Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 167 - Revenge of the clones 4

AN: So that moving Gundam thing just needs its head and then it is visually ready. I guess that Gundam was supposed to be finished earlier but the apocalypse happened and the engineers had no motivation to cram and finish it. Can't be sure tho because in my mind, Japanese are usually too busy that I can't imagine them cramming.



Tony is currently stuck to the wall, watching as Yoda kept Jar Jar busy and away from Palpatine.

While the two were preoccupied, Tony got himself off of the sticky fluid Jar Jar shot at him. After he got out, he went out of the way to make sure he wouldn't distract Yoda.

Yoda noticed Tony leaving and started accelerating. Compared to the usual speed that he used when training Jedis, he was now moving at speeds that most Jedis couldn't react against.

Tony was amazed that Yoda could still move that fast despite his age. He was more surprised with Jar Jar's ability though because while Yoda was moving as fast as he could, Jar Jar was still able to dodge all of Yoda's strikes.

Tony watched Jar Jar closely and felt that the Gungan wasn't really trying to fight Yoda. Jar Jar was just there to act as a delay for something.

Instead of shooting lightning or kicking, Jar Jar just used those openings to take a rest and taunt Yoda. Jar Jar tried to do Yoda's reversed sentences, but he just sounded like Crazy Yoda after the Jedi Master got high breathing whatever is in that swamp planet.

Tony didn't know what Jar-Jar was planning but he was sure that the guy was about to do something. He decided to do something to mess with him.

Tony tried to go back to Windu but Jar-Jar noticed him sneaking away and shot lightning at him. Tony tried to dodge but Jar Jar started throwing other objects at him until he was dragged into the fight.

Jar Jar: "Boring, this fight is. Help Yoda, yousa will."

Yoda noticed Jar Jar's intentions and thought that it was about time for Tony to do something. He told Tony to do that 'trick' and fight Jar Jar as well while also helping Windu.

Getting the green light, Tony sat down and started focusing.

Jar Jar was perplexed at Tony meditating in a fight. He didn't understand why Tony left himself so vulnerable that he backed off for a bit and asked Tony what he was doing.

Tony: "Shh. Quite, I need. Focus, I must."

Tony tried to look like he needed to focus as much as possible but he rarely meditated seriously. The only occasion he meditated was when he was told to do so and while someone was watching.

Jar-jar couldn't take the scene seriously so he made fun of Tony. He told Tony that he should just leave the meditating to the masters but stopped halfway.

In front of Jar Jar, multiple Tonys appeared out of thin air. Jar Jar first thought that they were all mere Force Projections, but he heard some things breaking and noticed some of Tony's bodies stepped on broken shards that were on the ground.

Jar Jar started to get nervous after seeing Tony's 'projections' affect matter. He got even more nervous after they 'projections' started arming themselves.

Lightsabers flew from the 'meditating' Tony and onto the hands of the other Tonys. They then started playing with their lightsabers.

Yoda: "Hmm. Surprised, are you?"

Jar-Jar: "Yousa... That's impossible. Such a thing is... That's supposed to be forbidden by the Jedis"

Tony: "Jedis? Haven't you heard? We're technically not Jedis anymore. Not sure if it will work but it should cause some problems when executing Order 66."

Jar Jar was surprised that the Jedis knew Order 66. He was depending on that to distract Yoda and the other Jedi Masters. It wasn't the only plan he had in mind but it was one of the plans that were conveniently appropriate for the situation. He decided to discard the plan since the Jedis looked prepared for it.

Jar Jar when with another plan and tried to sneak around and press something. Yoda and Tony noticed his movements and cooperated to get whatever Jar-Jar was touching.

They weren't able to stop Jar Jar and knew that they failed after they noticed things appeared to have happened. Not only is the surroundings shaking, but they also heard something.


Hearing Windu say this, they all knew that Jar Jar did something serious.


Space Outside Coruscant

Anakin and Obi-Wan were outside the Bridge, waiting for R2 to hack the doors. They didn't appear exhausted and looked to be in their best conditions.

Thanks to Qui-Gon exploiting his intangibility as a Force Ghost, the Jedis were easily able to go to the ship's Bridge. They encountered some droids on their way but since Qui-Gon would inform the Jedis before they met the droids, all those droids became scrap metal before they could do anything.

