Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 165 - Revenge of the Clones 2

Jedi Temple

Tony and Anakin's transport landed and they were welcomed by an empty Jedi Temple. Ahsoka was sent somewhere else as she was still too young to join the level of fight that was going to happen

When the two got off, the silence that greeted them made them feel weird. There were used to be at least a few younglings roaming around in their free time. They might try to sneak around but the Jedis still notice them. Now though, there was literally no one around that could be sensed.

There was no one around because the Jedi Council already evacuated the Temple. The only ones inside are the Astro-droids that control the Jedis' star-fighters as well as the Jedis called in.

Anakin sent R2 to prepare his fighter while Tony had JARVIS do last-minute checks.

They then proceeded to meet the rest of the Jedis who are in the Temple.

When they saw the rest, they were greeted by pairs of Jedis talking with each other.

Most of the Jedis were group based on their past relationship of Masters and Padawans as these relationships made them familiar with how the other Jedi operated. It wasn't all pairings however as some of them were grouped differently. There were others who were alone but there is one group that has more members than the others.

The group which is bigger than the other is Windu and the boys ( Kit Fisto (Tentacles), Saesee Tiin (2 big horns), Agen Kolar (multiple mini horns)).

They were a squad of Jedi who has done dangerous extermination operations together before.

(AN: If you have time to waste. Check out comic Star Wars Republic #65 and 66. It's a much better demonstration of the skills of the squad that was supposed to capture Palpatine. It should be stand-alone enough.)

They were talking with each other but they didn't have that serious of a mood when compared with the others

Fury: "All right boys. We're doing it just like the old days. But this time, we're arresting the Chancellor.

Stark, Skywalker. You're finally here. Let's start."

Windu already informed everyone of the incoming attack and already had every prepare their mobile suits and starfighters. He just waited for Tony to come so that they could do one last thing.

Windu: "Tony. You're a Jedi Knight now."


Windu: "Calm down. You're not required to get a Padawan. It's just weird having you remain as a Padawan when the rest are Knights."

Tony: "Fine."


After a short congratulatory greeting, the Jedis were sent on their various ȧssignments.

Windu and the boys went to capture Palpatine. Tony and Yoda also followed this group. Tony was going to handle the mob characters while Yoda was there as a backup in case of emergencies.

The rest were sent to guard the Destroyers until everything settles down.

No one was ȧssigned to protect Coruscant's surface because it would only be a waste of time to do so.

Coruscant has more than five thousand levels. The Jedis have control over the upper layers but that's about it. Even they weren't fully aware of what happens in the planet's lower levels.

Unless Grievous took all the droids he had from the battlefront across the galaxy, the Separatists wouldn't have a chance to control the Coruscant Underworld.

There are too many rooms and hidden structures below that Tony wasn't able to explore it with his near unlimited amount of clones. The Separatist's droids shouldn't be able to do any better considering that most of them are still the stupid B1 Battle droids.

The only concern the Jedis had is that someone would go inside the Temple and into the restricted Holocron vaults.

The concern wasn't going to be a problem as Tony already started refitting the Jedi Temple the moment the Council agreed to leave the Republic after the war is over.

Within a moment's notice, the pyramid-like structure of the Jedi Temple could rise and move away from Coruscant.

Shaak Ti, along with JARVIS and the other droids, should be able to repel most lone intruders. If there are many more intruders the defense team can handle, they could just launch the Jedi Temple into space and let the Jedi's with mobile suits handle the invaders.


In the Space Outside Coruscant

Qui-Gon was resting on his star-fighter waiting for the enemy to go when he decided to contact Anakin for a bit. He wanted to see how the boy he picked up years before has changed.

Qui-Gon: "Anakin. How are you faring?"

Anakin: "I'm fine master. I'm actually excited now that the war is about to end."

Obi-Wan: "Don't go too far too fast Anakin. We still have to defeat General Grievous First."

Anakin: "Yes Master"

Qui-Gon: "You should relax Obi-Wan. You may have forgotten but Anakin sounds just like you when you were younger. You're similar in almost all aspects. The only difference is that he decided to pursue his feelings."

Anakin: "Wha..."

Anakin was starting to panic at the hint that his relationship with Padme has been exposed. He thought that he hid the situation quite well so he didn't have any excuse prepared when Qui-Gon exposed the whole thing.

Obi-Wan: "You're genuinely surprised? I thought you were just play-hiding."

Anakin wanted to say something but the alarms in his star-fighter started sounding. They looked up to the projected hyperspace exit point and were greeted by a fleet of Separatist destroyers.

The fleet was just as they expected except for one thing. Instead of small starfighter-sized vulture droids surrounding the carriers, there were Vulture droids twice the size of the Jedi's mobile suits. There were a lot fewer Vulture droids than regularly though which should be because the production cost of the larger vulture droid is much higher than producing multiple small ones.

Obi-Wan: "Is it just me or are those..."

