Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 5 - 05 Field Trip Part 2

Author's Note: Sorry was late. needed to research some info so that I don't mix details and info later on

also no chapter tommorow. week end but still need to prepare since enrollment just started

also romance will he grows up cuz pairing a 1 year old is just weird


After Howard picked Tony up from the Ant-Laboratory. Howard continued showing his son the whole place.

Most of the laboratories were still in research phase. They might be showing favorable results but they were yet to be called stable. That is why he decided to not include those areas in the tour.

One of the facilities he knew was stable was the arc reactor room. This was the device he developed alongside another man. A man who wanted to use this technology to make money

Tony was going to be inheriting the family business so he might as well get acquainted with all the technology.

Howard carried Tony with him throughout the building.



The device resembled a donut with coils and wires wound up all over the place. It was not yet complete as the thing was exposed and not light was given off yet.

This was another arc reactor under construction. SHIELD needed their own power source due to the number of experiments being done in the facility. Howard realised that making some of them could reduce the building's reliance over the national grid.

Though the device was expensive to build, this was their only choice. The other option was nuclear reactors. (Manhattan proj completed by 1946) That would create more problems than solutions.

Coal and oil power plants just released too much pollution for nearby humans. Other types of facilities were either low output or not suitable to their location.

Tony knew that with this thing under construction, there was bound to be blueprints and other stuff related to its construction.

He showed interest so Howard brought him to a working one. He could not be called a father if he brought his son inside a construction area.

Tony did not mind as he knew that its prototypes would still be around in the future.

He was brought to a working arc reactor. That was his queue to show interest in some glowing object.

As he was brought closer, he thought of how all his future career would depend on this thing. Even he was impressed with the real Tony as this arc reactor was way too big and that he figured out a way to fit this inside his ċhėst.

He knew he needed to prepare for the future as soon as possible. He knew that the future had certain events that needed to happen. He also knew that with most rules, there would also be loopholes. A way to manipulate events without affecting the future significantly.

He knew he had to be careful in learning about the loopholes. One thing he learned from the old Tony is that time is a tricky thing to manipulate. You mess with time, and time usually messes you back.

After a bit of self thought, he returned to trying to learn everything he can about everything he sees.

While he was looking around the experimental product, he saw blueprint of the arc reactor laying around in one of the tables. He looked at it a bit then decided to play it smart. He pointed at the arc reactor and the blueprint, switching between the two every few seconds.


Howard was shocked when Tony started pointing between the arc reactor and its blueprints. This was not a blueprint that could easily be related to the arc reactors. Parts of blueprints of complicated devices were rarely discernable by non-professionals much less children.

After a while, Tony decided to show off a bit in order to get things done faster. He reached out to the blueprint and decided to point it out to the actual part in the arc reactor.

Howard was did not have that much of a common sense. That is not unusual to scientist that do serious work. That is why instead of just praising Tony, he decided to do something weird. Tony's plan was a success.

Howard decided to test his kid right now. He had Jarvis retrieve some blueprints of other plans such as tesla coils, rail guns, and others that he had access to that had components that were sort of similar.

Jarvis knew what his master was planning so he already mixed the papers up before laying them near Master Tony.

Thought understanding blueprints was hard, it was still possible for a child to ȧssemble based on them just like playing with Lego. Kids might not understand what they built but they can still build stuff.

Tony's test was almost the same as following the lego instructions but completely working with papers.(Sorry if this is kind of confusing but hopefully you guys get it) Tony went to the papers and started grouping them together.

Actually, even the old soul in Tony would not be able to piece this papers together. He had no idea how the connect to each other other than the obvious parts. Fortunately, blueprints were designed to be readable. They still had information below the pages.

Even though the parts started to form 3d structures in his mind, piecing these parts together would still take some time. Time that he currently wanted to use for gathering data and not analysis.

That is why Tony cheated by reading the information below each page. Of course he faked looking at each part while slipping a few glimpses in the information part.

He knew he was being tested and Tony wanted to show that he had great spatial analysis. He did not want them thinking that he already knew how to read. Though his family did start teaching him letters a month ago. Spatial analysis is more important than memorizing combinations of symbols when it comes to technology.

Tony wanted to be already be revealed as a special genius early on. He would only be regarded as a common genius if he started reading those thing so he decided to cheat a bit.(AN: Hey cheating not caught is not illegal. Haha)

Tony grouped them up by device while spending less and less time after each blueprint. He wanted to make sure he was not caught reading. After the time it takes to cook and eat a cup noodles, he was able to finish grouping the blueprints up.

Jarvis POV

He was currently amazed with the speed Tony was completing their tests. This kind of thing was not common even for genius children.

Jarvis was also starting to be concerned about the current situation so he decided to close the blinds on the windows.

He knew that Master Howard did make a lot of enemy over the years. Enemies that still posed a threat to the family. People discovering that Master Tony was an even bigger genius would give them more problems than they already had.

Master Howard would be increasing the pace of what young master would be subjected to for his lesson. They both knew that only special education would support the genius but looks like even that was going to be insufficient for the potential master was showing.

He planned to talk with Master Howard regarding all the stuff that they would be doing.


Howard was proud of his son right now. Just passed his first birthday and already proving to be a bigger genius than himself.

He was thinking on how to improve the genius that is his son. He wanted to make sure that his son would be a beacon for the world. (AN: just wanted to emphasize Howard did put the greater good than personal good)

After doing the experiment, they packed up and deleted all traces of this test being done. The only other people that could possibly know of this would be Maria, Ana Jarvis. Possibly Steve and Peggy.

Thus they continued to the final stop of the trip. The Tesseract

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