
Wendy Lawson was doing final checks with the light speed engine. All the years of hard work is finally finished. All the simulations and tests in controlled environment were done too. Now, she was going to see her creation tested on the field in all of its glory.

Lawson decided to also tell Carol about the truth about herself. She was going to be leaving Earth soon and start rescuing refugees with the help of this light speed engine. The Skrulls in her team were already evacuated and she was the last non-human in their project. She will be disappearing suddenly since she can't leave the technology in human hands.

She was planning to leave Antonio with another engine, a way to compensate the humans for the resources she spent. She trusted him to take care of it but he refused. He suggested to not leave any working samples on record here on Earth. He would just build one later if the situation require of it. She knew Antonio's capabilities and had no doubt he can build a light speed engine for himself. She did not hesitate to pack everything that she can.

The only persons left she decided could learn of the situation are Carol and Maria. She decided not to tell Maria since her child could pose a security risk. Carol is the only one left who she deemed deserving to know of what will happen.


Tony was checking the controls and the screens in the ċȯċkpit. What he was doing was redundant since he did this for the last few days. Checking the stick and making sure that the sensors and circuits were all working properly. He was just acting though since JARVIS was also embedded in the system. He could have just sat there and the AI could have done all the work for him.

The truth was, Tony was accessing some secret compartments in the ċȯċkpit. Tony personally supervised and finished the ȧssembly of the ċȯċkpit. He was able to fit some small compartments here and there. He was now placing dozens of Ant sized clones inside those compartments.

Tony did not send anything special with the clones, not even miniaturised weapons or vibranium weapons. Kree might detect it and attract more attention to Earth in the process. The clones are just some type of construct so they should appear as toys at most. At least the Ravagers did not detect his clone as foreign life that tagged along with Quill.


After he finished what he was doing, Tony went to Wendy Lawson. "I should have designed the ċȯċkpit to fit three instead of two. I really want to see her reaction when you reveal everything to her."

Lawson: "I am not sure why you don't want to teleport there before we even arrived. But, I'll make sure to record and stream it to you on real time. You got one of my "smartwatch" so you can watch live. I believe I still have priority to transmit on the PEGASUS satellites. You don't have to worry about missing out."

Lawson pointed out to Tony's wrist. He was wearing a bracer/arm-guard on his left arm. This was a wrist computer that Lawson gave him. It was one of the older "smartwatch" she had back at her space lab. She configured it to use the Earth's satellite system. She disabled all advanced technology, like the interstellar communication system, but left an instructions manual on how things worked and which things never to use. She knew he would tamper with it later anyway so she left the instructions manual to make sure nothing bad happens.

Tony just received the bracer did not have the time to work on it yet. JARVIS was still not installed in it.

Tony replied after giving his thanks again for the gift. "You know why. Mystic arts is supposed to be a secret. We are not supposed to be flaunting that we are sorcerers to the whole world. If ever there were spies in your refugees, your enemies would only treat me as a very smart human."


Tony met with Carol and greeted her like normal. He also flirted with her as usual and she rejected most of the time.

This was part of the agreement they had. Since both of them did not want anything serious. They decided to not reveal things to anyone.

They were doing great acting. Most people did not notice a thing. The exception was Maria's daughter Monica.

After their night together, Carol went went to Maria's place to visit. It was all well and normal until Monica said that she looked happier for some reason. Maria said that it was just excitement for the upcoming test. Maria knew her well enough to know that her best friend was happy for some other reason. She knew her better than anyone else and could tell she seeing somebody. Carol was not the most emotional of people so Maria decided to wait for her to share.


They took of nicely and got some primary tests done.

Lawson told Carol about their destination and what it was.

The flight was peaceful until they were interrupted and intercepted by a spaceship. They had a dogfight but it did not end well for the two.


Tony was looking at multiple screens and monitoring everything happening simultaneously using multiple clones with a shared consciousness. Tony was taking things seriously now and making sure he did not miss out on any details.


Since JARVIS is embedded to the plane, it was able to stabilise the plane automatically and give Carol and Lawson a chance to bail out of the plane. It should have gone smoothly and they would have been launched out of the plane.

