Author's Note:

So some were confused last chapter because of Jarvis being human

Turns out he was actually a living according to End Game movie


Tony is now 1 year old.

Today Howard and Maria was hosting a party for their son's first birthday. This was a small party as only their close friends were there. They knew that Tony would be introduced to the society as the next heir to the business but they decided to postpone it until after this.

One of the guests today was Peggy Carter. One of the founders of what would become SHEILD. She also brought her plus one, Steve Carter (Married name of Cap). (AN: Only way I can think of that makes the future names work)

He looked slightly different from his usual looks courtesy of some makeup. No one recognized him as Captain America since most of them thought that he died. There were only four persons who actually recognized him as the real Steve Rogers.

First was Peggy, she was surprised when he came back after some security breach happened on the headquarters. He told her that he was the one who caused the breach while explaining his circumstances. Of course he left out most of the information from the future as he knew what the consequences of messing up time will be.

She lowered the security for the HQ after learning this. This gave Howard the freedom to bond with his son.

Second and third persons were Howard and Maria Stark. Howard was close to Steve so he instantly recognized him. He also helped in modifying Steve's appearance in order to not mess things up. Maria knew as well since Howard did not stop talking about him whenever the war was mentioned in their conversation.

Steve and Maria were introduced. Steve needed Howard's help in making sure he didn't mess up so decided to tell Maria in order to get things done easier.

Last person who recognized him was Tony. He knew Steve was going to stay back in the past so looked out for him and watched carefully in order to meet his future friend.


Steve's POV

He looked at baby Tony who was currently eating his cake. He reminisced at thought of this baby's future. He knew that this child would save the world but he did not want that to happen. Unfortunately, he can't do anything since it would mess with time.

He reached down to pat Tony's head when the baby reached out and grabbed his watch.

This watch was not an actual watch but a time-space GPS. Steve was worried that storing it anywhere else might cause disasters so he was always wearing it. With the problematic things (Hydra) everywhere, he decided that this technology was safest near him. Besides, he was never sure if someone from the future might come for his help. He might not need to travel in time but people from the future time might need him back.

As Steve was trying to pull it back, Tony was grabbing it tightly and showed no signs of letting go. Howard noticed this and tried to pry the child's hand open.


Tony's POV

Tony (Thoughts): Never!!!! I know this thing is important and I am going to see what things I can do with this.

He struggled to not let the watch go. He knew that he can't do anything with it yet but he is going to try and keep it anyway.

Though now that I think about it. I need the Pym Particles first. They would have been more useful than this watch right now.

He let go of the watch. He was planning to join his father the next time he goes to the office.

Tony's thoughts: I have an idea. I will be clingy AF so that dad will bring me to his office. For now, I will just stir things up.


Jarvis' POV

Young master was enjoying his time. He was trying to get this weird watch but gave up. Though it was kind of weird since the watch was just some weird watch. Fortunately he let go, otherwise Sir Howard might have bought that watch for him.

Jarvis did not care that his young master had weird habits. He had seen the child do weirder things. There was a time when he saw the young master meditating like one of those hippies. It was a unique sight as the environment when he was meditating there was a unique feeling surrounding him.

There was also a time when he saw puffs of smoke as he entered the young master's room once. It caused an alarm as he thought that there was a some gas spread to his room. They found nothing so they decided to place animals at the exhaust vents of his room. This will ensure that the air in the room was clean while also preventing animal based diseases to affect the young master.

He was having a weird feeling as he saw that face of his young master. There were only two other people who knew about that face. One was busy trying to pry open young master's hand. The other was in some other place where the women were taking the time talking.

He was preparing for everything that his young master might do.


Howard's POV

Howard: Sorry Steve, this guy is spoiled since he can get practically anything he wants.

Steve: No problem. I actually might have an idea why he would be interested in this.

Howard: Really? Care to enlighten me?

Steve: You see, this thing was designed by someone special. He designed many great things in his time. This was one of his masterpieces.

Howard remembered that his friend travelled somewhere special after his crash. This travel changed Steve. He was still that good guy but now he didn't care serving in the military anymore. He wouldn't even work for our organization. He did say that he will explain things to us later on. He told me to continue searching for that plane he crashed in and that he would explain everything later.

Howard: You know I am getting disturbed by all these thing you're saying. I am supposed to be one of the greatest minds right now and even I am not familiar with some of the things you have shown me. As far as I can tell, you treat this friend of yours like he is smarter than me.

Steve laughed. If only Howard knew that the person who they were talking about was Howard's own son who sitting in their table.

Howard went back to Tony who looked like he was preparing to do something. When he reached his child, Tony went up to him, climbed up his body, and shouted "Horsieeeeee".

Howard laughed and then started acting like a horse. He knew that his son rarely does these kinds of things so he lets the kid enjoy this as one of their bonding moments.

All the men in the party laughed. The women continued chatting as they are used to the ramblings of the men.


After the party

Tony was currently laying on his crib, though calling it a bed with fences might be more appropriate term due to its size. He still has some energy due to the training he did for for the last year.

He was preparing his plan in order to go to his father's office. He decided to go there tomorrow while certain people are still working there.

Suddenly he felt something. He looked at his side only to see a portal closing, across it he saw a glimpse of the Eye of Agamotto, and a gift box dropping down. He opened it and inside was a juice pop along with a note.

Hey Tony

Remember when you said surprise me?

Well here it is.

Eat this and your shadow clone will be slightly upgraded.

Also Happy Birthday


This message will self destruct in 10 seconds.

Tony panicked, emptied the box and placed the note inside it. He figured that the container can usually contain the explosions when it comes to those kinds of messages. When he closed the lid, the box suddenly disappeared as if the whole thing was a hallucination. The only evidence was the juice pop.

Tony figured out who gave this to him. Since the Ancient One delivered it, this would be genuine. He picked the juice pop and started eating it. After finishing it, he tried to do his shadow clone technique.

He got bored and decided to just continue planning for his first field trip tomorrow.

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