Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 164 - Revenge of the Clones 1

AN: So I found out that Japan's life-size Gundams were starting to move. It's probably old news but I like how Japan's priorities are arranged.

AN2: Warning. Things might get confusing. I tried streamlining things but the timeline isn't supposed to be linear. They're supposed to be happening as simultaneously as possible. One of the downsides of being able to control multiple bodies simultaneously is that story still has to be told linearly.


After capturing Dooku, Anakin and Tony called Ahsoka to stop her from returning Jabba's son as soon as possible.

Thanks to Dooku, the Hutt was currently on guard against Jedis. Jabba should already be prepared to fight against Jedi. They have to work things out first to make sure she can get out alive.

Aside from that, they also needed as much as they can to take advantage of Dooku's capture. Dooku should know a lot of things. The Jedis were counting on that to reduce possible casualties as much as they can.

After warning Ahsoka, they picked her up and went to space. There, they contacted people.

They talked to the Council and informed them of Dooku's capture. The Council was reluctant to kill the Count since they were able to capture him twice.

Dooku was locked up in a Mandalorian Sarcophagus.

Anakin: "Are you sure this can restrain Dooku?"

Tony: "Yeah. According to Bo-Katan, this thing is designed to 'imprison us Force-wielding maniacs'"

Anakin accepted the description and just watched as Dooku got locked up. He watched as the Sarcophagus got stored along with others.

He was just about to leave when he noticed one of the Sarcophagus was colored differently.

Anakin: "Uh. Why is that one different?"

Tony: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Tony knew what Anakin was referring to but he still tried to ignore it.

Anakin: "I'm talking about that one with the Leopard print. Why is that Leopard print when the others are just grey."

Tony: "Uh... Don't ask. You're not ready."


After that awkward moment, they went and contacted Mother Talzin.

Tony contacted her to ask for her ȧssistance. He wanted her to use her Magik. She was supposed to captured Palpatine's soul. He was sure that he destroyed all of Palpatine's clones. He still asked her to make sure Palpatine doesn't miraculously survive.

It was the reason he came here in the first place. He wanted to make sure Palpatine stayed dead. The only way Palpatine could possibly survive is if Star Wars has some sort of time travel that the Jedis weren't aware of.


Aside from the request to make sure Palpatine stayed dead, they also asked Mother Talzin to learn about the Nightsister's Magik.

Tony wanted to learn this universe's version of magic to try and compare it with MCU's.

He wasn't really trying to rely on magic as they might also work differently between universes. He just wanted to see if there are similarities between them. If there is, he would do something about it then.

He brought Anakin along as he wanted the boy to get more balanced when it comes to knowledge of the Force. Anakin was planning to stay with Padme in this universe so Tony wanted to make his friend as strong as he could.

After establishing an agreement, they went back and continued doing their work.


In the Supreme Chancellor's office.

Palpatine is currently sitting on his seat, trying to sort out all the information he just learned. He was hearing about a lot of things and was trying to work out what is actually happening.

Over the last few rotations, Palpatine has been receiving all kinds of reports. He heard about all sorts of new but they weren't consistent. Not only was it not consistent, some of the information even contradicted each other. He didn't understand what was the actual situation as the details, when put together, didn't make any sense.

First, he heard that the Jedis were able to successfully return Jabba's son back. The kid was returned safely and there was no report any incident happening.

Palpatine was prepared to hear such news as he already prepared for such an eventuality. He just wasn't prepared to act on what he heard next.

Instead of working with the Republic, Jabba placed bounties on a lot of the Republic Senators. Palpatine didn't really care for most of the ones with bounties. He was just concerned that Padme Amidala was involved.

Palpatine was planning to use her to control Anakin. She wasn't supposed to die right now so he immediately sent Clone Troopers to protect her.

Palpatine was supposed to send the Jedis to protect her but they told him that none of them were available.

At the moment, almost all the Jedis were on the frontlines.

A lot of mobile suits were sighted. All of the iconic ones were also sighted. The only ones unaccounted for are Yoda and Windu as they were never seen using their suits.

Palpatine was about to proceed to the next problem but he noticed that the number of mobile suits was a lot more than the Jedis reported. There appeared to be more mobile suits than there are Jedis. He wanted to do something because of the increasing threat but couldn't do anything officially as the Jedis were using these to regain the Republic's territory.

He wanted to leave the Jedis alone but he heard the news from his private cloning facilities. According to the people on-site, countless Jedi were raiding each of the facilities.

He didn't believe it at first but footage showed that the attacker was competent enough with the lightsaber and should be Jedis. He was just wondering where all of these Jedi came from as there were too many Jedi. There seemed to be at least 5 times the amount of Jedi right now when compared to the start of the Clone Wars.

