Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 52 - Some issues that I noticed (not a chapter) skip if you want

I got this comments that seem important and might be the what others are also thinking so I am going to address it here.

Don't worry no actual spoilers.

Well at least I tried not to spill anything yet.

Also, There are What If's storylines at the end so that this is not a complete waste of chapter space.

Note: Possible spoilers @ what if's if you read too much into it. Just Possible though.

I have no plans using those things but might pop up so it's just possible. It would probably be forgotten by the time I reached that point in the story anyway.


After reading this before posting I have to warn: Might sound like a rant but it's really not supposed to be.


Tony is not just "not using" the super soldier serum or harvesting other peoples powers just because plot.

He is actually supposed to not look like that. I probably messed up somewhere along the way. Sorry

He is actually collecting everything he can get his hand on first. That's why I made sure to say that in earlier chapters, there are the bits where he collected with all the blood samples and all the other stuff.

DNA of every special person, super soldier serums. heart shaped herbs. Terragen crystals. gamma radiation.

Everything I can possibly think of. (Ok Kind of spoilers but I'm guessing some already got a hint of that)

I would have expanded this a bit more at the Start Volume but then it would just go on and on before Capt Marvel started.

Basically, I need a way for him to design his own powers. Not just activate the Terrigenesis or X-gene or steal the marrows from Wolverine.

This is mainly because of what I read. Not sure if I understood this correctly or it's not an actual rule so you can correct me if i'm wrong. I'm reading the comments just not replying to most since it would spoil the story. but Marvel has this thing about about people with artificial powers only ever having that artificial power. Check Peter parker earth 13270.

I'm just trying to follow that rule for human bodies. Sure I can ignore that rule but then where's the fun in that.

So If I got this right. if you get super soldier/spider bite any thing man made. That's it. you get super strength + spidey senses but can't activate the X gene.

Activating X-gene before those might work but they usually end up being uncontrollable crap. Or my fast research just did not show anyone that got things working properly.

X-Gene also has secondary mutation so I can use that for power extensions. I could have triggered it at some point already but the problem is that X-Gene is supposed to be completely random for non-lineage mutants. And there was no signs he inherited X-genes from his parents in the MCU

Well I could just give him the powers from the mutation. He could have it. but then it would be just because he's lucky

and not because he chose that power.

I want to make sure he doesn't win just because his lucky.


2. Story hardly diverting away from story line

Yeah I admit I'm following what happened to the movies. That is how its supposed to be at the start. won't say anymore just continue reading the novel haha

But about following the movie.

I'm going to try and follow the MCU timeline as much as I can for now. Modifications will happen but not to the point of own story yet. Can't get too much out of the story since it would make things harder for me.

See, Butterfly effect is a real possibility in this multiverse so I need to be careful.

One wrong move and I would have a hard time tracking down the stories of everyone. I Figured out why some novels that looked good get dropped midway. Yes it's essentially because they're busy and forget the plot or too lazy to continue when they returned.

If the author is not working on it full time. It becomes hard to keep track of the characters if you add too many changes. The authors needs to build the whole story or else the novels would just be summaries. At least that's what happened to some of the fanfics I read. There are novels continued though so can't say that my point is as a generalization. But I think that applies to me.

Don't worry I won't drop but can't say I'll be building my own full blown story any time soon.

I did think about going out of story big time like the examples below: (Not going to using them anyway so not a spoiler) Uh Enjoy?

________The What If's_______

A . Killing Thanos at Avengers 1.

Without him the universe will ACTUALLY go unbalanced. There would be too much people and not enough resources. The universe will deteriorate because of that.

So then Galactus would have to make his move. There is a powerful one behind him that could control him to start his hunger, or something Tony did released him from his prison and now he's hungry. He is going to be eating planets since the last person who maintained balance was gone. The universe is no longer healthy with all that overpopulation so there's a need to cut down the rotting parts.

F4 or X-Men would have to show up and team up with everyone since there's no way the OG Avengers could handle that kind of stuff by themselves. The space forces could also work together to stop him but only if Galactus did not target them first. They are a bigger threat than current Earth so they would be targeted first just like Thanos.

Orbital weapons like death star need to be prepared if just its just the Avengers. That is hard to build and would take time. There would have been sad stories with lots of deaths. Or decoys by clones Tony but then the story would not be that long.

So have to use Xmen and F4 as backup. I'll have to build up bonds for a team to be strong because Marvel tends to make humans fight each other just to make things lively. Need a way to make then not mess things. Building those bonds would require more backstories. more things that can be altered. Too much info out of track. Basically a job for a full time author

B. Rescuing his parents and letting them live until old. Howard has access to hi level tech and has all the time in the world. He would continue with his work until he manages to use the Tesseract properly not just as a power source. He has no other distractions so he can go non-stop and it would be done fast.

