Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 40 - Antartic and Years 5

Tony looked out the window and saw a vast field of white. He was currently in Antartica Sanctum where it is freezing.

The Sanctum was not that well maintained and there was no proper heating. The house is set up as dark color to absorb heat and had runes to prevent snow from stockpiling on any place around it.

This was a Sanctum rarely any one came to. It didn't even have a room of relics. This was supposed to be an unmanned outpost that Ancient Once arranged for Wang.

As part of her requests in exchange for the introduction for Goose, which was progressing slowly btw, she asked him to renovate and cloak the sanctum.

Since no one ever set foot this far in land, they did not particularly hide the sanctum. It was a huge black spot on the middle of snow fields. But with the emergence of satellite technology, people would start looking for discoveries in places never focused on before.

Governments did not focus their satellites here before due to the war but now is a time of peace and espionage. A random mansion in the middle of the Antartica was surely to interest anyone who noticed it.

Tony started by bringing some of his backup arc reactors here and set up a heating system.

He then prepared a computer system to act as one of JARVIS' offsite backup system. He set up hardlines for data transfer since he can't tap the satellite network for such a huge data transfer without affecting their primary services.

They have not yet launched their own satellites since JARVIS was allocating all those money buying companies and slowly conquering the world market. Starks did not need their own network yet since "their" current network was sufficient.

He tested after setup "Hey JARVIS, you there?"

JARVIS:" Not completely sir but still ready"

Tony ordered him to use the "toy" quad copters Tony designed to be equipped with spray paint and color this house. This was only a temporary solution since he intended to build his own base anyway. He got a clone to maintain the portal while JARVIS is getting copied and preparing the materials.


While JARVIS was busy renovating the house, Tony decided to go out to greet his neighbors.

He searched for some penguins since it was summer here in Antartica. (AN: almost end/dec of 1982). He found a group after flying for some time.

He did not want to disturb them so he hovered on top. He did not know which penguins they are since he never studied the different kinds of penguins.

After enjoying the view, he headed back but discovered some blip in his radar. Tony decided to check them out and saw poachers who have caught a few penguins on board.

Tony was ticked since he just saw those penguins before and enjoyed the sight of them in the wild. (AN: I don't think anyone would not enjoy a sight of penguins)

He used the nanites to emit radio signals effectively jamming the boat's communications. He then boarded the boat where he saw some men.

Tony: Seriously? Of all the things to you can do, you go poaching?

Man1: Who are you? why do you care what we do? Rich people buy them and we just get their money.

The others agreed and reacted the same. No one seemed to be hesitant so Tony did not need to listen and blasted everyone off the boat.

One of the men still on board. He questioned why he was doing this and pleaded that they had a family but Tony replied "I can't have people going here anymore and I doubt your family even cares about you. "

He then proceeded to blast them all to the sea. The others should have frozen to death since only a few remained floating. He then created a portal and transported the boat back to the Sanctum.


Tony checked the captive penguins and noticed their injury. He decided to take care of them here since the group of penguins he saw earlier did not match features with most of these penguins. He would let them heal and release them to their group once he saw them.

Tony also checked the id's while clearing the boat. He asked Zola to check on them and see if they had families and who their employers/ coworkers were. He arranged ȧssassinations for those guilty of the same things while supporting the orphans through some of his subsidiary company's charity. There were rarely widows since those killed usually had a crappy relationships.

Soon, black market supply of Antartic penguins became nonexistent since all those who accepted jobs were vanishing. The low end sellers were afraid while the high end did not care about such small jobs like poaching.



With the success in the local networks of SHIELD and the unified architectures of the computers, the prototype network started getting popular that the US Government wanted to standardise it. Unfortunately for them, Tony already expected this. He was also getting impatient without internet so he immediately released the protocols for Internet under his name.

Since all computers are secretly made by Stark Industries, the protocols for internet was easily compatible with all devices. All the manufacturers just got the software to connect to the "internet" prepared.

US Government wanted to get the ownership of the internet from Stark. Stark Industries was getting out of their control in producing civilian technology and the politicians did not like it. They wanted to secretly add functions for espionage but they were blocked by SHIELD and HYDRA undercover agents. SHIELD did not want outsiders getting those intel and Tony got Zola to protect Stark Industries.

Little did everyone know that JARVIS' subroutine was already hidden in all the computer chips Stark Industries made.

Though the control of internet was a failure, the US gov. was able to request for a specialised network for all the military communications. The politicians, in a vengeful reaction with Howard's refusal, did not want to hire Stark Industries but most the higher ups of the military opposed. Stark supported the military with his tech throughout the war and they would be damned if they chose another company for the contract if they could choose the Stark.