With Qui-Gon leading the way, most of the droids that would pose a threat to Anakin and Obi-Wan were destroyed. The only droids that should pose a threat are the staff-wielding MagnaGuards that Grievous keeps with him.

The two Jedis were preparing when Anakin noticed his communicators and found out that someone was calling. He picked up the call and heard Tony tell him to kill Grievous quickly.

Obi-Wan overheard the call and also heard that Anakin should use the Force to crush Dooku's remaining organic parts to kill Dooku quickly. Obi-Wan wanted to stop and talk but he heard Master Yoda's voice backing Tony.

Obi-Wan didn't know why they wanted to kill Grievous immediately but figured that something must have happened outside. He didn't try to stop Anakin any longer and just told Anakin to remember to control himself after.

They heard R2 beeping, telling them that he got access to the doors. The two Jedis prepared and then told R2 to open the doors.

Obi-Wan: "Hello there"

Grievous: "General Kenobi. We've been... [coughing sounds]"

Before Grievous could even finish talking, Anakin already raised his hands and was trying to Force Crush Grievous's internal organs. Anakin didn't have any problems searching for feelings to use as Grievous killed a lot of Jedis that Anakin was acquainted with.

Grievous tried to do something but Obi-Wan protected Anakin until the boy was finished.

Before long, Grievous's android body was laying on the ground.

After killing Grievous, the Jedis confronted the droid who tried to attack them as well as the MagnaGuards that were with Grievous. Since they didn't have a VIP/Senate that they had to protect, they were able to focus on fighting. They quickly destroyed all the droids in the vicinity.

They were about to report their success but Anakin saw something from the window and called Obi-Wan's attention to it.

Outside the window, they saw a huge puff of smoke on Coruscant's surface. Since it was visible even from outer space, they knew that something big must have happened on Coruscant.

They tried to contact the Jedis on the surface but most of the Jedis on the surface didn't answer. Tony replied that things were still unclear from below and asked them what they saw from outside.

Anakin described what he saw. Aside from the cloud of smoke, he also pointed out that he thought he saw a silhouette of something big.

The smoke started clearing up and they saw an incomplete frame of a huge Mecha moving. The mecha was humanoid like the Gundams but was 10 times larger than the mobile suits.

After describing what they saw, they heard Tony blaming himself for bringing mobile suits. What they heard next was mostly gibberish. They waited for Tony to calm down but what he said next confused them.

Tony asked if what they saw is a Jaeger or a Megazord. They didn't know what the difference was but Tony talked and said that they should just ignore what he just said.

Tony: "Look around you and check if there is a ship big enough to carry this robot."

The two Jedis looked at the battlefield and noticed a huge cargo ship. It wasn't directly above the mecha but it was in huge mecha's landing trajectory*. Since there was no other ship that could carry the things, they figured that that was the ship that dropped it.

* AN: Star wars Space battles are weird. There should still be some planetary rotation but the fights look like they are in geostationary orbit. I'm not sure whether the spaceships match the planet's rotation when they fight or if they just use anti-gravity to stay at the same place

Tony: "I've sent R2 fake holo-messages. Use Grievous's comms and tell the Separatists to surrender. Then, use the droids and what we have left to occupy that ship. Be careful because Jar Jar brought that one. We'll handle the one on the ground so just make sure Jar Jar couldn't remote detonate that ship or something. "

Anakin: "Occupy? We don't have enough men."

Tony: "Don't worry. The reinforcements are coming. Just tell Obi-Wan to be careful in case some of the clones execute Order 66."

Moments after Tony said this, the fleet from Mandalore got out of Hyperspace. Spaceships and Mandalorians got out of the ships and joined in the mess.


Back at the surface.

With the larger mecha joining the fight, Tony decided to stop holding back.

Tony and his clones ganged up on Jar Jar and punched the Gungan until he passed out. They didn't kill Jar Jar because he was still of use. He might still have some intel they need that they couldn't get from Palpatine.

They went to where Windu and Palpatine were and saw Windu looking out the window without Palpatine. He said that Palpatine disappeared after the explosion but he suspected that the guy was in the newly arrived mecha.

