Tony was just getting his flight equipment from his luggage. He was just going to fly to the roof and sneak in from the roof access door.

He just reached to his bag when a portal opened below it. Tony immediately threw all his other bags to the hole and then jumped in himself.

Tony just landed to the floor and without even looking, he spoke.

Tony: Ok Ancient One, what's up with the guard dog at the entrance.

Ancient One: I would like to remind you not to talk impulsively. Carelessly discussing this kind of info would have messed up the timeline if there were eavesdroppers.

Tony: Luckily, I am having the discussion with the current master of the time stone.

AO: Guardian. And I prefer not to use the power of an infinity stone for things like gossip

Tony: And yet you draw power from the Dark Dimension

Ancient one was surprised with what Tony said.

Tony: What's with that look? Have you forgotten my origin?

AO: No, it's just that I did not expect your reaction with such information.

Tony: What? You expected me to stop you from drawing power from Dormammu?

AO: Well, a bit, yes, you are destined to be a hero after all.

Tony: I think you know of a future where I created Ultron and almost annihilated humanity. Now tell me, did it feel like I hesitated like any other hero should?

AO: That person was a completely different Tony Stark.

Tony: Of course he is, but I do share his sentiment. You are aware of my current activities correct?

AO: Ah do you mean your manipulation of Hydra, I don't see the relation with that and my powers from the dark dimension?

Tony: Yes, you see, while Hydra is a bad organization, I did not annihilate them just to maintain the timeline. I left them surviving in order to increase achieve my goals. I don't care about the source of power as long as I can control the power.

AO: Fair point, but I don't think that you saying that would help in you eventually becoming the next sorcerer supreme.

Tony: "Nope, won't even try it. I'll leave that to Strange. I am too lazy to always be on duty protecting Earth.

And Why does everyone want me to inherit their jobs. Can't they wait for their own successors"


Ancient One gave Tony some tea after he finished ranting about getting annoyed by everyone.

Tony: Ooh this is some nice tea. Now where were we. Oh right, why the guard dog.

AO: Ah. You see, Kamartaj is a place that collects those who are broken. It may be with the body or the mind but nevertheless broken.

Tony: And there is no reason for someone of my age and identity to be broken without the public knowing about it.

AO: I do enjoy conversing with smart people, makes explanations unnecessary.

AO: I actually just wanted to give you a gift and since you would have access to all information when you are here anyway I figured I would just send something entertaining. Though I am surprised you did not bring a pet with you.

Tony: I could have brought Dum-E, one of my robots, but I remembered that the electricity would have been scarce at Nepal. And I can't just install an arc reactor there now can I.

AO: What about a more biological pet? I always pictured your original life having some dog since you feel like a dog person.

Tony:" Ah yeah I did have a labrador before. Such a stupid dog. I really miss it though. But I really did not want to own such a fragile pet in this world.

You know what would possibly happen to me and I don't think any normal pet would survive that. Even if I can extend its lifespan, it would still not be enough. I can leave them somewhere but would just be me being a bad owner.


AO: It would indeed be hard for those creatures to survive your life. But you did say normal, I am ȧssuming you have an abnormal pet in mind.

Tony: You caught on that huh, yeah I heard about Kunlun having this super unique animal.

AO: Ah you mean Shou-lao, indeed dragons would be able to survive what would happen but I doubt he would become your pet.

Tony: Not planning to get that one, too old. But I'm not sure if he has any way to find out if there are eggs that would hatch though. Do you have any suggestions?

AO: It would take time to even find one of those eggs. Though I know of a pet that would also fit your criteria. Have you ever thought of adopting a would be orphan cat?

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