AN: So I remembered Be a Man from Mulan with this at first


but then I remebered live action won't have Mushu so I'm sad

Actually I wanted to boycot the live action movie because of Mushu and the song supposedly not going to be featured.



Tony got started with his training. Since he was just getting started, he did not get combat training immediately. He first needed to learn the movements so he created the maximum amount of basic clones he can along with a single proper clone for some light sparring.

The basic clones were to learn all the common combat forms and techniques. This included their body development trainings.

This was different. His body got inside this contraption that stretched his body everywhere. The machine was designed to stretch every single joint and ligaments without damaging his body.

This was a gentler way of preparing his body. They did not need to dislocate his body before stretching it since he was still a kid. The body was softer than an ȧduŀt body. They just got him twisted and pulled in all directions.

He always woke up the next day with his body aching at some place/s. Though it was not all pain. He grew an inch for a while due to all that stretching.


After the first week, the proper clone became a punching bag. It got hit everywhere by the king but did not disappear.

King T'Chaka realised that pain experienced did not need to accompany an equivalent amount of damage. He got the lab to produce a sort of punching glove so that he could attack without holding himself back by a lot. It was releasing bursts of current that simulated the nerves while reducing the damage inflicted.

By the end of the second week, Tony got used to the fighting that he started to dodge some attacks. Tony easily memorised his movement habits to the point that when T'Chaka was attacking, he can guess where the hit would lang. It became noticable that the instinct development training was failing.

T'Chaka decided to fight at night and later, at places with low to none ambient light. Tony even got a mask that basically makes him a blind man.

This kind of training helped Tony more that T'Chaka expected. Tony seemed to be more sėnsɨtɨvė to his surroundings now that he was not depending on his eyesight as much.

By the end of the month, Tony finished all the basic training. Though he is still not ready to be the black panther, he was comptent enough to last a fight without his armor.

All the clan leaders got the news. They were not convinced that Tony was already competent. Their warriors usually trained for at least a year to get acknowledged. They brought warriors to test Tony again.


It was different this time. Tony did not wear his repulsor equipment to prove his competency. Of course the warriors also did not bring their weapons and equipment. Both sides just had common cloth outfits.

The fight lasted longer this time but the council members were more focused. This fight displayed more skill than power.

Tony was not able to easily knock out his opponent with his almost 5 year old body. He could only depend on technique to make his opponents yield.


Tony jumped around everywhere.

He already got stamina since he exercised before this training. Now, he used his size to zip around his opponents.

Tony finished the fight without getting hit. Though he dropped down due to exhaustion after every fight.

The council members even applauded after the fights. They were genuinely impressed with Tony's development. He was a good fighter that they would not oppose if he ever needs to have the powers of the black panther when he grew up. This was ȧssuming he maintained this rate of development.

This however raised the bar for the next black panther.

They did not need for the next Black Panther to be a genius of Tony's level. He can even start training as soon as he is able to. But if the next black panther could not match Tony's performance by the same age, then they just might try and ask Tony to be the Black Panther.

Now that they have seen a new limit on how powerful a child could be, they won't just settle for any successor.

If Tony knew this, then he might have slowed down his development a bit. He did not want the power for a reason. That power is unreliable. It could be taken away. If he ever got that, he might be more reliant on that power than his own skills.


T'Chaka saw the council liking Tony's performance.

T'Chaka: Now that he proved his capability, I want to take him for his first hunt.

(AN: Hey I'm just ȧssuming they have those rite of passage/ coming of age tests)

The council thought about it and nodded. The first hunt was a tradition to see if the kid is could even be a warrior. If he can't succeed the hunt then he might as well be a crafter.

Tony: Oooh, I'm going on a hunt? When do we start. Finally I can go out. I am bored with all those trainings. I have bȧrėly seen anything else in Wakanda.

T'Chaka: Relax, we don't really mean hunt wild animals. They are already dying on their own, no need for us to speed things up.

Tony: Then what do I hunt, those slavers?

T'Chaka: Exactly, those are the animals you should be hunting.

Tony: Ok, that's cool,. Let me get my armor then lets go.

T'Chaka: No hurry, we can set out at night.


Since they freed the captive, he was getting ready to set off.

All of a sudden, he felt a some bad feeling(killing intent) directed at him.

Tony jumped to the side when he suddenly heard a bang.

It turns out that one of the slavers managed to get his hands on a gun.

Tony felt more of that bad feeling from the same guy but his nanites were already deployed before the first shot was even fired.

Tony saw the guy and tried to shoot him again with his repulsers.

T'Chaka suddenly appeared out from one of the shadows.

T'Chaka:Good. That feeling you felt, that is killing intent, now you have finally passed the last test.

Tony: What? You mean the final test was to actually survive getting killed?

T'Chaka: " Well no, it is more of what you will do when you are faced with true killing intent. You see, killing intent is something you can only trully feel from an enemy who wants to kill you. That and people who have killed a lot of people like a serial killer.

We can try to expose you to our killing intent but it is not the same. The feeling of that bloodlust is just not the same. If you did not even detect that, then you should not even be a warrior. Or if you got frozen from facing it head on. It does not matter since you acted better than expected.

Also, you should have killed the guy. There are some people who just don't learn. You leaving them to live now might cause you or your family to suffer later. But that is for another time.

Now, congratulations.


Welcome to the Golden Tribe


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