Inside the Supreme Chancellor's office.

Palpatine is currently sitting in his desk, worrying about their plans. Ever since a few months ago, multiple incidents and unexpected events have caused huge changes to their plans.


Back when the Clone Wars started, Dooku reported about Jedis using unorthodox technologies. They were using weapons that weren't lightsabers, as well as utilize enormous humanoid machines that move like Jedis.

Palpatine was confused when he heard about humanoid machines that could move like Jedis. While he was aware that droids could be as agile as Jedis, he was skeptical as Dooku described the machines as enormous. Out of all the machines in the republic, he found none that matched those descriptions. It wasn't until Dooku showed him some footage that he finally realized why Dooku felt threatened.

When he saw this, he immediately figured out that it was Tony who built the machine. He visited the Jedi Temple to acquire the plans for the machine but he failed to acquire it. He didn't even catch a glimpse of the machine as the council established a rule that other than the Jedi piloting the machine, only the designer could get close to their machines.

Palpatine: "I understand. Nevertheless, the Republic could help..."

Windu: "We'll take that help. We require X tons of metal. X tons of fuel. This special alloy... "

Before Palpatine could even set the terms for the 'Republic's' aide, Windu was already listing out all the materials. Among the list are some regulated materials such as the Stygium Crystals that could be used to cloak machines.

After Windu finished talking about each material on the list, he gave a data bank that contained the list. Then, before Palpatine could say anything, the Windu's wrist communicator started beeping.

Windu: "Sorry Chancellor. It's an emergency. We are needed at ..."

After saying his excuse, Windu left. He brought along all the Jedi that accompanied them, leaving Palpatine on his own. The Sith wasn't even able to say farewell, as he was left in the middle of the Jedi Temple with a grocery list.

Palpatine tried to find other Jedi before leaving, but they all seemed to disappear into thin air.

Palpatine decided to give up and start acting as the generous Chancellor. He started preparing what the Jedi requested.


After gathering all the materials the Jedi requested, Palpatine left trackers in each shipment to try and figure out where these materials would be taken. He didn't see a manufacturing facility in Coruscant so he thought that the Jedi would bring them to their manufacturing facility.

After giving them, he noticed that the shipment was divided and was transported to a different part of the galaxy. He sent a huge number of his people to track the shipments but it was useless. Other than the regulated materials which remained in Coruscant, everything that the Jedi received was used in trading.

Palpatine didn't understand why the Jedi traded them away. His men also lost track of the Jedi after they lost the shipment. He only noticed something after he overheard people from the Trade Federation complaining about the profits decreasing.

After checking up on a few things, he found out that the Jedis were using their diplomatic immunity to gain access to the blockaded planets. After landing, they traded with the locals. The Jedis supplied the people with the materials that they needed most.

Palpatine was starting to worry as this action would erode all the resentment that the people had with the Jedi. Not only that, but his pawns would also lose profits if this continued. The Trade Federation having lower revenue meant that the Separatists wouldn't have the funding that they needed. Tony's clones coordinating each trade caused the Trade Federation to have a significantly decreased profit margin.

Without the Trade Federation funding the Separatists, their rebellion would fail prematurely. They were bound to fail, but not until a huge portion of the Jedi were decimated.

There were a lot of things at stake. Palpatine couldn't just sit back and had to stop this.

He tried to use the legal route but his people didn't find any evidence that could be pinned on the Jedi. He couldn't even say that the resources went to waste as mobile suits started appearing in the battlefields.

One has wings. Another can fold itself into a place. One has a cross on its back. All kinds of uniquely identifiable mobile suits started appearing on the battlefield. There wasn't a large number of them but they were all easily differentiable from each other that it couldn't be a 'costume' change. He couldn't just say that the resources weren't being used.

Aside from that, his people also couldn't easily criticize them as every time a mobile suit appeared, victory soon followed.

