Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 41 - Years 5.5 (J Training)

AN: Bit out of nowhere start but trying some things out

You should understand what J means after this


The following scenes occured from (1983 - 1987)

Shang Chi: "You have learned everything that I can teach you. You have also bested me in martial techniques. Other than your body's development, there is nothing more I can teach you. You are now ready."

Wang dropped to the floor due to exhaustion. He just fought with his master in purely martial arts techniques for his final test. It took all he had to bȧrėly defeat him and this was with Shang Chi matching his body's force output.


Wang(Tony) met Shang Chi after the renovations(only) of the Antartic Sanctum was finished.

The Ten Rings posted a bounty on Shang's head due to his actilns against the organization. He had to hide for some time.

Tony got a request from Ancient One to help Shang Chi hide for a short time if he could. Tony had the most safe houses across the world so it was natural for Ancient One to ask him for help.

Tony appeared to help him with the identity of a Wang at first. Though Shang Chi did not know who Wang was, he knew of the sorcerers.

Shang was in opposite sides with his father and they were an enemy of his father so they could be considered Shang's non enemies. (AN: An enemy of your enemy is not immediately your friend)

During the time Shang was still trained by his father, the man had clashed with the masters of mystic arts multiple times. The man complained numerous times on how hard it was to send spies to infiltrate that group. He specially got annoyed on how the sorcerers could just go appear from random places out of nowhere.

Shang Chi knew his father was evil so he decided to trust this Wang guy for now. They went to a safe house where he was supposed to lay low for a couple of days.

The two shared almost nothing in common. One is a person who is on the path towards Buddhahood. The other, was enjoying his life in the material world.They only had martial arts in common so they sparred for the next few days.

Shang believed in knowing a man's character through the way he fights so he continued sparring to get to know him. Though Wang is materialistic, the man was decisive and had an upright character.

The heat on Shang went down and they were getting ready to leave. Shang wanted to repay Wang but the he noticed how careless the man spent his money. It was clear that Wang had no need for monetary repayment. It would bȧrėly take an effect based on the way the man spends it. The only thing he could offer was his skills.

It is now a question of Wang's willingness to learn from him.

Tony wanted to master all kinds of skills a regular human could have in case he ever lost access to all his technology, clones, and symbiote body.

Shang got started with the basics and checked to see if Wang was patient enough to learn. Wang already mastered most of the martial arts in the world, thanks to Steve and T'Chaka training during childhood, so he might not have patience to learn.

Wang bȧrėly managed to listen before almost failing Shang's test. Fortunately, he noticed how precise the focus of Shang is on each movements accuracy. He decided to learn the movements from scratch again and passed the secret test. (AN:With martial arts masters, everything usually is some kind of test)


Shang Chi noticed Wang's potential in learning and that Wang's body was in the best possible condition for martial arts (Wakanda based body training machines were always maintaining Tony's body).

Shang decided to take Wang as his official disciple if the guy wanted to. (AN: official > disciple in name > instructor/instructee is supposed to be the leveles in martial arts? someone correct me if I'm wrong)

When Wang was about to tell his new master about his true identity, Shang stopped him.

Shang's father is a practitioner of some kind of mystic arts as well so Shang felt it was better to not learn of the secrets of his disciple. In case Shang is ever captured and his memories extracted, they would never know anything crucial related to Wang or the other masters of mystic arts.


He taught Wang everything he knew as a proper master to his disciple. Things like qi, pressure points were easier to comprehend for Tony since he based his supernatural power on Naruto and was familiar. Qi was used to augment the user enabling him to punch through bricks and other items. A thing normal human body could not do.

Tony can use his chakra like qi but Shang noted that his chakra was not the same as qi.(AN: yeah not mixing the two cause CN vs JP)

Tony would have to spend larger quantities of chakra for the same purpose. Tony was already building up a large quantity of chakra anyway so he was not concerned of the consumption.


Tony was also taught to control his nervous system. It would enable him to control his body like monks.