Anakin: "Dammit Tony."


Inside the Senate

Windu and the boys were going to the Chancellor's office but were intercepted by a squad of Clone Troopers.

The Jedis were a bit alarmed at the sight of Clone Troopers but Yoda went forward and handled the troopers.

Yoda: "A lot of you, there are."

CT: "Sir. We received a message that the senate is going to be under attack. We have evacuated the building according to the new evacuation protocol sent to our helmet. We have even made sure not to make contact with the Chancellor to confuse the attackers but the warnings that the senate is going to be under attack are still showing. We remained... "

Tony: "Oh right. That. Sorry. JARVIS."

After Tony commanded JARVIS, the prompts in their helmets stopped. Tony confirmed that the warning is gone, and then Yoda told the troopers that the Jedis would handle the rest. The CTs were sent to the hangars where they would be piloting their fighters and help repel the Separatist who just arrive.

CT: "Right away."

After the Troopers left, the group went to the Chancellor's office.

They thought they were going to be facing a platoon or something but there was just a pair of Red Guards on standby in Palpatine's room.

Palpatine: "Master Windu. Master Yoda. I thought Skywalker's incident with the Hutts has gone well. Having you two visit me must mean that something bad has happened."

Windu: "Chancellor. We received reports that the Sith have infiltrated the Senate and is planning to take control of the Republic."

Palpatine: "That's horrible. Tell me what I can do."

Since Palpatine didn't go and fight immediately, the Jedis went with plan B and played along. Tony went forward and showed Palpatine a ball made of nanites.

Tony: "Chancellor. You are probably going to be their primary target. You should wear this nanite suit so that you have some level of protection."

Tony approached Palpatine as if he was just doing his job when Palpatine stepped away from Tony.

Tony insisted that Palpatine wear the suit but the old man was just running around while refusing the offer.

The official reason Palpatine refused is that the Jedis needed all the protection they could get while they escort him but everyone knew that Palpatine was on guard against all of Tony's equipment.

The game of tag went on for a while but Palpatine still showed no signs of exhaustion. The situation ended when Tony threw the nanite ball straight down the back of Palpatine's head.

Palpatine tried to tilt his head and dodge but some of the ball suddenly exploded and some nanites splashed onto Palpatine.

Right after the explosion happened, the Red Guards that were stationed went to approach Palpatine. They immediately fell down though as Yoda used the Force to knock them down.

Palpatine: "Is all this really necessary Master Yoda?"

Palpatine still tried to remove the nanites with his hands when he noticed that the Jedis kept silent. He looked up and saw that the Jedis were just standing there staring at him.

Palpatine: "Tell me, Master Windu. Why are you really here?"

Windu: "It's over Darth Sidious. In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you're under arrest."

Palpatine: "In the name of the Senate?


Just as Palpatine said this, Palpatine emitted Force Lightning and directed it around his body.

The nanites acted like they were damaged by electricity. They fell down his head and clothes only to fall down the edge of his robes that cover the ground.

Tony: "Hey Palpatine. Before you fight, can you teach me how to use Force Lightning?"

Palpatine ignored the request as he extended his arms and lightsabers popped out of his robes.

Tony jumped back to avoid getting caught up in the fight.

Right at the moment Tony jumped away, Palpatine also jumped but he jumped towards Windu.

Palpatine used one of the lightsabers to strike at Windu's boys, while he used the other to block Windu's strikes.

Windu was able to fight but his boys weren't so lucky. They were able to block a few stricks but Palpatine's movements suddenly sped up. The change in pace surprises them. and caught them off guard.

Palpatine landed a strike on each of them, leaving Windu, Yoda, and Tony.

Palpatine and Windu continued fighting, dragging the fight all over the current floor.

Yoda didn't interfere in the fight but he still waited while also order Tony to look at the fallen Jedi.

Tony took a look and saw that none of them were decapitated. Some of them almost had their torsos cut off but they were still in one piece. Tony created some clones and let them handle the Jedis


Out in Mandalore

Jango Fett was currently standing with the other Mandalorian clan leaders. They were waiting for the leaders of Mandalore, Bo-Katan, and Satine, to decide.

Satine: "We can't go. We are supposed to be the leader of Neutral Systems. We all agreed not to participate in the war and we should follow it."

Bo-Katan: "That was because of politics. The Sith are different. "

They were still arguing when they received news of the Republic's fleet getting inside Neutral Systems' territory. Bo-Katan showed Satine the reports and told her sister to use this excuse.

Bo-Katan: "Here. They stepped in first. Now can we join the fight?"

Satine: "All right. You can go if you want. You just have to make sure to leave the starfighters here to guard the territory"

Bo-Katan: "That one's easy."

Bo-Katan pushed a buŧŧon on her wrist communicator. A few moments later, the Republic's starships could be seen right outside Mandalore.

Bo-Katan: "Look. Our ride just arrived."

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