Since Goose interrupted the two, they got out of the mood quickly. Cats are known for having some annoying mating behavior. They don't care where they do it. They are also very loud during the ɨntėrċȯursė. It would be hypocritical if they do not tolerate other animals mating habits. So having a cat get angry at you, for mating, means that you have annoyed them enough.

After the two stopped, they got dressed. Carol wore one of Tony's shirts from the dresser. She then looked for her equipment "Tony, where is my suit?"

Tony told her it was being cleaned. She did not believe him but let it go. She did not need it for now anyway. Tony actually asked JARVIS to examine the containment field for her suit. He has his own designs for it but it is never bad to see another perspective from a different civilization.

The lab here is not as extensive so he created a clone to transport it to Antartic base. The scanning on the limiter chip was a success. JARVIS was able to map out the internals. The AI was not able to determine some components but Tony's clones were handling that part.

The two went to eat. The mansion was cleared for their event so there was no chef to cook for them. Tony got some pizzas from one of his food warehouse and laid them out.

Carol looked at the food and immediately got hungry. "Pizza!!! I never thought I forgot about pizza. Damn those Kree" She took a slice and took a big bite.

Tony also took out some burgers. He grabbed one for himself and started eating.


After their feast, they relaxed for a while and started talking.

Tony: "So, now that you regained your memories, what do you want to do next."

Carol thought about it for some time before finally speaking. "Payback, those people killed Lawson and kidnapped me. I want to return the favor"

Tony: "And how are you going to do that, blast them all with your hands"

Carol: "Pretty much."

Tony just laughed at her. "I think you're forgetting about something. Kree have their spaceships and the Accusers have bombs. You can't even go Super Saiyan. Do you think you can protect Earth with just your hand blasts?"

She was thinking of what to do when she noticed something wrong. It took her a while but she finally noticed it. "How do you know of the Accusers?"

Tony: "You still haven't noticed it yet?"

C: "Noticed what?"

Tony thought about telling her but decided to not do it. He wanted to see how long until she notices. "Nah, I'll keep it a secret."

Carol tried to threaten him with her Photon Blasts but it was not very effective. Tony pointed out how she defeated him easily before. She gave up and just him another thing. "Speaking of secrets, can you tell me who you really are? You can't possibly afford this mansion with just the salary from PEGASUS right?"

Tony remembered that she still doesn't know his identity. He already told the Rambaue's when he brought them to the television tapings. It was not too much of a secret anyway so he did not need to keep it from her. "I am Tony Stark"

"Stark? You don't mean 'that' Stark now do you?" Carol did not know about any guy named Tony Stark but she did hear about Stark Industries. That company equipped the whole military. She even saw some missile crates with their mark when she was still in the Air Force.

Tony: "Yep. I know, why do I even need to work, bla bla. Long story not important. What you need to worry about is what to do now. It is almost three days since you arrived. If your team is looking for you, then they won't be for long"

Carol asked Tony for advice on what to do. He was the smartest person she knows now so she could only ask him for help.

Tony first asked if there is another planet with life near Earth but the answer disappointed her. Earth was relatively isolated and the next planet was 3 jump points away. It was too far away to disguise it as Lawson's secret base.

Tony then asked. "How's your acting?"

He let her do a few fake scenarios while he observed. "Terrible. You might as well just tell the truth. "

Tony formulated a plan. Since Carol can't act, she will just have to lead her team to Earth. At least they could prepare a bit longer since they did not need to travel. He started regretting spending so much time with her.

But before they did that, she needed to master her powers first.


Tony led Carol outside to test her powers. After removing the limiter, her photon blasts were more powerful. But Tony was not able to make her Super Saiyan.

Tony asked JARVIS to prepare the Blackbird. They boarded and Tony flew straight up to. Tony did not make the cabin air tight. They reached the point where Carol could bȧrėly breath and hovered there. She was not a regular human anymore so it was almost considered space. Tony opened the bomb bay doors.

Carol:"Nice view, but what are we doing this high?"

