AN: Small Tony can talk to Carol at a low volume that anyone normal could not hear his voice


Hala - Kree Homeworld 1995

"Come on Vers, stop doing everything he says, and start listening to me. Rip that chip off your neck, point your hands at him, and blast Yon-Rogg already."

The sparring ended and Vers went back to her quarters.

Vers: "How many times do I have to tell you to stop talking to me while I am sparring with somebody. It is too distracting.

Also, This chip is the how the Supreme Intelligence gave me powers so why would I remove it and lose my powers?"


Back to 1989 for a bit

After Yon-Rogg took Carol away, they treated her injuries and did a blood transfusion to keep her alive. She was the only clue to acquiring the energy core so she needed to be kept alive.

After they returned to Hala, they did an intensive scan of everybody. The clones Tony sent were detected. All clones of Tony sent were destroyed when the members were disinfected.

Everyone except the one with Carol. That clone managed to survive. He replicated the same energy signature Carol was releasing. That, combined with where he was hiding, made him essentially invisible from the sensors

That clone was also affected by the blast so he could produce the same energy as Carol does. But the amount of energy he absorbed was proportional to his size. Since he was the size of an ant at the time, he could only perform the same feats as she could when he is small.


Kree brainwashed Carol, placed the chip on her neck to suppress her memories and powers, then sent her to training. The Supreme Intelligence wasn't able to extract any information from her since she did not know anything specific related to the technology. It decided to just make her a soldier fighting for them.

They did extract information about Antonio but due to the very carnal relationship Carol and he shared just days before her abduction. There were plenty of memories she had with him of them just mating. Continuously.


During Carol's training days, Tony started talking to her. At first, she thought she was hallucinating and even went to medical bay for checkup. They found nothing wrong with her.

She then went to the Supreme Intelligence for guidance. When it learned about the voice, it just ignore her problems since it recognised the voice. It should just be some kind withdrawal reaction her body.

The Supreme Intelligence is not aware of anything regarding C-53 but due to its primitive environment, it ȧssumed that human body was just as primitive. The voices she was hearing should be just something humans normally experienced as signs of withdrawals from losing her mate.

It was not aware that the humans were part of the secret experiments Kree did. The few survivors left who did not know the complete picture. Information about humans is also a part of the information that was lost.


After that event, Carol went on to her training. Tony helped her by giving her answers on her exams. She was bȧrėly listening and at this rate, she would have become a common foot soldier if not for her powers.

Tony kept harassing her whenever he was bored. He also made sure she seemed uninterested when some men tried to woo her. This led to her not having any romantic relationship with anyone.

He was currently living closely with her. The Kree are still secretly monitoring her so he had to keep hiding where he was. He would be detected the moment he left her side.


Yon-rogg was supposed to teach her restraint and guide her in using get powers. But thanks to Tony annoying her all the time, she adapted and had better control of her emotions. She learned self-control to the point where Yon-rogg's guidance was no longer necessary.

She graduated and started going to missions. She usually wanted to work alone since Tony would nag her on the field. She had to respond to him to make him shut up. She would have had a hard maintaining her sanity otherwise.

She did not encounter any unexpected problems since Tony would also remind her to prepare for things. She completed multiple missions and was eventually promoted. She became Starforce and joined the Yon-Rogg's team.


Torfa 1995

The Skrulls were able to capture her. They went to the memory extraction device and started looking through her memories. They were searching for memories of her on Earth and is currently looking at her more personal memories with Tony

Tony: "I would stop searching there if I were you"

Talos: "Who's there?"

Tony: "You don't know me, but you will, now skip that scene and start going deeper down her memories."

Talos did not listen to the voice and slowed down the . He immediately regretted his decision and commanded to go deeper to her memories.

Tony laughed and said "Well, I guess even aliens fall for that one. I'll see what else you'd fall for later. See you soon"


They found memories of Wendy Lawson and Carol eventually woke up. Tony then informed her of the situation and that she was currently trapped. She should concentrate her power to the strongest she can and blast the restraints on her hands.

This time, she listened to him and got her restraints off the moment she started her escape.

Tony celebrated "Finally you start listening to me. now Step 2, go on a rampage"

She did not want to listen to him but considering the situation, it was not a bad idea.

She already knew what the Skrulls were looking for so all she needed to do now was escape.

She started punching everyone who came at her. This disappointed Tony"Seriously, you can blast anyone and you choose to punch them? "


There one point when Vers was surrounded on a corridor and a particularly menacing Skrull manage to land a hit on Vers.

It was proud and roared "GRrrreeeeeoooooorrr"

"Blaaaaaaaaaa"- Vers trying to growl back


(-_-) Tony who was watching this happen thought to himself "That was a fixed point in time? Seriously? Sometimes I just wanna quit "


Vers was able to hijack an escape pod. Talos was still able to shoot the control panel since Tony did not warn her.


Main Tony was currently at the parking lot in front of Blockbuster. He was currently sitting in his convertible car, looking at the sky. It was cloudy so Tony had to use magic to clear the sky.

He saw an object flying towards his direction and ȧssumed it was her pod. She fell off the pod and went falling down.

Tony calculated her trajectory. He estimated that she would land on top of his car instead of the store. It may be due to small Tony's interventions.

Tony did not want to damage his car so he induced gravity changing her trajectory back to Blockbuster store.

T: "Sorry, just charge the repairs to SHIELD"


AN: Not going to tell where tiny Tony is hiding. Just use your imagination.

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