Tony: "Hey, sleepy head, you up yet?"

Vers was knocked out at landing and just showed signs of regaining conciousness. "Really, I just got us out of that Skrull Cruiser and that is what you greet me with?"

Tony:"Well I would have said sleeping beauty, ... but then I'd be lying."

Vers:"You bastard!! Don't ever show up in front of me or else.."

Tony:"See. Right there. Even I would think twice before dating someone like you."

He was right. Vers just crash landed. She had messy hair. Dust covering most of her. Not to mention she had a face that looked like she was just waiting for a reason to blast something or someone.


Vers calmed down and tried to contact her team. There was no response so she checked her surroundings.

Tony: "Oh look Star Wars. I've heard about that. Look over there. It's on that shelf on your left."

Vers looked to her right.

Tony:" Your other left. genius, ok stop. There, straight ahead. Go get that one."

She did not know why she was following his orders other than his voice gave the impression that he was familiar with this place.

She looked at it and placed it back on the shelf.

Tony: "Fine, but remember to watch that before leaving."

She eventually made her way out of the store. She found the guard inside his car. She asked him where to get communications equipment.


(AN: BTony for Big Tony TTony for TinyTony for now)

She was just about to the the Game Boy when she heard a voice coming right behind her.

BTony: "I don't think you have the money to pay for that"

She instinctively tried to fire a photon blast but Tony was able to dodge it easily.

BTony:" Woah, ok that's ones on me. But I still don't know how you're going to be paying for that."

Vers: "I could just send some credits for repair. And who are you?"

BTony immediately knew that he was not recognised by Vers. TTony voice might have sounded a bit different from his so she did not realize it yet. He decided to play along and wait to see how long he could stay unrecognized.

BTony:"Hi, I am Tony. And you are?"

TTony:"Ooh, finally someone named Tony. I was wondering what happened to all the Tonys in the universe. And quite the looker too.

Am I right?

Okay Vers, here's your chance. You still haven't blown him to bits so that's a plus.

Now, don't mess things up. He doesn't know about you yet so make sure so you can still turn this around."

She just ignored the voice talking to her and responded.

"Vers, Kree Starforce. So, are you the one I need to transfer credits to?"

BTony:"No, I just passed by. Also, Earth doesn't accept credits so you have to pay with local currency. In this case, dollars"

Vers:"Oh yeah, and are you going to stop me if I just take things away?"

BTony:"Nope. Too lazy to fight right now. I can pay for these things but you're going to owe me."

"That's settles it then" Vers took away the unit to start creating her makeshift communicator..


While she was working on her adapter. Tony took out a bowl of freshly cooked fried rice out of nowhere. The fried rice was golden brown, seafood bits and vegetables mixed in as well as some fluffy egg bits. It was also complete with toppings and the bowl also had a dipping sauce to mix the flavours up.

He brought his food along and went to watch what she was doing. He then got his chopsticks and started eating. "Want some?"

Vers noticed the smell of food and was distracted. "You seem pretty calm about all this. The first person I met wasn't as casual."

TTony:"Ooh that smells nice, I really wish I could eat."

BTony acted like he did not notice his clones talking and continued eating while talking. "I am a very flexible person. Besides, it's not like you can hurt me. You also owe me money and I am not feeling too generous to just forget about that."

Vers:"I think you are in some sort of misunderstanding. I may look Terran but I am not one of you"

BTony:"So you're an alien? That's cool.

Don't get me wrong. It's not like I am not underestimating you. It's just that there's no way you can beat me right now.

Are you really sure you don't want some?"

Vers was planning to decline but her stomach growled. She had been fighting for some time now. Her body could still handle not eating thanks to her current body. But the food Tony was eating was just too fragrant forcing her body to react.

BTony just laughed. "What do you want. Eel or Camel's Hump?"

Tony led her to his car where he already prepared another set of food just in case. She did not know what that was so she just got the same as him.

They were talking in the car while eating. Tony knew about her circumstances but he still acted.

BTony:"So how do you know I'm not a Skrull?"

Vers:"I tracked down all the escape pods that landed at C-53, sorry Earth. There is no way get to me as early as you did.

What did you say this was again?"

BTony:"Shrimp Fried Rice. I'm surprised you don't have that back at Hala. It's not like this is exclusive on Earth right?"

Vers: "Back home, we just have nutrient packs. It's war time so it's not really practical to have to cook for everyone."

BTony:"Well then congratulations, you just hit jackpot.

Earth has a lot of delicious food. They're probably not as nutritional as your rations but I'm pretty sure the variety would more than make up for that.

I just hope alien physiology is not like humans in storing energy"

BTony looked at her female areas and in a very low voice added. "Though I would not complain if you did store them up in ''certain'' areas."

Vers was able to hear a bit of his mumbling but did not understand it "Did you say something after energy?"

BTony: "Nothing, just hoping you enjoy the food here."

TTony: "He said, you should grow up your ȧss or ċhėst some more. Can't say I disagree with him though. You're almost flat"

TTony also added secret to himself. "Even Captain America has a better ȧss than you. Well it is America's ȧss so I guess you never stood a chance."

Vers was getting ready to fire a photon blast. But she was interrupted by a voice from the car speaker system.

JARVIS:"Sir, I just caught the news, the police are informed and SHIELD is on its way."

BTony: "Well, looks like we have to finish this talk somewhere else. You got your device right there?"

Vers lifted the Game Boy box to show him and said "Yeah, it's right here. Why? "

BTony: "Good, cause we're going for a ride"

He pointed at the seatbelt while he started the car. He then drove past the security guard, left him a note, then drove off.


AN: For those who are offended by the sėxuȧŀization of women. Sorry about that.

But Tony Stark is supposed to be like that. A playboy.

Turn that part off and he is just

Genius, Billionaire, Philanthropist.


And that's just basically DCEU Batman.

Don't get me wrong. DC Animation is different

But movie Bruce Wayne is not something I can classify like that. He might try to be playboy but in the end, it's all just an act.

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