Fury's POV

After Tony and Vers left, Fury and Talos continued their talk. Talos told him only that his story was mostly complete. He was here to track Lawson and Vers was their lead.

Talos was very cooperative with Tony since he showed that he could stop Vers. That is something Talos and his men cannot do. He wanted to be on Tony's good side in case they ever needed his ȧssistance.

Talos did not need to do that with Fury. He still told him their story so that humans would be aware of Kree's true face. Skrulls were just hoping to find a way to survive.


Fury: "So what's the deal with the cat?"

Talos remembered Goose's, how its rubbed all over his body. Making sure her scent would stick so that no other predator would steal him for themselves. He remembered how close he was to death and shivered. "That was no cat. That was a Flerken. A very dangerous beast"

"Flerken? Goose? Dangerous?" Fury just laughed. He just thought that the name Flerken is just some fancy alien term for cat.

Talos did not understand why Fury was still not scared of Flerkens. "Do humans all have Flerkens for pets? I don't see why you are not as concerned as you are supposed to be"

Fury: "I wouldn't say everyone. Cats are one of the more common pets humans usually have. We even see some of them roam the streets"

Talos was starting to get scared. He thought that Fury was just referring to Flerkens when he said cats since that was how society called them here.

If what Fury said was true, then Flerkens are roaming freely here on Earth. They are not an endangered species like what the rest of the universe believed them to be. He was very lucky that he did not encounter any other Flerkens after his arrival here on Earth.

Talos: "You Terrans are crazy. Allowing Flerkens to roam freely around cities. That man Tony in particular, I know very few warriors as that could match his fearlessness."

Talos wanted to say ignorance but that seemed inaccurate. Tony seemed to know how dangerous Flerkens are when he used Goose like a gun. He then remembered how the man was handling his Flerken. Tony played with Goose and put her so close to his face. Fury also hugged Goose tightly. It is like they don't care how dangerous Flerkens are.

Fury: "Speaking of Tony. Can you help me get information about him. I still don't know anything about him other than he is works here and that he is strong. I prefer to know about the guys I'm working with."

They started checking into Tony's identity. They first got the information from PEGASUS' records section. They learned about Tony's information. His name Antonio, where he studied, who his parents are, everything in the file. The two did this on their own. They wanted to learn more about Tony but did not want others getting involved.

The next day

The two check out the information in Tony's file. Talos introduced his science guy to Fury. He was also a Skrull that could transform into another person. He would be helpful in case they needed to impersonate someone

They went to a house but they saw it empty. There was signs of life though so they thought that they just missed him.

They then started contacting persons related to him. They first started with his family. They called up and JARVIS mimicking a voice answered. They continued contacting everyone in his file. Other than the personnel working in the base, JARVIS was usually the one they talked to.

Their investigation was useless. Fury was also a spy so he would have noticed if the persona was just a fake. JARVIS' fake identity was flawless. Fury did not detect anything wrong about Tony's information but his gut was telling him that it was a fake identity.

They knew he existed. He has some weird habits, lots of contact with people, and all kinds of stories. It all fits perfectly. It was just the right amount of perfect. (It would have been way too perfect if Tony did not edit JARVIS's work.) But Fury found no important information. It was like he is another person outside PEGASUS. This did not match up to what they knew from interacting with him.

They decided to go to a person that worked with him at PEGASUS. A person who he was also seen interacting with outside PEGASUS. Maria Rambeau

They went to Rameau's residence. There was a car parked and a plane in the hangar. It looked like residents are inside. They also did not see other vehicles parked around the area. They would most likely find Maria inside.

Fury went to the door and knocked. The door opened and Tony greeted them with a smile "You're late"


Tony and Carol's POV

A few hours before.

The training wasn't that long. It was still early afternoon. Dropping Carol from space(almost) did not take much time due to Tony's 'push'. It took a bit more time teaching her. But with the symbiote controlling her body, she was able to learn the basics properly. Tony decided to end it early since Carol looked exhausted.

After Tony taught Carol her new move, they went back to the mansion to freshen up. They were followed by Goose so they had no chance to fool around.

