Tony spent the next few days controlling the Symbiote body to bond with his internal organs. He was not going to be using it anytime soon so he might as well just let it protect his body. This way, any bullets or other piercing weapons would never reach his organs. It would also help his symbiote body grow back to full energy since he could absorb energy from his body. He knew that his own food consumption would not likely be able to satisfy it but at least he knows that no external influences will be able to affect it until he took full control.


Tony got ready to retrieve the Darkhold. Since he did not get an artifact, Tony settled for a Vibranium weapon as well as his portable armor.

Tony got transported by Ancient One outside the town. The town was peaceful and Tony easily found the house where the book is supposed to be buried.

Tony checked out the surroundings. The house looked abandoned and the garden was overgrown with weed. Tony checked the area for signs of life but his nanites did not detect any signs of life.

He entered the house slowly and just as he entered, he felt a chill. He checked the nanites but there was no fluctuation in the temperature around him. He wondered if that was just his imagination but did not disregard that feeling.

Just a few days ago, he learned how to conquer a body. Him seeing ghosts does not seem that impossible to him right now. His armor was also mostly electromechanical so JARVIS might not be able to detect any changes in the mystical side of things.

As Tony went inside the house, the main door we went through suddenly slammed shut. He got startled and conjured shields on both his arms. "Damn it, this is one of the times I hate being here. Back home horror movies were just movies. Here, souls and ghosts can pop out from nowhere"

As he walked inside, the walls creaked and Tony hurried to the basement. He used a magic spell to find the exact point where the book was buried.

He got a couple of clones to do the digging and soon he held the book in his hands.

Tony: Red skull and Whitehall(AN:A HYDRA research head) were not able to find this. Even Fury would not be able to find this in the future but here it is. I guess magic item can only be found using magical skills. Well, that and destiny.

As Tony was packing the book inside one of the pouches he prepared to contain it, an ethereal entity was rising from the ground and starting to approach his back.

When Tony turned to go back to the stairs, he was surprised by what he saw.

Tony:" Mot*******er, what the hell"

?: Who are you and what are you doing with the Book of Sins

Tony got to see what he was talking to and it looked like a skeleton. He was wondering what he is since ghosts should still have a hint of their previous life. "You first, you look like Ghost Rider but why are you not burning"

The skeleton did not continue with his scare tactics since it did not seem to work on Tony. He also couldn't do anything scarier since he was conserving his powers.

?: "It is rare to see a person calm while looking at me. I am the spirit of who you call Ghost Rider. It is just that someone used the hellfire to burn a very evil soul recently and the hellfire is still recovering.

Now, why have you unearthed the Book of Sin.


Tony felt a little awkward. He figured out who that evil soul was. Ooops

Tony: Oh yeah, about that, you see, about this book.

He thought about lying to the spirit but did not proceed since he might get caught.

Tony: I want to read the book. I need this to complete some things I need.

?: You do not lie, but I do not recommend you do that. People only get corrupted after opening that book.

Tony: Well good thing I can handle it then. No seriously, try you eye voodoo on me or something if you want to.

?: You are a sorcerer. I guess you are the one she spoke of. I trust that you know how to handle this book?

T:"I got this, never let anyone else read it. And if things become a problem, destroy it. Any thing else?"

?: You seem to have two souls in your body but there is no conflict of control. You don't look that old so how did you figure out how to maintain such a balance between the two of you? I am curious as most of my hosts reject me at first and took years before they embrace what they have become.

Tony remembered that the symbiote body was still bonded to him and that should be what it felt. He paused for a bit trying to figure out how to reply without possibly revealing anything. He did not know of the spirit after all.

T: Haha, what should I say? Well you see, me and my other resident are of the same nature. Since we enjoy almost the same things, we rarely get into conflicts if we do at all.

The spirit just sighed, most of the Ghost Riders become what they are due to the contract with the Devil. There was only a rare instance where it could match up to someone of similar nature.

?: It is of no help to me. I shall leave now, I trust that you take care of the book properly.

Tony ȧssured the spirit and waved goodbye as it slowly vanished.

Tony then went out of the house and back to Kamartaj.

Tony reported to the Ancient One about his success. She just reminded him to not look at the contents directly and that he should prepare for departure once he got what he wanted.

Tony created the clone and prepared to read it. The book could affect how the brain's cells worked so he let the clones read it first. That way any physical harm would only be on the clone's body and not on his real body.

Tony looked at the book. This was the only thing left to study and he would graduate. He wanted to read Ancient One's personal library but she said that he would have all the time in the future so just wait patiently.

Tony: So, you're supposed to contain knowledge on how to build what I want the most?

Tony then decided to hypnotize his clones into wanting a way to create matter out of nothing. Tony then ordered the hypnotized clones to create more until the maximum they can.

The clones started to read and when they felt partially overwhelmed, they immediately dispersed themselves. They did until Tony realized what the object was and stopped. After processing what he read, he closed the book and laughed.

Tony: Now why would I want to build a dimensional portal to Hell? You stupid book. You really think you can trap me with that?

Tony went back to the Ancient One and reported what he found out.

Ancient One was secretly spying on Tony so she did not care about his report anymore. Since Tony figured out a way to get information without getting corrupted, she felt at ease and got Wang's arrangements ready.

There was a meeting of the Masters to officially recognize Wang as a master. Since All-Black was not presentable, Tony decided to just use the Darkhold as a magic relic. The other masters did not care about the book since even jars could be relics. Having a magic book was not that rare.

Ancient One: Master Wang. Now that you are officially a master, I would like you to man the Sanctum at Antarctica. It is an isolated place so you should be able to do your research without concerns. Is there any objections?

The masters did not opposed her. She had led Kamartaj for a long time and it was still standing. They just wondered who would happily go to such a place but those concerns were silenced when Wang confidently accepted his ȧssignment.

(AN: Yep I create a sanctum in Antartica. But remember that all Sanctums are in the Northern hemisphere. Had to create one down where people won't ever go so that they know of Wang but rarely see him.

Also, the defenses of Earth is incredibly imbalanced and I don't want Australia getting affected by magic. That place already has all those crazy creatures, imagine if they get Domammufied and the snakes, spiders and all those deadly animals there suddenly go Godzilla, the Leviathans of thanos would get rekt)

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