Tony: "Have you heard of how lions train their cubs?"

She was just thinking about it when Tony suddenly made her float to the middle of the door. She tried to grab onto something but Tony made sure there was nothing she could grab. "I'll make things simple. Use your powers with your whole body and fly. Or die"

Carol:"Wait, I don't have my su ..... aaaahhhh"

Tony did not listen and just made her fall down. He even made sure to she has a fast start by adding to the gravity already pulling her.

Tony then waved down at her as the bay doors closed. He made sure she saw that he had no plans of helping her.

Tony then started using the satellite network to monitor her progress. He did not know if this kind of training actually worked but many movies do this so he might as well try.

He could just create a portal using Tiny Tony to bring her back up here in case she failed. But she would still continue falling incase the test needed time to work.


Carol started to panic. She was used to high altitude but she always had parachutes. Her Kree suit also offered protection to handle falls.

But now, she was only wearing Tony's shirt and her undėrwėȧr. There was no way she could handle the fall that high. She wasn't thinking clearly.

She was just a few minutes away from hitting the ground when she heard a voice. A voice she expected would already gone.

TTony: "Breath. Carol


Now Focus.

Feel the air. Feel it flowing through your body.

Feel the power.

Feel it coursing through your veins.

Feel its rush. The power demanding to be released.

You're no longer you now.

You're p ..... Watch out!!!"

He was too into the speech when he remembered that they were almost at the floor. He was getting ready to create a portal. Luckily, he said most of the speech and from the looks of it, that was enough.

Carol was able to draw out the power within her and fly.

She was currently observing herself. She remembered the voice and was just about to ask when she heard Tony behind her.

Tony: "Wow, I did not expect that to actually work. "


Tony knew that she succeeded so he created a portal to congratulate her. He did not go down with the plane in case she decided to take revenge.

Carol wanted to blast him but Tony floated to the side. He continued dodging as he decided to continue the lesson. "You're not going to hit me with your old tricks. "

Carol tried to blast him again and again but Tony just kept floating in all directions.

She knew this was getting nowhere so she tried to fly closer. She either overshot or was too slow at first. Eventually, she was slowly getting the hang of it.

Tony started feeling pressured. He could dodge the attacks but Carol's speed was increasing.

His control over gravity was very good but he lacked speed for close combat. Gravity could make him speed up without limit but that was for a straight line and a long period.

It still took time to accelerate since he needed to change directions. He needed way too much gravitonium to keep up with Carol's instantaneous acceleration but searching it took time since it only appears in small amounts all over Earth.

There was no way he could match her in speed but she has a wide turning radius. He could anticipate where she was going.

Carol then tried to fly and shoot. She mixed things up and she eventually hit Tony.

Tony formed a shield using his symbiote to block the blast. He then noticed his symbiote body absorbing some of the energy.

Tony:"Hey Carol, can you focus all your power in a single attack? Try to hit this thing with it"

Carol did not understand why he wanted to do that but she did it anyway. If it worked and he was hurt, she would finally get a win over him.

She tried to focus all her powers. When she felt it was enough, she then went to point her hands at the black thing Tony was holding.

Tony braced himself. When the blast hit, Tony observed the symbiote. It did not look like anything changed physically but Tony felt a bit more power in his human body.

He remembered that All-Black was forged with the energies of a Celestial. He was not sure if this was the same but it still helped recover some energy. It was not too helpful though since he bȧrėly felt the increase even with her most powerful attack.

Carol tried to keep it up but she was getting exhausted. She stopped to look but was disappointed. Tony was still floating carelessly.

He then approached Carol. "We need to work on that. I have an idea but I don't know you would even understand me."

Carol was ticked but Tony suddenly extended his hand. She was about to avoid it. "Relax, this won't hurt"

Tony split part of his symbiote to bond with her. He did not let all of it bond since he still needed it to make him float.

Carol felt her body starting to move on her own.

Tony noticed this "Relax and don't resist. It would just delay things. Just memorize the feeling. You will need to do that on your own later. "

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