The problem was, their ejection levers were jammed. The clones Tony prepared were able to pull the jammed levers free. Sadly, those efforts were still pointless. The seats themselves were stuck as well and can't eject out of the plane. By the time the clones could free the seats, the plane already crashed.


Tony was conducting an experiment on this event. It is also a major experiment.

Tony knew that there are fixed points in time. Events in history that must always happen. These events would force themselves to happen whether anyone liked it or not. If they failed to occur, time may start a tantrum and that would create fractures in their universe.

Tony knew better than to change the events completely. He did still give it a try. If he succeeded in making them eject properly and saving the two, he could just let his clones jam them back to the seats. Carol needed to get her powers instead of letting Kree have the energy core and the light speed engine.

Tony was doing this experiment to see if he can find loopholes. A way to tamper with fixed points in time. Tony was prepared for the people's deaths and he was ready to accept it. It is just that he wanted to see if he can do something about it.

Tony did not like the feeling of not being able to do anything. The only other time he felt this helpless was during his death. Tony knew he would die since the two vehicles were coming to him too fast. In that moment, he though about jumping forward or backward. It would just lead to his body being launched flying before his eventual death. It seemed painful so he decided to just be sandwiched. He was not going to survive the impact anyway, at least he would be in the news as the "Guy Sandwhiched by Bus and Truck".

Tony was not that helpless anymore. He wanted to see the limits of what he could do.


Carol regained consciousness

She contacted the base and asked for rescue.

Tony's clones already dispersed after the crash. Some of them sneaked into different parts of Carol's body. Some were leaving the wreck and started keeping a look out. Watching and waiting for the Kree spaceship to land.

When the Kree ship landed and both Yon-Rogg and Minn-Erva left the ship, Tony created a portal at the forest nearby. He knew Kree Starforce works in small groups so no other spaceship should be coming.

Tony was able to arrive undetected. While Tony did not learn much from his clone sneaking with the Ravagers, he learned how they hid themselves to escape. They were a rowdy bunch but they are still able to roam planets relatively freely. He used this knowledge to sneak closer to the action without getting detected.

He can't hide himself if those Starforce members inside the ship started using the ship sensors to actively scan for him. But they were arrogant, knowing the technology level of C-53, they did not even give a quick scan since the only threat for them is Lawson.


Lawson was shot and Carol was having a stand-off with Yon-Rogg

Tony kept himself hidden waiting for Carol to shoot the power core and the light engine.

She finally did and the blast was a good enough cover. Tony was able to quite a few things.

1. He got Lawson's body, transport it to the his secret base at the Antartic, and place a decoy body he prepared.

2. A clone was able to hitchhike on Yon-Rogg.


Most of the clones that were aboard Carol were dispersed by the blast but one survived. He was hiding a lot deeper now since he was moved by the blast.


Yon-Rogg brought Carol to her ship and was preparing to depart.

They shot at Lawson's body with a special shot that disintegrated her body. The body was useless to them and but they did not want Terrans to experiment with it so they just disintegrated it.

The ship closed up and flew to space.

The real Tony looked at the spaceship as it went out of space. He then moved to the decoy body's debris and looked disappointed "I should have just created a fake body. This is just a waste of money. Wait why am I regretting spending money on this when I am rich? I guess owning the planet just didn't sink in to me yet."

JARVIS: "If I may voice my opinion, you have already gotten used with owning a planet. It is just that you spent too long in Korea interacting with Ajummas (Korean Old Married Women) and have taken some of their habits."

Tony did not like the opinion and said "JARVIS"

J:"Yes sir"

T: "Lower your self awareness parameter by half."

J: "Yes sir, Sorry sir."



Ajummas are different from just any Asian Old Married Women. Well I only know others from JP so I might still be wrong in my generalisation.

If any of you have been to Korea, I think you would feel the difference.

I am not sure about other parts of Korea but where I have been, it is like the definition of ajumma in the urban dictionary

They are like old women who had super-soldier serum and but with PMS. You just don't mess with them. Hell one time, I just passed by one and she insulted me for being non-Korean.

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