Fury looked around.

They were currently inside a bunker in the base. It was one of those bunkers designed for nuclear blasts retrofitted by Tony. He had it ready for energy weapons PEGASUS was currently testing. He was sure the room could take the blasts since Vers still has the limiter chip on her neck.

Fury: Now that we are in your ''Fancy gym'', what's next? Are the two of you just gonna fight?

Tony: Pretty much. Hey Vers, you sure you don't want to surrender now?

Vers: I was just about to ask the same thing. You do remember that I'm stronger than you?

Fury: Can you just get on with it?

Tony :She's the one from the warrior race. You people have any rules?

Vers: This still doesn't feel fair. How about I give you a handicap. I won't be using my photon blast.

Tony: Let's do this then, no powers for the first round and with powers on the second. Just to make sure you don't say it's unfair when I beat you at both.

Fury just walked to one of the benches in the room. He sat and brought Goose up his ŀȧp. "Hey Goose, who do you think will win?"


Goose also went out. She already knew how this would end so she went to find some food.


Tony just stood there waiting for Vers to make her move. Since she was also waiting, Tony started walking towards her. When he was close enough she made her move.

She made a couple of punches. Tony just sidestepped to avoid those punches. "You're telegraphing."

She tried to do some kick him afterward. She followed with a couple of combinations.

Tony just continued dodging. He went to try some weird poses. Things like dabbing and other ridiculous poses.




Are you even trying?"

Vers increased the pace of her movements as well as the variety of attacks she did. She tried to use her strength to throw some items from the surroundings at him but it was still useless. She couldn't land a hit.

With Tony's training from Shang Chi, Black Panther, and Steve Rogers, he virtually knew about all possible movements and the limits of what a humanoid bodies could do. Though Vers was a bit faster than his mentors, she was not as proficient in combat as they are. He could see through all her movements.


After a while of dodging, Tony got bored. "You do notice that I still haven't tried to attack you right?"

Vers grew impatient. Tiny Tony started talking to her again."He's right. You haven't even landed a single hit"

Vers had it with the Tonys taunting her. She was angry and started doing random attacks. Tony did not expect her suddenly going like this so he was hit by one of her punches.

Tony: "Yay, you hit me."

Tony applauded her for a few seconds. He then got his serious face on and said "My turn"

He then jumped from far away and kicked her. Surprised by his change in attitude, Vers was not able to dodge his attack and got knocked down

Tony: "Ooops."

He then backed off a bit and waited for her to get up. "Guess that's too much. I'll just have to do hit you another way."

He darted towards her. She prepared to block a direct strike but Tony just sneaked behind her. Since Vers still wasn't looking, Tony decided to hit her.


He slapped her on the a**.

TTony: "Oooh kinky, I like this guy."

Vers spinned back to punch him but Tony was already expecting that. He grabbed her arm and did a maneuver that put her on an armlock looking down. Tony landed another slap on her a**.


After a few more slaps on her a**, Vers gave up. She did everything she thought of but could not do anything. If she did not give up, Tony would just keep on taking advantage of her.

She also wanted to blast Tony with her powers. It was the only way to be even with him.

Round 2 Start

Tony induced 5 time regular gravity. Vers collapsed on the floor. With Kree augmentation, she could handle the gravity but the sudden increase still confused her.

Tony: "You can't beat me. I see potential in your power but it feels restricted."

Tony needed to drop hints since his clone failed to make her remove her limiter chip.

TTony:"He's right, Now can you please remove that chip on your neck?"

Vers was silent. It was the first time Tony in her head made a request. She was thinking when Tony walked near her.

Tony looked down to see where the chip was. "So I guess that chip stops your powers. Here let me help"

V: "WAIT!!"

Vers was spacing out so it was too late. She believed that her powers came from that chip so she panicked when she thought about what Tony was about to do.

After Tony removed the chip, he stored it in a container he prepared in his pocket.

Vers had her memories flowing back to her. About her childhood, her military academy training, even her relationship with Tony.

She passed out. There was too much information flooding back to her. There is also the effect of the 5x gravity. She is also hasn't rested from the fight she just had with Tony. She was not able to maintain her focus and all her other problematic conditions led to the situation of her passing out.


Fury just greeted the SHIELD team that

Boss: Still here?

Fury: They're right below sir.

Keller (Boss) ordered the other agents to stay at the entrance. He wanted to have a private conversation. Fury and Keller went inside the elevator.

Fury: Sir. There is also another thing. Another person with the target.

Fury: No sir, he said he's human. A researcher in the facility.

Boss: Then it's fine. Just lead the way.

Fury pressed the buŧŧon at the elevator.

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