AN: Spoiler warning. There are stuff from MCU

This will probably be in all chapters but still just to warn you guys

Watch End Game for easier time reading.

1 Week Old

Tony: Finally done with the hospital. I liked those nurses but damn it I can't even do anything.

Tony was just released from the hospital after all check-ups and procedures. He was the heir to one of the most important companies in America so they really took good care of him. At first, he was handled by special nurses who were well trained. Unfortunately, inside the baby was the soul of an ȧduŀt. This Tony did not like being handled by most people, but the staff of the hospital did notice something. The baby was calm when he was handled by beautiful women. He behaves too good that it made people wonder if the baby was actually a newborn. Being that behaved was not something babies usually are.(AN: Sorry guys I am not a father so not sure about actual baby stuff)

The staff told Howard their observation and he immediately did what any rich father did. He hired many beautiful women to take care of him while also training some other women since these beautiful women were not actually full time nannies.

Maria(Mom): Seriously Howard, he is not even a month old and you're spoiling the hell out of him. If I didn't know any better, I would have suspected you of cheating on me with the amount of beautiful women you hired for Tony.

Howard: Well what can I say, I met this guy Potts who told be a very important quote. "No amount of money ever bought a second of time".

Howard: Well you remember the security breach last week. The one where the Tesseract was found with a broken frame. We found fingerprints with no match. Now the smartest. guy in the facility is needed to make sure that those kinds of things never happen again. Now I don't have anytime to spend with Tony. Luckily he probably won't remember anything during this age so I might as well buy things for him. Since I can't spend my time I sure as hell will let him enjoy his baby life. And right now, the only thing we know he enjoys are those beautiful women. Which by the way, I am so proud of.

Maria sighed. She knew full well that her husband was busy with all that cube. That thing was a very powerful weapon that could have changed history. If not for Captain America, they would not have been able to win the war. The cube needed to be protected and the best possible man for the job of the designing the defences for it was him.

Maria: Fine, I get it, but don't come crying to me if my child's first words will be mama and sėxy.

Howard: Hey, I would do everything for the kid. He might not remember me as a loving dad but he sure as hell will remember me as one hell of a father.


Tony POV

The baby was currently looking asleep but he was checking out his current skill. He remembers the deal with god so he was trying to see if he could already use his skill. The whole time in the hospital he was not able to move as he was monitored 24/7. He could sense his skill but was not able to try it out. He would immediately be marked as a mutant if they saw multiple Tony's since his family was under surveillance for their own protection.

Tony: Well I feel smarter than before all this. At least I think I got the legendary brain which was able to design his own working time machine.

He was happy that his mind was that creative. He was trying to test if he also has an eidetic memory but so far no good test subject.

So after settling down, he started to feel his body again. He remembered that shadow clone needed chakra but he was not sure if he was able to use it yet. He knows that chakra exists but he was not sure if this was the same type of chakra as the one in Naruto world.

First he tried to check if there was something spiritually related near his stomach. He knew that this was usually the place where things were with all the novels and manga he read in his past life.


Ancient One POV

While Tony was looking inside his body, there was a spiritual being beside him who was currently watching him. This being knew that this baby contains a soul that is not from this world since he got a notice from someone. She also knows that this soul was informed of the conditions for his reincarnation.

As far as she was concerned as long as this soul was not a threat for earth, then she would not concern herself of whatever he would do. The problem is that this baby has great potential. She was sure because she checked all the futures involving this baby. There were futures were he would cause the destruction of the universe. There were also possibilities that would lead to his death. The one thing she was sure of, if this child supported Earth, then Earth would prosper.

At that moment, she decided to help this child so that at the very least he would not try to destroy this planet.

Ancient One: Hello child from another universe.

Tony: Wha.. oh it's just you. I was wondering when you would show up

Tony: Wait, how are you able to hear me, I am literally talking baby right now.

Ancient One: Well I am still able to hear your spirit even if I only hear cute sounds.

Tony: Astral projection related, makes sense. So what brings you here

AO: I'd offer tea before this conversation, but seeing as you need milk and I am sure you just got fed then I will get straight to it.

AO: I want to know what you intend to do with this life of yours. Also that guy informed me of things so you need not worry about explaining it again to me.

Tony: Well that help, since you know what that god said then I will get to it. I want to enjoy my life. I mean Tony Stark was a guy I envied and now I am him. I sure as hell would exploit this

AO: As long as you don't mess up with the universe then I have no qualms with what you do. Though considering your current situation, I would like to help you in exchange for a favor.

Tony: You do know that I am a baby right? Want me to call you mommy or something?

AO: Cute as that may sound, I would decline. I am offering to help you learn your powers and in exchange I would like you to help Earth survive.

Tony: That's a lot of burden you are placing at a baby

AO: On the contrary, I know that you know of the future of this earth. That I would one day be gone. What I ask is to simply not give up on Earth and let it die

Tony: Fine, but let live my life without any unnecessary tampering ok?

AO: It is settled then. Now for my end of the bargain. I am going to open you up to the mystical realm.

She went and held the baby's head. She passed all primary information a master of the mystic arts would know. She also helped him get a feeling to his chakra in order to activate his power.

As she helped him unlock his powers, he tried to feel what changes were happening to him right now. He felt some energy passing through his body. Originating from his dantian, flowing through all his limbs as well as his head. As the energy returned to his dantian, he felt exhaustion as he slowly passed out.

Meanwhile, the ancient one was opening all his chakra channels and making sure he was perfectly healthy, she wants to make sure that he would be grateful to her and not just think that he was taken advantage of. She also added a protection charm that would save his life once. After doing all this, she left a message in his mind to enjoy life and that she would not be contacting him until the age of heroes begin.


1 month old

Tony was starting to get the hang of baby life. It was especially awkward when he was brėȧst feeding but he got used to it as he was currently treated like a prince. There were beautiful ladies pampering him so that his parents would be able to rest as well.

Meanwhile he was training and building up his chakra so that he can create shadow clones. The first time he did it, he was able to create only one clone and he felt exhausted right away. Luckily he had smooth energy flow within his body so he did not overexert himself.

From then on, he started building up his dantian in order to help him support his shadow clones.


6 months old Tony

Tony was able to build up enough chakra inside his body to be able to support him creating a clone without getting tired. He was still unable to create another one but he was starting to get the hang of making clones.

Tony was currently walking around his playground while his parents and Jarvis were watching him.

They knew 3 months ago that Tony was smart. Howard knows that his kid could spell the moment they gave him letter blocks and started trying to make him say dad and mom.

They were surprised when he spelled some words right after reading him a book. Turns out he can remember stuff so they tried to teach him all the baby stuff. Problem is they forgot that his vocal chords were still not developed enough to talk. Besides, he was trying all the words in baby language to try talking properly. He might try later on but right now, he was focused on remembering all words in the baby language.

Baby language was interesting since he knew from interacting with another baby that all babies know it but he was pretty sure everyone forgets them when grow up. He was trying to learn things that he can only learn while he is a baby.

Suddenly he said. "Mama"

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