Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 4 - 04 Field Trip part 1

Authors Comments

So this chapter might see some weird child treatment. Just ȧssume that Howard boasted about how different his child is from other kids so that people do not take too much caution with handling Tony (Diapers and other basic child care)


Tony woke up the next day. He clinged onto his dad and played horse until it was time for his father to work.

Tony did not let go until his father decided to bring him along.

Since Tony was still an infant, Howard was confident that his kid wouldn't be a security breach. He was thinking that even with a genius intellect for a 1 year old, what the child would see was too complicated to comprehend with his young mind.

Though safety was also a factor for leaving the child. He was not planning on bringing Tony to the dangerous laboratories.


Tony POV

Tony thoughts: Finally, I am going to the S.H.I.E.L.D HQ. This would probably be one of the few chances I will get to be here until I get invited as an Avenger so I should make this worth it.

Tony knew that he needed to spend his time wisely. He will never hear of S.H.I.E.L.D later since he would lose his access once his parents died.

He knew that Hank Pym would break away from S.H.I.E.L.D later. This would make those particles a myth that only Hank was able to produce.

The easiest way is to start early on while this egotistical man was still not that much of a prick.

Next would be the Tesseract. He was sure that he won't be able to get it but the research they had about it would be useful as well.

Other things would be taken care of if he still has time.


As Howard walked inside the building, he noticed that his kid was looking everywhere. He knew his child was smart so he thought that the child was interested in all the unfamiliar things.

Meanwhile, Tony was thinking on how to get around this place. The easiest easy is to get carried around everywhere. He remembers from his previous lifetime that ladies love babies and that was a point he would exploit.

As they were walking, Tony increased his charms to maximum. He said hi to everyone and baby talked. He balanced his acting to make sure that he looked like a smart baby but not to the point that people felt creepy.

Within an hour, all the ladies knew that there was a very adorable baby in the building.

They were excited since people rarely their kids. And they can't bring them after a certain age since it would be a security risk.

All women were watching the windows of their rooms to check if they would be lucky to encounter the mini celebrity.

First part of the plan successful.

Howard toured his kid to his office first. The problem was all the paperwork. This bored Tony so he decided to just bring his child on a tour.

It was a success since most women would open their doors once they saw them, or more spefically

Kids usually liked animal so he made sure to drop by Hank Pym's lab. They might not have one of the best relationstionships but Janet was a nice person.

She might help watch over Tony while he prepared something for his son.


Hank Pym POV

He was currently pissed with his co worker. He saw Howard approach his room when his wife (AN: Sorry don't know if they are so just going just going to ȧssume they are already married. Won't affect their future anyways)

He saw his wife suddenly move and carry the kid. Things happened so fast that he just saw his wife playing with the kid with a giant ant.

Years of him doing research and developing and what is it used for? To use as a pet for akid to ride on.

He tried to lecture Janet but when he saw the kid interested with the giant ant shrinking and growing, he can't stop himself from showing of a bit.

He was careless since he saw the kid as a regular child. He started boasting about his research in an exaggerated way. It helped that Tony looked really interested and played ball as well.

Hank got too into it that he started to reveal the secrets to the ant's changes. He was confident that there was no recording devices since he built his own security system for his room.

Only he and Janet knew how the miniturizing technology worked and the baby was not wearing clothing that could hide a recording device due to their massive sizes.

He told the kid how he manufactured the particles. How the sizes regulators worked.

It was not that specific but with this working theory, even Howard could recreate it given time.

He did not know that inside this baby was a soul of an ȧduŀt.

That is why Tony decided to hide a vial when Hank was showing his stock. With the way they were using the particles playing with him, the couple did not notice a vial missing.

Tony also decided to leave a shadow clone in the air vents. Though ȧduŀts could not fit in the vents a child's body was easily able to fit inside.

Tony was now also in a friendly relationship with the ants so they were not alarmed by the clone.

Howard picked Tony up afterwards and they continued the tour.

To be continued


afterscene credits

(just the end of things related to the pym particles )


They did not trigger security alarms and no cameras caught him since he was already inside the room.

This clone was specially created by Tony so it able to create another clone. Both clones systematically processed the whole laboratory remembering everything they could possibly get access to. Even the settings of the equipment was known.

They were now able to create a clone of the laboratory given the materials

The clones were released afterwards and the original was able to know all there is to know with the particles currently.


Went to Hank Pym's room, stole a pym particle vial while also learning about the stuff. Afterwards he got a copy of the lab in his mind

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