Janet Van Dyne: Hey Hope, have you prepared your stuff?

Hope: Yes mom, are you really leaving again?

Janet: Sorry dear, but guess where you're going to be staying tonight? At Stark's and guess who's there?

Hope: Really? I though he went to college?

Janet: Well he got home last week so you can stay with them. You're happy to be staying with your crush aren't you?

Hope: Mom!!!!

Hope was 7 years old now. She had a crush with Tony for as long as she remembered.

Unfortunately for her, Tony took care of her ever since she was a kid. So she was baby zoned.

Tony was back home since he just graduated and he was "taking a vacation". He did not go to other parties or went traveling yet since he knew that Wasp was going to be leaving anytime soon.

He knew this would be a hard time for Hope. He treated her like a little sister so he did not want for her to be as devastated with what was about to happen.


Janet went sub atomic and was lost in the quantum realm.

Hank was devastated and getting self destructive. He went to missions not thinking clearly and it started affecting the missions.

It went to the point that Howard had to force him to remove him from the missions and take a vacation. Hank misunderstood the decision and started getting more distrustful with SHIELD.

Hope, meanwhile, was left at the Stark's for the past 2 weeks while her father was going on his revenge run.

Tony helped Hope to cope with her loss since he knew that her father was not going to be doing that for the forseeable future.

He did not want her to give up and was trying to convince her that her mother might still be alive. No body was ever found so no one was completely sure of what happened to her.

He picked a fabricated plate for his arc reactor, just the front metal layer of the arc reactor with the triangle shape, and shrunk it down in front of her. He then said "See. This is what your parents were working on. I'm guessing this was what happend to her but only smaller. I don't know much more but your father does. Only you can learn about it from your father so don't give up on your mother. Don't lose faith that she is alive. Don't lose Hope"

She was convinced and believed that her mother could still be alive.

Tony made JARVIS prepare a chain and he made a necklace with the shrunk plate. He gave it to her so that she would not forget that her mother could still have survived.

He said that he can't do more since her father kept his work a secret. Her father created the technology and Tony just learned stuff from her mother. The only person who can know more was her. She could learn about everything from her father.

He then continued on how she just had to work hard and focus on science for now and learn about theoretical physics as well. Her father knew what happened to her mother so she just had to work hard until he would share everything with her.

He then made her promise not to tell anyone, not even her father, what he just showed her. He convinced her that telling this to anyone else would make people think she is crazy. They would just send her to crazy school and she would not be able to save her mother. She believed him and kept this a secret.

She was sent to boarding school after her father returned but she still persevered. She also got serious with her self-defense training and even got a black belt in a martial arts. This was mostly due to Tony since she saw him practicing on the garden when she woke up early from nightmares before. She continued practicing seriously since she felt that her movements were still not up to par with Tony's movements.

If Tony knew this he would have prayed "Sorry Scott, don't piss her off anymore. For your sake"

Tony gambled on a 7 year old girl keeping a secret. Fortunately, she kept her promise and never told anyone.


Leopold Fitz and Jemma Simmons were born. Tony had them set up for Stark Scholarships rather than their supposed SHIELD academy. They would become brilliant scientists, and more importantly loyal people so he was going to be poaching them from SHIELD.


Tony also went to visit Natasha every now and then. It was not just to refresh his tracking spells.

He was taking pictures of her with her family since she never will remember her family. She went down too hard and he wanted her to have some break.

Of course he also took videos of her in some embarrassing situations. Her baby picture with a very stupid haircut would surely destroy her infamous image of Black Widow. He considered this as payment for letting her know that her parents did love her.



Daisy/"Skye" Johnson was born.

She was going to be the Inhuman Quake. She would be able to produce vibrations that could match up to earthquakes so destructive and spanning the entire world. She would have been a good candidate for the Avengers.

Unfortunately, she would not be psychologically stable due to having a very messy childhood.

Due to her circumstances, she was kept under SHIELD protection. With crazy parents tracking her and causing deaths of people around her. They needed to move her between foster homes and that would leave quite a mark on her.

Tony decided to kidnap her and leave her under JARVIS' arrangements. That way, she would grow up well and he could monitor her. When she is mȧturė, he would help her gain her powers and help her control them.


Still 1988

Peter Quill was abducted by the ravagers.

Tony helped his mom prepare her final gift to him so he was able to sneak a ant sized clone of himself in the gift. Since the gift was brought along when they abducted Peter, he was able to sneak inside the Ravager ship.

Tony wanted to learn about space but did not expect much while stuck with Peter and the Ravagers. This clone's main priority was to change the mindset of Peter.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Too much trauma already settled for him to accept outside influence. "I guess this was what that god meant about some things cannot be changed"



Hank discovered Howard's failed replica of the Pym Particles and left SHIELD

Tony met with his father later and gloated. "I told you your lab at the Triskelion was too unsecure but you didn't listen"

"You little punk, of course I know that. But you know I had no choice. I can't upgrade the security that much. The particles would have reached HYDRA if I succeeded anyway so this is better"

"Oh well, just remember to honor the bet and give me the super soldier serum when you finish it"

"Fine. I am an atheist but God, I hope Erskine was wrong with the formula enhancing everything. Otherwise, I pity the world with someone as like you leading it to the next generation "

"Hey, the annoyed with me bit is just supposed to be an act. Why do I feel like you're actually serious when you pity the world"

AN: Not sure if Howard was actually an atheist but not relevant to the story anyway

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