Captains Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau were picked by Wendy Lawson to be the test pilots in her project. Though Tony has learned how to fly jets, he needed to be more of an observer than the pilot when doing test flights.

"Antonio" was very helpful and it got to the point were Wendy trusted him to bring him during her tests on her light-speed engine. She really needed the help and only "Antonio" could keep up with her work due to his familiarity with extraterrestrial life.

Though Antonio was not able to help much in the design phase of the light-speed engine. He did learn how the professor was extracting energy from the Tesseract and even helped her during the construction phase.

He learned plenty of things from her since Tony only had access to information regarding Earth. Things like how Kree Pistols work and how to create artificial gravity. He also learned that using the jump points for space travel would leave traces thus she needed to create a light-speed engine for a more discrete way of interstellar travel.

Since Antonio was already aware of her being an alien, she slowly introduced him to the Skrulls that she was working with in the project. Toni did not know that some of the people he was working with are Skrulls but already expected as much. When they finally revealed themselves to him, they were met with a bored look and a question. "Can you transform into a dragon?", they shook their head and Toni followed with "How about a slime? can you transform into a slime?" They still replied no much to "Antonio's" dissappointment. He thought he could get a few lessons for his symbiote body.

They were surprised with Toni's reaction and that a human did not look repulsed with them, just disappointment.

Toni warned them that only he would react like that and that they should still be careful when dealing with other humans. The humans were particularly judgemental even to other humans. He did not tell them about how mutants were going to be treated but they knew did not need to know about those to tell.

Tony got along with Goose quite well. He treated the Flerken like an untrained cat that just wants food or sleep and they got along well. It annoys him when he tries to work but a slab of beef would usually distract the cat enough to not annoy him. There was a time the clone was attacked when he tried to see if Goose is a he or a she. Tony never checked without asking it again.


During the times when they were on breaks, Toni flirted with Carol. (AN: Antonio is Tony's 18 y.o. form so). She was the only single person around him there. All the researches were old and had others. Even Maria Rambeau was seeing someone. Though he struck out with her most of the time, she sometimes flirted back when she was bored. There was a time they made out but they never got together for anything.



Tony finally tracked down Ivan Romanoff. He and his wife was settling down in Stalingrad because his wife was about to give birth.

(AN: Sorry not sure how Russian naming works so might have wrong father's name)

When Romanoff, Natalia Alianovna was recorded as the name of their daughter, Tony immediately made a clone as a double to replace him and his human body went to Russia to meet the baby.

At the room, Tony saw a couple of guards watching the room she was supposed to be in.

He sneaked in to her room using his personal Ant-Man suit, and checked the baby. He was not sure if the soul stone would return her soul due to it being returned back to Vormir. If it did, this would be one of the possible points she would come back.

Tony got the nanites to disable any form of monitoring. He then resized back and looked at the sleeping baby. She had a a trace of red hair and looked like an angel. He used the nanites to take a photo of the baby as well as a couple of selfies with her and the name tag on her crib. He immediately sent in through the network to JARVIS to back it up. He was going to tease her with this in the future.

When all the pictures and DNA and tissue samples were taken, Tony went to wake the baby up. He formed the nanites to Tony's mark 7 helmet and looked at the baby that was just opening her eyes. He was disappointed since the baby showed no signs of intelligence. He then let the nanites form a light show to entertain the baby while getting himself ready to leave.

As he shrunk back, the baby cried and the guards went in to check. They saw nothing wrong so they called the nurse to check up on her.



During his last year of High School (in a boarding school). Tony was dared to hack the Pentagon as his Senior Prank. Tony complied and even took the time to actually hack their systems without the help of any of his AI's. It went well until he almost got caught by one of the traps set up in the system. Luckily, JARVIS came to the rescue and disabled the trap before it can alert anyone.

Tony then left a Tony was here file inside a folder and dated it. He then printed papers with the same thing in the printers and fax machines just to make sure everyone knew a guy named Tony hacked into the Pentagon.



Tony went to MIT. He met James Rhodes when he was settling down in his dorm room. He was his roommate. They hit it off well. Rhodey was Tony's guardian since Tony still can't drink in parties.

Tony also got a drivers license. Though Tony can use magic, he still bought cars to ride in. He just loved the feeling of driving sometimes.

Tony won a robot design award for building Dum-E. Though it was more of showing up with an older Dum-E since he already built the robot way back.


Spring break. Tony waited for Rhodey to get drunk and got himself wasted. He also prepared a camera when he would wake Rhodey up the next day. The guy was with a tranny and Tony wanted some materials to tease his best friend with in the years to come.

Also, Tony graduated top of his class.

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