Tony: Goose? Can I even stop it from eating me?

Ancient One: Perhaps not, but I could help you build a bond starting now. I don't guarantee the cat would like you but I could guarantee that it won't try to eat you.

Tony: And what would be the price for this favor?

AO: What makes you think that I would exchange this for a favor.

Tony: Law of Equivalent Exchange

AO: That should only apply to alchemy, and not even alchemy of this Earth

Tony: Say that to the soul stone, now what do I do to repay you?

AO: Since you are asking, I would like for you to do the ff ....

Tony: Wait, it's not that much to reject but why do you even need me to do that?

AO: This is just a precaution. The moment you arrived, plenty futures have been altered. Although you did your part in preventing total chaos, there is still uncertainties that I hope do not occur.

Tony: What, you mean my actions and manipulations are still not enough to secure the timeline I aimed for?

AO: On the contrary, you controlling the growth of technology has actually improved Earth's fighting chance. The battle of New York for example, there would be less casualties with only your actions so far.

Tony: But what?

AO: But the problem is that Earth would be in more danger as well. With great power

Ancient One paused and waited for Tony to give a reply.

Tony: What, you expect me to say, great responsibility?

Ancient One: Comes a whole lot of crazy sh*t.

Tony was speechless. This was certainly true but he did not expect it this sort of language from Ancient One herself.

Moving on

Ancient One: So, do you agree with the conditions?

Tony: Yeah why not, it does not even take much effort anyway. Now how is your end of the bargain going to work?

AO: Like this, now be careful and follow my lead

The ancient one suddenly opened a portal to one of the rooms of the sanctum.

She did some more magic stuff and suddenly a woman dropped from the ceiling and sat directly on a chair. After she settled down a bit, a yellow also dropped and landed at the woman's ŀȧp.

Ancient One: Hello, miss Wendy Lawson, or should I address you as Mar-Vell?

Lawson: Lawson would be fine, and this right here is Goose, and what would I address the two of you?

Ancient One: My name is not important anymore, but if you need to, you may address me as Ancient One. While this person here is my apprentice Antonio.

Lawson: Now that the introductions are done, which side are you on?

AO: Neither, we are only here to make sure you don't affect Earth in your war. Now tell me why a Kree scientist such as yourself hiding in our primitive planet?

Lawson: Not that primitive if people of your planet could already do short range teleportation like that.

AO: This would just be a toy compared to your race's technology. But please answer my question

Lawson replied on how she went here to research on the tesseract. That she was just hoping to stop the war.


While the two were verifying that they were not each other's enemies.

A tray suddenly appeared on Tony's hand. He checked it and inside were different things. There was cat food, raw meat, raw fish, as well as some fruits.

Tony acted like his age and started trying to attract Goose. Lawson saw this and just left Goose at the floor. She did expect that Tony would pick the big chunk of raw meat to try and attract Goose.

Goose suddenly jumped to Tony's hand and ate up the chunk of meat. The cat then nestled in Tony's arms as it was just digesting it's food. It seemed quite content after eating just a chunk of meat almost the same size as it.

Lawson: Wha.... you know about Goose? And what was that meat from from to make her this full.

Ancient One: "Dragon meat, you might have heard of some stories about such creatures.

Goose was the main reason we contacted you in the first place. "

Tony just continued petting Goose when he heard of the meat's origin. Meanwhile he was thinking to himself "How are you supposed to help me ask for help from a dragon when you look like you hunt them for sport"

Lawson: So all that talk?

Tony: Was just some immigration questions. It was always the foreign wildlife that damage the environment so we tend to watch out for them. Anyway

Tony looked to the Ancient One who nodded

Tony: Welcome to Earth

Lawson: As long as he doesn't affect my work, but I am currently situated in this secret facility so I'm not so sure how your apprentice would be able to accompany me there.

Tony: Project PEGASUS correct? Don't worry, I will be there, but I would be. looking like this.

Tony looked to the Ancient One who applied some magic on him.

All of a sudden, Tony looked like the 18 year old version of himself. This was a part of his deal with the Ancient One.

Lawson: He does look old enough to work there, but how are you going to be going entering the project.

Tony: Just leave it to us. But it would make it easier if you could have an opening in your research team.

Lawson: That can be arranged, but you would need to help in the research otherwise I would have a hard time keeping you there

Ancient One: That you would not have to worry about. I can ȧssure you that my apprentice could remember anything with just a look.


Tony created a clone that the Ancient One transformed and sent to his way. Tony also sent a command to Zola to arrange for the clone's identity and job.


Ancient One: Now that was not how first days here in Kamartaj usually goes. Can we go back to magic now?

Tony: Hey, don't blame me. You're the one getting sidetracked here remember. But I suppose so, where do we start?

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