Fury: Can someone explain to me why I am sitting her. Driving the two or you, who I just met in a bar. To a highly secure government facility right now?

Tony: "Cause you're it. You're pretty much the last one to arrive?"

Vers: "And you have a pretty high security clearance."

Tony: "Let's not forget about that."

Fury: "That, I get. She's an alien so she gets a free ride. What I don't get, is why YOU are also coming along. You have your own car, can't you just follow in that ride of yours."

Tony: "I don't want to. Global warming stuff. Besides, it's more fun like this right?"


A few moments earlier.

Tony gave Vers a set of clothes to change into. She was still in her uniform. It would have attracted a lot of attention if she walked around the base with that on.

While they were on the road driving towards PEGASUS base, Fury asked questions about Vers, Kree and Skrull. He did not ask Tony any questions since they already established that he is human.

Fury: "And you're supposed to be a race of noble warriors?"

Vers:"Heroes, Noble Warrior Heroes"

Tony interrupted to make sure Fury didn't get the wrong idea. "Don't listen to her. They're just a bunch of warriors."

Vers looked back at him and glared.

Tony: "What? You still owe me money. Pay me back first then I'll consider adding noble to that"

Vers: "I could have paid you with credits."

Fury: "Credits? Is that supposed to be alien money?"

Tony:"Galactic actually. But you know Earth doesn't use it. It's basically useless here."

They continued on about Lawson and the Light-Speed Engine. Tony decided to keep quiet at that point. He knows too much, he might slip up if he joined the conversation.

He laid down at the back pretending to be sleeping when they got serious.

They eventually reached the entrance where Fury presented his identification. Tony was still lying at the back seat so the cameras were not able to see him.

Vers went on talking about how Fury had 3 names. Fury replied with how everyone calls him Fury and how everyone will call him Fury.

Tony had an idea on what to call him but the character was still unknown for about another 4 years. They wouldn't be able to get it if he said it now.


The two exited the car inside the base.

Tony was still inside the car at the backseat acting like he was sleeping. He was actually called by the two but he ignored them and kept sleeping some more. "5 more minutes."

They both knew this would be hopeless so they just left him inside.

Fury and Vers were greeted by the security guards. Fury showed them his identification and they led the 2 inside. They hurried to follow the leader and the two forgot about Tony.

Fury and Vers were brought to the holding cell.

There was too much distractions. She could not find the time to complete her communication adapter.

Fury looked at her and asked. "What's with the Game Boy? You playing Super Mario?"

Vers:"I'm building communications equipment. Mine got damaged when I arrived so I am working on this to patch mine up to your handsets "

Fury: "Game Boy's can do that?"

Vers:"Pretty much. It's just an adapter anyway. As long as the signal transmitter and receivers are working you just need to record the message you're going to send."

Fury did not know much about alien technology so he just accepted what she was doing as something normal for aliens.


Eventually, Fury got bored watching Vers doing her thing. He decided to try and get out.

Vers finished her device so she was able to catch Fury just as he pressed send. She asked him a bit but he did not elaborate.

Fury then got to work. He got tape and used it to get the fingerprint of the guard from his ID. They got out of the room and went down to the records section.

Just as the elevator door opened, they saw a cat sitting there waiting for them. Goose walked towards the two to greet them.

Fury did his baby talk to the cat.

Vers on the other hand tried to see if Tony was around.

She knew that the cat was Tony's pet. She was wondering how the cat got here. As far as she knew, that cat was left behind at the bar when they decided to ride in Fury's car.

She didn't notice it hitching a ride at the car. It even arrived faster than they did. She doesn't remember this space sector having any life-form that could move as fast as and still look as cute as Goose did.

Goose looked like it was lazy and didn't even seem like it has run its entire life. Much less try to run so fast just to catch up to them.

While looking for Tony, Vers found the door to the records room so she called Fury to stop playing with Goose.

Fury: "You sat there. And watch me play with tape. While all you had to do was that?"

Vers:"I didn't want to steal your thunder."


They went inside and searched for Wendy Lawson's records. They found her files and started searching around.

They learned about Lawson being a Kree and that she's dead. Fury went on about the circumstances of her death. That she crashed the aircraft equipped with the light-speed engine while doing an unauthorised test flight.

Fury: "She took a pilot down with her, that's why the security here is so unfriendly."

Vers: "Who was the pilot?"

Fury: "Can't say. Most of this is redacted. There's a couple of testimonials here. From a Maria Rambeau. And another one from a man named ..."

Tony: "Antonio."

Fury:"Yeah, what he said. Wait a sec. The man in this picture. motherf****r"

Fury looked at the picture attached to the document and recognised the man. He looked at Tony who just came out of nowhere.

Fury:"You worked here?"

Vers did not understand what happened to Fury. She got the document from him to see what he just saw.

Fury:"You let us get sent to the holding cell when you could have just walked us around?"

Tony: "It's actually your fault. You didn't wait for me. I said I was getting up after 5 minutes but when I opened my eyes, you're already gone."

Fury and Vers just kept looking at him. Evidently his explanation wasn't enough.

Tony then reached down the ground and took Goose up his hands. "Come on Goose, tell them that's all that happened"


Goose looked at Vers and Fury. The cat started nodding to express that she was agreeing to what Tony just said.

The two still had the looks which suggested that they weren't convinced. So Goose looked at them with giant sad eyes.

(AN: Puss-in-boots eyes)

Nya, nyaaa nya?

Fury: "Awwww I'm sorry Goose. We believe you"

Vers and Fury couldn't help but relax seeing this.

Tony was looking at the two with a victory grin.

He taught Goose how to do this eye thing. He predicted that he could be in this kind of situation some day so he got some preparations done. It looks like those preparations didn't go to waste.


After they calmed down. Tony pointed out that Fury's team already made contact with the base.

Vers, who was not aware of this. "You sold me out? That's it give me your communicator."

Vers also had her hands glowing like she was ready to fire.Fury had no choice but to give his pager to her.

Tony the extended his hand to Vers.


Tony: "Your communicator."

Vers: "Why? I haven't even used it yet."

Tony:"Yeah, but I know you will. Now give it to me. You might not be Carol Danvers but you sure act like her."

Vers just laughed but did not surrender hers. "Oh yeah, and what if I don't give it to you?"

Tony:"Then I'll just have to take it. The hard way."

Vers was getting ready to fight when Tony hit his hands together to form a letter T.

Tony: "Timeout, timeout. I don't want to fight here. Too many things could be damaged. Let's fight somewhere else."

Vers and Fury just looked at him weirdly. Who asks for a fight then requests a change of venue?

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