Meanwhile in America during the 2nd week of training

Tony and Steve just landed on a passenger plane. They joined the film crew's flight back.

Tony was just walking out of the plane when he suddenly pulled back by Steve.

Steve had already experienced so many wars so he immediately knew that someone was watching them maliciously.

Steve then communicated with Tony using hand signs that there is something wrong. He was also warning the Tony verbally to let wait for him while Steve was getting their bags.

Tony also felt something weird so he decided to trust Steve.

Just as they passed the security check, Steve noticed a group of men that seem to be waiting for them. Steve noticed this and checked them out. They were not people sent by Howard nor were they agents sent by the government.

He knew they were trained based on their body language. Luckily, there were still plenty of people around. The did not seem to want to do their action now.

Steve and Tony waited for their ride which was supposed to pick them up.


Steve: Hey Jarvis, there might be some people following us. Are they on our side or do they work for the enemy.

Jarvis: I do not recall hiring some group that you are not aware of sir.

Steve: Then check if someone is tailing us.

The car drove to a burger king drive -through to go get some cheeseburgers.

Tony was eating his burger while giving Steve some advice.

Tony: Hey, check if they're Hydra or someone else. I don't recall an order for me in the surveillance feed.

Steve just nodded and left the car when the car drove around the building.

Jarvis was busy with the order and informing Howard of a possible kidnapping incident.


Steve sneaked to the car that was following them.

He saw a van and 6 people inside.

He moved on the opposite direction of where Tony and Jarvis are.

He saw a garbage bin with a circular metal cover . He got it on his left hand while his right hand held a can of cola still unopened.

He suddenly ran to the car threw the can. The driver was rolling his window to let some fresh air in when the can hit him straight to the head and knocked the driver out.

The others inside were surprised but immediately evacuated the vehicle. They surrounded Steve and started a fight.

Steve kicked a guy that launched the poor man to his comrade. The three left reached for their guns but Steve threw a garbage can cover that bounce off the three knocking them out as well.

Steve went for the driver and shook him awake.

Driver: Hey man I'm just the driver, all I heard was kidnapping some kid I swear.

Steve punched the guy out cold again and searched the other men.

He went to the guy that seemed like the leader. To check for clues. He got a picture Tony and the number of the license plate with a hundred thousand dollars at the back.

He then recognized everyone and had a problem. None of these guys were the ones watching them at the airport. Those people seemed to be trained while these were just a bunch of thugs.

Steve went back and told them to go back first.


Howard and Maria were concerned with Tony almost getting kidnapped. They were about to go out and hire a platoon of ex-military to guard Tony when Tony decided to calm them down.

Tony: Relax, I will show you something that might make things weird.

The clone Tony created a clone with the least possible consumption he can.

CTony1: And the best part is.

CTony1 got a fork and hit the other clone on the hand.

The second clone disappeared to smoke.

CTony showed the same hand that he stabbed on his clone.

CTony: I don't get hurt even if they get hurt or die.

Maria was happy that his son had powers that can make him safe.

Howard however had a complex reaction.

He was happy as well but his background with the military made things complicated. He remembered an incident with people with powers that did not end well.

Howard: So, are you a mutant? You know that the military is not especially fond of mutants.

CTony: No? At least I don't think so.

Howard sighed. He had just finished the first part of his life long work when this happens. His son was getting targeted. Now his son could possibly be a mutant.


Sort of flashback

Howard had no particular aversion to mutants. His encounter with them was on a more scientific basis. When he was still working with Dr. Erskine, they worked with samples of mutant cells that seemed to be more active than human cells.

This was how Erskine developed the super soldier serum. He had samples of cells from mutants that were performing better than human cells. He was able to use chemicals to modify the cells to act like mutant cells. With the samples he had, he created the serum that can enhance humans.

The problem is the energy used when the cells changed. Since the process was instantaneous, the amount of energy needed for the transformation also needed to be present already. There was no way for the cells to absorb energy from food at that speed. Even stuffing yourself with high energy food for days before would not help since humans can only store so much energy into fat.

The reason Red Skull became a skull was because of the insufficient energy while in transformation. The body needed to get as much energy fast so all the unnecessary cells were consumed by the priority cells. When the process was over, there was already no fat cells left. There was just no way for the Red Skull to grow fat on his face if there was no fat cells to grow anymore.

That was where Howard came in. If the body cannot store enough energy for the transformation, then they could supply the energy while in transformation. Though it was more appropriate to say that they would bombard the energy directly to the cells. The Vita-rays were supposed to be the external energy source that would get used up to power the transformation.


Clone Tony started to panic. He did not have a body as well so get stabbed by a syringe would make him disappear.

CTony: Ah about that, I think I am scared of needles.

Howard: Nonsense, you never feared anything ever since you were born much less needles.

CTony was silent. He really did not want to get expose.

CTony: Ummmmm. I got my fear during movie taping?

Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. (AN: Japanese staring coldly sound effect)

Howard just stared flatly at Tony.

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