. If he really is a Sith, then the Jedis are being sent to die.

Those on the surface may mourn for a Jedi's death, but those on the lower levels would be rejoicing. It's a bad time to say this, but my old master(Dooku) had a point. It may be time for the Jedi to separate itself from the republic"

"Where would we go?"

Tony: "I know of a universe where we could hide. The Force is not present in that area so the Sith shouldn't be able to find us."

Windu: "How did you find this place? And, are you sure the Jedi would be safe there?"

Tony: "It's not completely safe. There are other galactic problems in that universe. The only consolation is that no one is looking for Jedi in that place."

Hearing this, the entire council deliberated on the escape suggestion. The Jedis who are based on Coruscant were reluctant to agree while the ones outside were a lot more supportive.

The Jedis weren't able to settle on a decision but they stopped after Yoda pointed out that the people would only be in danger after they left. The galaxy needed the Jedis whether they liked it or not. Without them, more people would suffer under Sith control.

"A lot of Jedi will die if we fight this war."

Windu: "Then we'll use this escape plan as our final resort. If we ever encounter a situation where we are close to annihilation, we'll take everyone to that place to escape. We'll retreat and stay until the galaxy needs us Jedi"

Tony: "That's..."

Yoda: "Protect the citizens, we must."

Tony: "Yes Master Yoda."

The council started discussing possible ways to eliminate the Chancellor. Unfortunately, they were all Jedis that tried to do things properly. All the plans they came up with are predictable. They too Jedi-like that contingencies would have easily been prepared. They weren't able to agree on what to do, but they were able to settle on a few things.

The first thing they all agreed on is that they needed a sample of Palpatine's blood. They wanted to check his midichlorian count to make sure he is the Sith.

This mission was ȧssigned to Anakin as he has the best relationship with the Chancellor. He wasn't going to be sent immediately, be was told to watch out for an opportunity to get Palpatine's blood.

Next, they needed to get evidence that Count Dooku is with Palpatine. Even if they interrogated the Count, it wouldn't matter as Palpatine could easily turn that statement and used it against the Jedi. He could say that the Jedi want to take over the Republic and that Dooku was a part of it. They needed concrete evidence before capturing Palpatine.

That said, they had Tony try to use his virtual reality technology to add memories to the Count before he regained consciousness. They hoped that by adding other memories of the fight, they could fool the Count into thinking that what he experienced was just visions.

They told Tony to use the remaining time to have Dooku undergo multiple versions of the fight. They hoped that by showing a lot of memories, Dooku would be confused to the point where he would mistaken true events with something else.

It wasn't the perfect solution so they hoped that the Force would help them.


After some time.

Count Dooku was sleeping soundly in his chair when he was suddenly awoken by his droid pilot. He jumped up and slashed at his droid pilot because he thought the droid was an enemy. When he got to his senses, he realized that he has arrived in Coruscant.

Dooku was wondering if he was dreaming as he remembered multiple versions of his fight with Obi-Wan and Anakin in his memories.

In his mind, he remembered his fight with the two. He remembered the memory of him getting blasted and knocked out. He remembered a memory where he dodged the first blast, only to be knocked out by another blast. There have been minor changes in each memory, leading up to a memory where he was able to knock the two Jedis and leave safely.

After remembering each memory, he checked his body as well as his spaceship for signs of tampering. After failing to find anything problematic, he believed that what he experienced was a Force ability that neither Sith nor Jedi discovered. He wanted to reveal this to his Master but he stopped after thinking for a bit.

Sith plan against one another. Dooku thought that his master would be threatened by this and would try to eliminate him.

Dooku has already made preparations by teaching two people the Jedi arts but he knew they weren't ready. He didn't want to alarm his master by telling him about his discovery.

Dooku kept the experience to himself while thinking of ways to train this power to kill Sidious.


Inside the Jedi Temple. A bit after Dooku reported to his master.

Windu: "Did it work?"

Tony: "Not good enough."

Tony showed Windu a hologram of Dooku reporting the events to Palpatine. They were able to recognize Palpatine's voice but wasn't satisfied with the evidence. Palpatine was wearing his hood in all of the footage. They could clean up the footage but they knew that they wouldn't be able to pin the crimes to Palpatine.

The Jedis also used hoods whenever they had to conceal their identities. They knew that they needed something better to use against the Chancellor.

Windu: "Leave this to us. Go build your mobile suits. We'll need a lot of those to stop Jedis from going on suicide missions."

Tony: "For everyone? It will need a lot of credits even if I use droid scraps as material. Will the Republic give us that much?"

Windu: "Here. This is one of the Order's secret accounts. The council has agreed to allow you to use all of it. Build a production facility that you could keep a secret. When it is ready, we'll charge the Republic for everything else. The Sith should have some headache figuring out where you're building all of your machines."

Tony: "Somehow, I think I'm breaking one of the Jedi Codes."

Windu: "Like you haven't played around with the code before. Besides, the Sith broke theirs first. Dooku. Palpatine. Maul. Probably a lot more. They're not using the Rule of Two as we thought. You're just doing the same.

Since we can't end them immediately, we should at least give them a headache. When it comes to those, You and Skywalker are the masters."

Tony: "At least I'm finally a master of something. I'll make sure to cause as much trouble as I can."

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