Tony: "Now that you could use your powers properly, let's take a break. What do you want to do?"

Carol thought about it. They can't do each other since there was Goose interrupting them when they got in the mood. Tony also said that they didn't need to come back to PEGASUS base until night time. Since there was still a bit of time left. "Let's go to Maria's. I want her to know that I am alive."

The two went to the garage. Carol was just about to pick a car from the collection when Tony stopped her. "What do you need that for? Let's just fly there."

Carol: "Then why did you bring me here? We should have just gone to the yard."

Tony gave her a smartwatch. It was equipped with altimeter, compass, and the GPS is already set for Rambeau's house. Carol easily understood how it worked. She knew better technology so she did not wonder why Tony already had this technology on Earth.

Tony pointed at the exit, it was the curved ramp leading outside. "See that. Go and make sure you don't hit the walls. No flying supersonic inside. We can do it when we're high up. I can bring my plane here since there are no neighbours for miles. But the sound will shatter the glasses in the mansion."


The two posed. Tony already had JARVIS prepare a gun so they both started when it fired.


Tony is currently just behind Carol. He was current behind and would end up losing He could keep up with her but she had a head start due to her faster initial speed. There was no way he could overtake her with just his gravity powers.

Tony did not want to let her win. He could have used the repulsers by wearing one of his armours to boost his speed but Carol would have complained about cheating. She doesn't care when she cheats but is a sore loser. It was best to just use what she already knew he could do.

Tony started using his symbiote. He made it extended out of his body. He first made the shoulders part extend to not expose a flat surface. He then continued covering his body to make a smoother surface. It was already enough and Tony was slowly overtaking.

After Tony caught up to her, he looked at her before making the symbiote extend from his head. It was getting pointier and Tony started looking like a needle from far away. His speed started increasing again.

Supersonic flight is different from subsonic flight. The air acts differently so different shapes are more aerodynamic. Tony's head was sufficient for subsonic flight. The air still acts like fluid so it would flow more easily around round shapes.

Tony: "I win."


They went down and landed near Maria's hangar. She was currently working on her plane with her daughter, Monica. They noticed the two and Maria could not believe her eyes.

Monica: "Auntie Carol? You're back. People said you were dead but uncle Tony secretly told me you we're just on a vacation."

Tony: "Hey!!! That was supposed to be a secret. Now Santa won't be giving you presents this year."

Monica just laughed. Maria started walking towards the two. She looked at Carol closely to see if she was real. She seemed real so Monica hugged her. While they were hugging, she looked at Tony. "You were telling the truth? You actually knew she was alive. Why didn't you say anything to the others."

Carol broke up the hug to also look at him. "Wait, I only arrived at Earth this week. How did you know I was..." Then it hit her.

Back when she was still Vers, she heard Tony's voice at Hala. They thought it was her hallucinations so she had no choice but to live with it. It would keep talking to her whenever she needed the help. Even just a few hours ago, she heard his voice inside her head.

She then looked at Tony and pointed at her head. Tony just nodded. That was all she needed to verify that it was actually Tony talking in her head. It was not just a hallucination. She will talk about this with him later but not now.

Carol: "I'm so stupid"

Tony: "Yeah"

Maria and Monica just looked at the two not knowing what the two are talking about.


They went inside the house to catch up. Tony explained that she was abducted by alien. She filled out the rest. They just started talking about powers when the heard a knock.

Tony opened the door. "You're late".

Tony led the visitors inside and introduced them to each other. He called Monica to come close. He was going to show her some alien looking aliens.

Tony introduce Fury first. Tony then went to Carol and placed his hands on her shoulder. "I need you to relax. Remember, don't shoot. We are at ceasefire right now."

Carol did not understand what he was talking about until she saw Talos and Science Guy go back to their Skrull forms. Monica was amazed. Carol tried to stand up and get attack but Tony held her down.

Tony: "I said we are at ceasefire. I'll let you go when you stop trying to kill them."

"Hello, I am Talos. This here is my science guy. You can just call him Science Guy"

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