Tony went back to his base in Antartica.


After the renovations of the Sanctum was done, Tony started making his own base near it. Currently, it was just one short building in the middle of the ice fields. It was a wide 3 story building. It had a couple of underground rooms but not a complete underground layer.

Since Antartica's surface is mostly covered by an ice layer, it was unsafe to build a massive underground lair. The layers of ice usually melt and freeze up daily during summer. The total volume of water that compresses and expands is so much that it produces too much vibration that they are more destructive that earthquakes. These vibrations would easily strain the walls and pillars inside the underground lair making it unsafe.

While Tony is using Vibranium to collect the energy from these mini earthquakes and use them as another source of power for the base. He can't draw out all the vibrations without coating the walls with Vibranium. It would be too wasteful. He just used them on small secret rooms used for various important purposes.


Tony went to a bio lab inside the building.

This laboratory is equipped a prototype regeneration cradle based on the U-GIN program. Tony already prepared for Lawson's (Mar-Vell) repair so the cradle was immediately working on her body the second Tony got it from the blast incident.

Lawson was already too close to death when she arrived so the cradle is still working on her until now. It did not help that she was Kree instead of human so there was no blood available to transfuse for her. Tony couldn't have just extracted large quantities of blood from her before without her noticing and not asking questions.

Still, the cradle was able to stabilize her conditions to qualify as alive for now. Tony did not waste time and immediately pulled out her astral form from her body.

Lawson: Toni, what happened to the engine? Was Carol able to destroy it? What about the others?

Tony calmed her down and told her what happened. He also explained to her that the Kree were not able to retrieve the engine but they did get Carol. "She should have gained powers from the blast and the Kree retrieved her. I'm guessing they'll try to extract it from her and if not, then they will brainwash her."

Lawson was relieved that her creation did not go to the wrong hands. She was worried about Carol and also warned Tony that the Kree might look for him. The Kree had the capability to extract her memories.

T:"Relax, they won't be able to get any useful information on a man named Antonio. I thought you knew that that was a fake name?"

L:"I though so at first. But I checked all your background information before and it checks out completely. There are even photos and all your supposed relatives all checks out."

T:"You hear that JARVIS, good work in building such a solid background that even aliens were fooled"

JARVIS thanked Tony for his praise. Lawson wondered who the person who replied was and Tony told her straight that it was his AI. He let JARVIS demonstrate his capabilities to her. She tested the AI to check how developed it was and was shocked.

L:"Impossible! Earth's computer technology is still far too primitive to handle all the capabilities that you just demonstrated. Even if there is a decade of development, the only way it could be handled at this current technology level is if ..."

Tony cut her off ,"If all possible computers around the world were utilized into under JARVIS' control."

L:"Toni, tell me honestly, are you also an alien living on Earth?"

Tony:"Not sure how you define alien but from your context, NO. As far as I know, I still am 80% sure I am human"

Lawson: "What about the other 20%? Are you supposed have a 20% chance of being Skrull or something?"

Tony: "Something. You should have heard of it a bit since it made quite a ruckus a few years back. Some thing about the mutant gene or X-Gene. There is also some of your empire's experimentation on humans."

Lawson: "That is some fake legend. Besides, the Kree would have eradicated those kinds of illegal experimentation and would have wiped out everything including the test subjects. There should be no survivors if that was actually true."

T: "Maybe other species were wiped out, but those within humans certainly survived. But we're getting out of topic, what do we do with your body "

Lawson: "Certainly, the machine supporting my body is amazing to be able to maintain my life until now. Unfortunately, it could not help me much further than that."

T:"What are you saying? Aren't Kree supposed to be stronger than humans?"

L:"Remember the shot that hit me, that was from a Starforce weapon. That squad is equipped with more lethal equipment. I was hit by a kill shot. The round that hit me also disabled my regeneration from the looks of it. There is no way I will survive longer than a day."

T: "Then why are you so calm? Can't you show a little more concern for yourself?"

L:"I am not worried. Since I am able to talk to you I know that you will handle things. My research is safe, and those inside the laboratory can survive. With the Tesseract powering it, they should be able to last at least a decade out there. More than enough time for you to save them without needing to use magic."

T:"Yeah I'll take care of them eventually. But I am not sure they can live on Earth by then but I guess I'll figure it out later."

L: "Tony, just remember to take care of Carol after you rescue her."

T: "Woah. How do you know I will be able to do that. And don't talk as if we have a thing. I don't think I like her that way"

L:" Nevertheless. I know you and Carol share a bond. And you would be one of the few persons she would listen to that could handle her powers. I only hope you are there to not let her get too conceited. You know how she is, she would definitely think she can do anything with her powers."

T:"Yeah, she does get way too over her head at times."

Lawson continued informing Tony everything she knew. Things about the Supreme Intelligence and the Kree in general as well as their military hierarchy. She also taught him how to have complete control of everything inside her lab. She wanted him to be as ready as he can when he was going to save Carol.

Finally, she died peacefully.


Tony looked at her one last time before letting JARVIS preserve her body. He would prepare a burial for her but he needed to do things first. Research Kree physiology. He got permission from her anyway so he did this with clear mind.


Tony went back to his secret room. This was reinforced with magical and material defenses. The only way to enter is to walk in. And using space stone, he still can't build a proper defense against the infinity stone.

Tony got to learn things from the Darkhold that helped him design his own magic. He had slow progress however since the book still tries to feed too much information in the hopes that he would be reckless enough to do things blindly.


With all that Tony did to the room, no human could penetrate it as far as he knows. If someone did manage to break in, it would still be too late and the materials inside would have been destroyed.

Inside was a computer isolated from the outside world. It did have data ports for manually completing updates.

All there was inside the room were data banks that were designed to self destruct at signs of unauthorized access. Tony did not want to use paper since it would burn slow and things could still be retrieved. The data banks also have micro explosives along with EMPs that could also be set off magically.

With what he stored inside, he had to make sure that the wreckage would be fragmented enough. By his estimation, only by using the time stone could a person be able to retrieve the data.

Tony: JARVIS, change to plan B. Saving people after the event is a failure.

JARVIS: "Yes sir. May I remind you about the incomplete functions in plan B. Do you also want me to create the prototypes for plan C?"

Tony thought about it for a while. "No, just the ones I have finished. Plan C is still not ready for deployment."


AN: Yeah bit redundant having a secret room since Tony can memorize everything and leave no traces. But everyone still needs to prepare backups as contingencies.

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