Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 166 - Revenge of the Clones 3

After preparing, the Mandalorians, who were itching to join the fight, got on the Republic's Star Destroyers.

They boarded quickly as they were already prepared for battle. After they settled down, some had some weird gazes after they realized what happened.

As some of them didn't really pay attention, they just heard that the Republic trespassed onto Neutral territory.

When they were called to fight, some of the warriors thought that they were going to fend off the Republic's forces. Those mucle-brained wariors just noticed the situation after riding on their 'enemy's' ships.

The leaders of the Mandalorian clans noticed some confusion so they explained to the warriors what actually happened. The weilder of the Darksaber is calling for them and that the Republic's forces are currently under Bo-Katan's control.

The Mandalorians didn't have any objections about thedeployment but some did have some problems working with the clones. The leaders didn't really care about the copied Mandalorians working with/for them so they just gave instructions to treat the clones as members of Clan Fett


Inside the flagship's control room

Bo-Katan and Jango Fett, and the some Mandalorian leaders were currently organizing the fleet and making plans on how to join the war when a clone trooper interrupted their meeting.

CT: "Sir. General Stark sent us a reminder to execute the search before returning. It's just..."

Bo-Katan: "Isn't it just a message? The channel has already been prepared."

CT: "It's the message. We're not sure if it's appropriate to broadcast this message"

The CT didn't need any commands as he immediately played the message

"Hey Maul. Go back to your home. Your mother is calling for you..."

The message is followed up by some consequenceues. The problem is that the punishments are for juveniles.

If it wasn't a Jedi presonally giving the message, the troopers would just consider the message as a stray message that they would ignore.

The message didn't feel serious at all. There is even one warning where Maul should just start running as his mother is getting impatient. He should just continue hiding as his Mother has already picked up her slippers and is getting ready to hit him.

The trooper explained that they were still having doubts about broadcasting the message. They have some intel on Maul and knew that he has skills that could rival a Jedi. They thought that the message was too immature even if they were fellow Jedis/

The Mandalorians didn't get why the message is so immature but they didn't really think about it. Tony sent a message, prior to this, to make sure Maul recieves his message/ Since Tony gave the orders to broadcast the message, they ignored the CT's doubts and passed the message to Mandalore. Withing minutes, the message started circulating the Netrual territories.

They then went back to Coruscant, ignoring whatever tantrum Maul may have done. They used a shorter Hyperspace route that Tony's clones discovered during their free time.

Scouting for new hyperspace routes may have been an incredibly dangerous task for an explorer, but it was just a Kamikaze run for Tony's shadow clones.

With the travel time cut by almost half, Palpatine would soon have more problems on his plate.


Space Outside Coruscant

Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon were currently fighting the oversized vulture droids while approaching Grievous' ship. They may have remained unharmed but things weren't going well. The Jedis were outnumbered even with fighters acting as reinforcements. The Jedis plans of capturing all forces of the Sith at the same time is getting delayed

Qui-Gon: "We wouldn't be able to catch Grievous in time like this. You two. Go to the ship. Focus on getting on board and leave the rest to me."

After Qui-Gon said this, he went forward and attracted the attention of vulture droids.

Obi-Wan and Anakin used the chance to get closer to the ship. They were preparing to destroy the shield and board the ship when they heard an explosion coming on their communication channels.

Anakin: "What was that?"

Qui-Gon: "Sorry. That was me. Looks like I'm getting old for these kinds of fights."

Qui-Gon voice seemed calm but the two Jedis didn't feel reassured. They looked back and saw that Qui-Gon's craft has sustained large amounts of damage.

When they saw that Qui-Gon was in a predicamant, they both tried to fly back and help. They weren't able to go too far as they were stopped by Qui-Gon who noticed the two's reactions.

Qui-Gon: "Don't mind me and board the ship already"

Anakin: "But Master. Your ship wouldn't last long like that."

Obi-Wan: "Anakin's right. At least let us get you on board as well."

Qui-Gon refused the offer and told the two to board the ship.

The two did as intructed. They destroyed the shield generators and boarder the spaceship. They quickly cleaned up the droids in the landing bay, only to hear something ominous coming from Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon: "Don't worry. I've finished learning the way to retain consciousness after death. Dying isn't such a sad thing anymore as I can still help you after becoming one with the Force."

The two looked out at space only to witness Qui-Gon's spacecraft get hit by missiles and blaster beams.

The mechanical door then closed up, restoring the atmoshperc seal inside the spaceship.


The two Jedis were shocked as they just witnessed Qui-Gon's death. They were just getting at the point where they felt something when they heard Qui-Gon's voice again.