Then Earth would be announced to the universe early since other civilizations can still detect usage of the Infinity Stones. Tony can handle the invasions at first but Earth would need to be preparing for war all the time. It would have been a hectic time trial story.

To avoid that. Earth needs OP protectors. Captain Marvel is the only other deterrent since Asgard is useless with all its politics atm. Odin also has too many enemies that could help attack Earth if Odin ever tried to support Earth seriously.

Capt. Marvel would have to stay to guard Earth for the universe for the other space empires to leave it in peace. Assuming spies are not sent by the other empires to cause chaos internally.

She would be leaving the Skrulls alone. Then there wouldn't have been such a good relationship between Skrulls and the humans later since Marvel left them half-way. You'd think they would be grateful with the help she already gave but People usually forget the good things easy and remember the bad things as if they're a curse.

Best example are informal-settlers. They ask to live in your land and you allow them due to pity or something. But when you try to kick them out after overstaying and taking advantage of you, it's like you killed all their family. Anyway back to story.

Eventually, Skrull Invasion would have been a thing due to their anger with Earth. Bonds between heroes need to be strong so that the invasion would have the most impact to the story. Also I wouldn't be able to use the Symbiote card since it's basically a cheat code to detect the Skrulls.

I would need to create something like supreme intelligence to link to everyone so that people could be detected. After the war, a cult would be made around that link with Tony as the messiah since he basically led Earth to victory. Cult would be led by politics and politicians would dominate Earth. Earthlings would spread to space due to greed of resources. Eventually touching other civilizations.

The other empires would team up to stop earthlings since earthlings have mutants, inhumans, immortals, and other major powers. That is a huge threat when they are organised properly. Which would have been the case since Skrull Invasion would have tested their trust with each other making for a more solid team after that war.

The alien empires would attack individually at first. They would fail again and again so they would need to team up. They would then launch a major attack with maximum effort to annihilate humans. Tony could not just leave them to extinction due to his girls' families. Eventually intergalactic war would break out. Tony would have to use the infinity stones to clean up the mess.

3. Stopping the Klaue's attack on Wakanda and Killing Klaue.

T'Chaka might not be as righteous and not raise his son like that since his brother might not get caught and die. That trauma made him a caring ruler since he already lost one of his family.

T'Challa would then grow up to be a prick. Even a full time clone of Tony in Wakanda watching him all the time to make sure the boy is not spoiled would fail since it is only Tony who is not tolerating him. He'd just be like the annoying teacher no one actually cares about.

With panther being a prick, he would not investigate properly after UN bombing or be reasonable. He would use all of Wakanda just to kill Bucky. It's not like the citizens of Wakanda would mind since they are basically avenging their king. Earth would be destroyed unless Tony or Asgardian intervened. It needs a lot to stop an army and not just the Avengers

Either way, vibranium would be restricted material dėsɨrėd by everyone. Everyone has seen its power in the battlefield. Humans would not listen and keep trying to get some of it unless all of the vibranium is gone. The raw materials might disappear but Vision is still there since he is a lifeform and not targeted before. He would be targeted and Vision has to fight back.

With Wanda and mind stone at his side, they would wreck havoc. Tony might step in to end the story but No since it's would end the story half way. Then the sorcerers have to step in. This would leave a hole in the magical defenses.

Then the demons(Dormammu, Mephisto, Lucifer and other demons) would appear giving powers to everyone in exchange for deals. Might become demon contractors. It'll lead to a free for all if they're not stopped.

Demon contractors stealing of powers from other contractors would start.

Tony gets to collect the powers and goes max strength faster than anyone with his clones passing the powers back to the main body. Demons use soul based contracts and Tony's clones are soul based.

He might get corrupted by the power but for the sake of the story No. Even with secret identities to protect his family someone is bound to find out who he is. He could transport his family to outer space but then they would miss home. Then Tony might go crazy and just annihilate all humans unrelated to him.

All that just because Klaue was killed early


Most of those storylines I thought about needed elaborate preparations

I would have been stressed out if that was the case. Writing is supposed to be a hobby and is not supposed to stress me out. When I realised that I would have quit in the book with a hurried story ending

Maybe I'll do something like that later but not planning to go too much away from MCU for now.


Btw. I am still processing about how the MCU might add Magneto and Xavier. They are rumours that MCU would make them black. Honestly, I have no idea or experienced with that kind of serious racism to write about that properly.

Best experience I get is from American videos. And most of the time, when I see current American TV shows and videos, it is usually common racial profiling. The news videos portraying the black people's side doesn't help either, it is basically the black people taking advantage of the racist card. Forcing the racist argument to make them win the fight.

The best balanced impression I probably got for that kind of racism was from Fresh Prince, it had some serious moments.

Black and white racism is just too foreign an idea to me so I will just be basing on the X-men movies already out. I'll just mix things up since FOX made a mess of things in their timeline.


So for everyone read through all this,

there's a couple of chapters later.

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