He was just about to investigate it but another report came before he could even send the order. The Jedis reported that they encountered Count Dooku.

According to the Jedi Council, Tony and Anakin tried to capture him but the Sith was able to escape. The problem is that Dooku took both of Anakin's arms before he escaped.

The Jedis ȧssured Palpatine that Anakin regained his arms using Tony's machines but Palpatine wasn't comforted by it.

Palpatine knew from his master that the number of midi-chlorian went down proportionally with the amount real body a person had. While Anakin should still have an overwhelming midi-chlorian count, it was much lower than what the boy had before.

Palpatine tried to contact his apprentice to reprimand him but his calls weren't answered. He tried to call one of the Separatist leaders under him but they also reported that they couldn't contact the Count.

Palpatine was just trying to find out what happened to Dooku when Mother Talzin contacted him. She demanded Palpatine return Maul.

Palpatine was just about to send ignore her but was able to as she showed him a picture of Dooku unconscious.

She didn't explain how she got Dooke as she just told Palpatine that she would trade one of his apprentices for another.

Palpatine didn't know why the Nightsisters were getting involved in all of this but he didn't want to deal with her right now. He tried to ignore her but he was then shown a picture of Ventress.

Mother Talzin didn't hide and told Palpatine that she made a deal with the Jedis. She caught Dooku and traded him so that the Jedis would let her 'daughter' go. Ventress was already on her way and Mother Talzin was preparing her side of the deal.

She told Palpatine that she was now using Force Magik to try and gain information from Dooku. This wasn't part of their deal but she thought that this action would help her 'family' stay on the good side of the Jedis.

She gave Palpatine a chance to keep his secret in exchange for her 'son'.

Palpatine was aware that Maul is alive but he wasn't aware of his other apprentice's location. He tried to tell her this but she didn't listen. She insisted that he get Maul quickly before her Magik succeeds.

She then told him that he knew the rough area where Maul is located. She couldn't get more accurate though.

She was planning to search every inch of the planet but then she remembered that Palpatine had an army at his disposal. She told Palpatine to use his Clone Troopers to search for her 'son'.


While it appeared that Mother Talzin was trying to help Palpatine keep his secret for the sake of being on the same(Dark) side. In truth, she was just doing what the Jedis told her to do.

Tony 'accidentally' triggered Order 66 and revealed to the Jedis the proficiency of the CTs to hunt down Jedis. Seeing them easily kill a Jedi, even a fake one, made them wary of the CTs.

They may have figured out a way to handle the CTs but they still didn't want to risk it. That was when Tony suggested that they use the clones to hunt down Maul for them.

Since the Jedis were preparing for all kinds of emergencies, they figured that having the CTs on another part of the galaxy would be better than having them all stay on Coruscant.

They told Mother Talzin to coerce Palpatine. They told her that Palpatine has a way to control the close and reminded her to ask for capture and not kill. They would handle Maul's transportation later.

They would leave Maul alone as long as Mother Talzin made sure Maul wouldn't be a threat to the galaxy. Tony made sure no part of the deal stated that they couldn't kill Maul in self-defense.


With everything that seems to be happening, Palpatine didn't resist and allowed himself to be blackmailed. He asked for the location but this just caused more problems.

According to Mother Talzin, Maul was currently on a planet that is part of the Council of Neutral Systems. It was a group consisting of planets that didn't want to take part in the war.

Those neutral systems were currently being protected by the Mandalorians. He heard reports that Jango was currently working for them. He was wondering if the original could somehow affect his clones.

Palpatine didn't have much time to hesitate though as Mother Talzin already starting counting down from 5.

Palpatine had no time to waste.

He sent part of the Republic's army over with the excuse that the Separatists were trying to take over those systems.

The communication ended and Palpatine contacted General Grievous next. He told the cyborg to send droids to Maul's location. He had to make sure that the Separatists were actually there to make things easier.

He was busy with his other problems that he didn't notice that his contact with Grievous had problems.

First of all, he forgot that he wasn't wearing his hood while contacting the cyborg. Next, he didn't notice that the communications cut-off for a brief moment.

He just gave the order without noticing that the Jedis were listening. Tony even replaced some of the commands without anyone noticing.

Instead of the planet, Grievous heard Palpatine send the Saparatist's army to attack Coruscant. The cyborg was already prepared to execute such a scenario so he didn't ask any questions.

Now, the Jedis have concrete evidence that Palpatine controlled the enemies. Aside from that, they also used this chance to send to space all the CTs that were stationed on Coruscant.

Tony and Anakin was recalled to Coruscant along with a select group of Jedis

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