Not long after he said this, a black mobile suit, with a V-shaped horn, flew near the window close to him. It looked like Unicorn Gundam Banshee but with a V fin instead of a mohawk-like fin.

Windu: "The Shatterpoints are weird. There is one in that thing and there is another one below. Tony, look for Palpatine in case he went below. I'll make sure to destroy this one"

Windu jumped out of the window and boarder his Gundam.

After the Gundam's ċȯċkpit closed, the Banshee Gundam immediately transformed from its Unicorn mode to its Destroy mode. The suit's armor panels all over its body started moving, revealing a purple golden layer underneath. The purple golden layer then started glowing with a shade of purple similar to Windu's lightsaber.

(AN: Check Unicorn/Banshee Gundam Transformation on Youtube. Similar to that except black with purple glow)

Aside from the body armor panels, it's V fin also split into a W. The W then flipped around, turning into an M for Motherf*cker.

After the transformation, Windu drew two purple lightsabers and started hacking at the new mecha. Since the bigger mecha was slow and Windu used Shatterpoint without care, the machine was getting disassembled quickly.

Tony stayed to watch the transformation, as well as see Windu in action. He had a hard time looking for crystals that match Windu's lightsaber purple glow. He wanted to make sure his efforts weren't in vain as that purple color was much harder to replicate than he expected.

After seeing that everything went smoothly, he put his focus on his clones which jumped down. His clones were busy trying to find a running Palpatine.


While Windu was busy dismantling the large mecha using his Motherf*cker suit, Tony and clones were on the ground looking for traces of Palpatine.

It was hard looking for Palpatine so Tony didn't hold back and created as many clones as he can. He would leave once he killed Palpatine anyway so he didn't mind revealing his clones to the galaxy. He even has a story prepared in case he needed to go back one day.

With Tony's clones multiplying every second, he was soon able to cover the Senate building and all the floors beneath it.

They saw a lot of footprints running away. Tony had enough manpower so he sent his clones to track all of them.

After taking a look at the whole area, he noticed that one of his clones was already in pursuit and on a trajectory that was heading towards the Jedi Temple. The tracks were going downwards, leading towards the lowest level of Coruscant that was beneath the Jedi Temple.

It was too much to just be a coincidence so Tony rushed towards the Jedi Temple.

When he got to it, he used the hidden passageways he memorized as well as his lightsabers in order to reach the lowest level of Coruscant that was below the Jedi Temple.

On his way down, he felt the Dark Side of the Force gradually overwhelming the light side. He felt that the Sith had something important down there as the Jedi Temple should have purified most of the Dark energies. The Sith shouldn't have gone there for a long time yet he still felt darkness coming from below.

He went down as fast as he could. He arrived on the first floor but he still kept digging because he felt that the source of this darkness was still below.

After getting through the lowest layer of metal, he finally found the source of the darkness. There was a Sith Temple below which appeared to be the source of that energy.

He looked around the temple and noticed that there were signs that people were here recently.

Traps might have been set up but he didn't have the time to spring each trap individually. He created more clones and had them all charge in.

The clones were able to trigger some traps but those traps were too old and didn't work properly.

The clones explored the Temple until they found something that looked suspicious.

There were a lot of Sith relics in the temple but a mirror was caught Tony's attention. Its frame was filled with runes that reminded him of Nightsisters' magik. There was a blue flame in front which attracted attention as this was the only flame in the Temple.

When he got near the mirror, he saw someone running in it. It reminded him of Palpatine but he couldn't be sure as the person was already far away.

He didn't know what to do so he got his clone to touch the mirror. The clone's hand passed through and the clone continued until he fell on the other side.

Tony checked to see if his clone was still part of his network. After seeing that the clone was still linked, he used the clone to investigate.

Inside the mirror was black space with a pathway. At the end of each pathway, there were some circles that looked similar to the mirror he first encountered. It wasn't completely identical though as there were runes that were definitely not in the mirror.

Tony was interested in the engravings so here created more clones to split the workload. A quarter of the clones looked at the engravings while the rest went to investigate the black space.

Tony's clones were slowly filling the area when he heard a mȧturė yet familiar voice call his name.


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