With the noticeable success, the Jedi started demanding more and more materials. Most of the senate showed support, forcing Palpatine to repurpose some of his Clone Army funding to help the Jedi.

Palpatine needed to stop the Jedis from making more of those mobile suits soon.

Most of these tactics worked a single time but they never worked the next. Even if the gap between the execution was only minutes between each other, none of their schemes worked. Palpatine tried to have his people do an operation simultaneously but the target left before they even got started. Palpatine lost a lot of men trying to sabotage the Jedi while the other side's casualties never even reached the hundred.

Palpatine couldn't stop the mobile suit production so he tried something else.

He tried stopping the source but he wasn't even able to get a clue as to where it was manufactured. The main designer of the mobile suits, Tony, was only sighted at only two locations. Coruscant and his latest mobile suits' first combats. He didn't seem to be building any suit yet somehow, more of them keep appearing.

Palpatine thought that it could be some products in a factory but his people, from across the galaxy, didn't take notice of any such thing appearing. They speculated that each machine was custom made but the moment this news reached Palpatine, identical mobile suits started appearing.

Based on their uniform appearance, it was clear that Tony was able to mass-produce the thing. Aside from that, he also suspected that one of his men was betraying him. This was because, after every general ȧssembly meeting, the mobile suit produced would change.


Aside from someone betraying him, Palpatine was also plagued by resentment cloud in Coruscant disappearing. This wasn't caused by the citizens not resenting the Jedi. The people at the lower levels clearly hate those at the top. No, the problem is that someone or something else is using the resentment for their own use.

Palpatine suspected that it was his late master at first but he was certain that he killed his master. Since it wasn't the case, it should be something else.

He knew about Dooku and his ȧssistants whereabout and knew that they couldn't be the cause of this. Since they couldn't be it, the only other option is his lost apprentice, Maul.

After his apprentice 'died', Palpatine tried to search for him. He was able to see glimpses of him through the Force, but he soon lost it.

Palpatine blamed this event on Maul as he didn't expect that someone from the Jedi would dwell in these things as they were too dark for Jedi studies. There might have been some changes but some things remained the same. As long as Yoda was in charge, the Jedi Order wouldn't do something so conflicting with the Jedi Code.

Palpatine has a lot of problems to deal with.

He has to control his unruly apprentice. He didn't inform Maul much about the plan, and now he's paying for it.

He also has to do something about those mobile suits. It doesn't matter if he stops their production or captures them, he has to stop them from expanding the Republic's advantage. He needed to prolong the war as this was the only way to weaken the participants' foundation. If a non-compliant start system survived the war, there would problems when he ruled them as the emperor.

He also needed to find out if someone betrayed him. He was fixated on the possibility of someone betrayed him similar to how he betrayed his master, Plagueis. He didn't think that his identity was revealed, as the cloud the covered was definitely enough to hide his identity from the Force.

Finally, he needed to do something that would ruin the Jedi's reputation. He needed a good reason to kill them so that the citizens wouldn't just harbor the Jedi. He needed the people's help to make sure that no Jedi would survive.

Palpatine prepared arrangements.


A few months passed. Palpatine tried all sorts of trick but he couldn't do anything to the mobile suits. He had Dooku capture a suit in order to replicate it.

They encountered some problems, particularly when it comes to controlling the suits. They weren't able to make it move. The scientists tried using droid pilots but the suits didn't respond to them. They only started moving after living people piloted them.

Seeing it work, they brought the suits to their laboratories for testing. They thought that suits self-destruct function was already deactivated as they were able to move the suits. They were wrong.

The suit's self-destruct sequence activated after the suits were settled in the laboratory. The suit exploded, bringing with it a lot of scientists that worked on the project.

Hearing this news, Palpatine started wondering if was still fighting a Jedi. These kinds of things were usually done by the Sith to the Jedi and not the other way around.

The only good news he had after a long time is that Anakin was finally promoted into a Jedi Knight. With Anakin finally independent, he could start expanding the rift between him and the Jedi.

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