Qui-Gon: "Calm down you two."


Qui-Gon: "I already told you two that death is just a phase for me. I'll teach you how to do it later. For now, go and capture Grievous."

The two still didn't enderstand why they heard Qui-Gon's voice but they felt that it was really Qui-Gon talking to them. They followed his instructions and proceeded on their mission.

On their way, Qui-Gon started telling the two a bit about becoming a Force Ghost. After learning about Qui-Gon's situation, the two calmed down. They didn't have to worry too much as Qui-Gon is 'just' dead.

After the brief introduction to the new status of death, Anakin remembered Tony's deal with Mother Talzin. He was weirded out by Tony asking for Palpatine's soul to be captured or killed. Now, he finally understood why Palpatine has to be completely dead.


Meanwhile, on Coruscant

Windu was still fighting with Palpatine while Tony and Yoda watched and remained on guard. The two didn't join the fight as they were waiting for accidents that were about to happen.

Tony tried to search for hidden lightsabers and other weapons that Palpatine may have in his office when the accident that they were waiting for finally happened. It announced itself in the form of an elevator door opening


While the Jedi and Sith were fighting, the elevator doors started to open. Tony went to the elevator doors and greeted the new arrival.

Jar-jar: "Tony? Whatsa yousa doen hair?"

Tony: "Go back Jar Jar. The Chancellor is under guard. He couldn't receive guests right now even if he wanted to."

Jar-jar: "But da war. Wesa needen to evacuaten"

Tony: "It's fine. The gundams are outside. You should go first."

Tony tried to shoo away Jar-jar but the Gungan just wouldn't follow. Jar-Jar kept trying to get to Palpatine. Knowing that the conversation was getting to the point where he would be stupid if did not notice that Jar-jar was up to something, Tony stopped playing with Jar-jar.

He drew his lightsaber and told Jar-jar that Palpatine's life is being threatened right now. Jar-jar must talk to Palpatine later as Tony couldn't allow anyone to meet Palpatine at the moment.

Tony struck the floors as a threat, but Jar Jar just moved sideways and then continued moving. Tony didn't waste time any longer and placed his lightsaber on Jar-jar's neck.

Tony: "Go back Darth Jar-jar. You could still get out as you didn't do anything. If you continue this, I'm going to have to capture you"

Jar-Jar still tried to act dumb and it made Tony impatient. Tony felt that this was enough and made his move.

He tried slicing Jar-jar's face or his hands off, but Jar-jar jumped back and avoided the attacks.

Jar-jar's backflip looked comical but Tony felt Jar-jar's change as the Gungan started talking

Jar-jar: "That was close. You shouldn't go around waving that thing around your friends."

Tony: "You should have just kept quite and not try to help Palpatine."

Jar-Jar: "Fair point. Still, I couldn't just stay back and do nothing seeing as my apprentice is about to die. Especially since I still have to teach something to this student of mine. You can't expect me to stay still while he lead the Sith to ruin by disregarding the Rule of 2"

Jar-jar proceeded to ask a few questions while still trying to get past Tony. Tony played along and answered some questions while asking some questions about the Sith.

Tony used multiple lightsabers to make Jar-jar retreat but the Gungan kept dodging and avoiding the lightsabers.

Jar-jar was able to dodge the attacks easily at first but Tony slowly memorized Jar-jar's movements. After a few clashes, Tony and his clones had enough intel to start predicting Jar-jar's attacks

After Jar-jar was cornered, he started treating Tony seriously. He didn't bring any lightsaber along but he used of Force Lighting to try and disable a few of the flying lightsabers.

Along with the lightning sparks, Jar-jar also used various things to handle Tony. He used some vases and other furnitures around the place to try and hit Tony.

Tony kept Jar-jar busy by destroying all the furniture in the area but he got a little too focused on destroing Palpatine's things. He didn't notice Jar-jar spitting and only noticed that he had an opening after he was hit by something sticky.

Tony looked at his hand and saw that it was stuck to wall by some goo. He first thought that it was Spiderman's web fluid but he felt that it was far more 'icky'

TOny: "Ugh. What is this?"

Jar-jar: "Gungan water proofing. It's one of the few reasons I decided to stay Gungan. Give up and let me see my arrogant apprentice."

Jar-Jar had an easier time getting thought Tony's lighsabers without Tony's body blocking. He calmly went towards the room where WIndu and Palpatine was fighting when suddenly ducked.

A green lightsaber flew where his head was.

Yoda: "Hmm. Going to your apprentice, you are not."

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