The technique needed for the user to first learn to clear his mind of all things. He would then feel his body and eventually focus on his nerve groups. He could then start to learn how to individually trigger each set of nerves.

With practice, a person should be able to manually control the nerves of his body. This could be used to numb or heighten the senses or parts of his body. Shang demonstrated a particular application by slicing his arm. Using the technique, the wound bled slower and clotted more easily.

Shang did not need to injure himself though. Tony wanted to learn the technique even just for the numbing and heightened senses alone. It would help Tony get a good reputation when he officially started his playboy phase.

Tony was raised in a more conservative society in his previous life and was not actually that confident that could fill the shoes of the previous Tony. He was even flirting with Danvers just to practise since she might be a lesbian and striking out with her should not be as traumatizing.

AN: That went off course, now back to story.


Tony failed at the first problem. He did not succeed in clearing his mind.

As Tony was particularly inclined to use his mind, clearing his mind completely was an almost impossible task. He just had too many things in his mind to clear out and he was getting new ideas faster than he could clear them out. It took Tony years trying to clear his mind. Even last year (1986), Tony was still not able to do it.

It was coincidence when Shang said "If you had a way to observe your body, then you don't need to get stuck at the point where you need to clear your mind.".

Tony remembered that he had a symbiote body that could do just that. He got full control of the symbiote's whole body recently but it still did not give much augmented strength.

Tony immediately concentrated all the symbiote to one arm so that he could focus and bond down to the nerve cells. It was successful and Tony was able to focus on that part of his body.

Manual control using the symbiote and a few hundred tests and Tony was able to control the nerves in that area. He used the same process for all parts of his body and soon he mastered the skill.

Tony cheated to pass through that problem.


Part 2 1985-1987

During his days in college, Tony met a man named Franklin Hall.

Franklin Hall was the leading expert on the rare element Gravitonium. The man was giving a talk on MiT about Gravitonium in hopes of finding a backer that would fund his research. His work and theories with the Gravitonium were extensive. He just needed to discover the element in order to complete his work.

Tony heard of Gravitonium in his past life. Since he encountered Franklin Hall, he decided to acquire the element and monopolize it.

Gravitonium never apeared in the MCU, just the TV series Agents of SHIELD only, so Tony did not need to be careful about the timeline. TV timeline has too little effect on the MCU anyway that Tony decided to mess with it.

Tony sent one of his employees, the CEO of a mining company JARVIS had taken over, to act as an investor. Franklin Hall immediately accepted the offer.

They settled an agreement that all findings should credit Hall and that they could use his technology patent free.

Tony used his mining companies to search for the element. Even with all the mining companies actively searching, it still took almost 3 years to find the element. He personally oversaw the extraction and transported it to Antartica.

With the sample at hand, Tony was able to configure machines that could find and extract the element.

Tony mass produced the machines, equipped his clones, and harvested the all that he can.

Gravitonium is compatible with organic material, but Tony did not want to modify his human body with just gravity control. So Tony let his Sybiote body absorb the majority. While he left a portion. It should be enough to power what Tony was working on.

As the symbiote bonded back to his body, Tony tried to test his powers. Tony practiced with cups and other things that he found in his room.

WhenTony was confident of his control, hwent to the nursery where Tony used to treat the penguins.

Since some of them were not accepted by their groups when he returned them, Tony decided to raise those poor penguins. They were supposed to live in a more comfortable place but the penguins always returned to this old room they were treated in.

Tony picked out the smallest one first and he reversed the gravity applied to the penguin to raise them up then maintained its floating position. He felt no strain maintaining the situation so Tony also did the same thing to the other penguins.

Tony watched the penguins who were playing around flying in midair. He was proud of his accomplishment. "Those biologists would go nuts if they saw these guys. Who said penguins cannot fly? They just don't because they never met me. "


AN: If you still haven't figured it out, J means Jedi for Jedi training

I know it is just pseudo Jedi but I can't figure out how to do force push in Marvel using just hologram projection. yet

AN 2: If any of you are following Agents of SHIELD I already messed up their timeline big time. I really got bored after season 2 so not planning to make them suffer here

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