AN: Starting to get harder thinking of title names


Talos explained his side of the story. Skrulls were the victims of the Kree attacks. Carol instinctively fought for the Kree at first but when she remembered what happened to her, she kept her complaints to herself.

After their talk, Tony called all the humans to a meeting. He led them to another room and started asking a question.

Tony:"First, does anybody have a problem with helping them?"

Maria voiced out that she had a daughter so she would not be joining them in their mission. Her daughter convinced her saying that if she did not go, Monica wanted to get her spot and go to space instead.

Tony:"Okay, now for the important question."

Everyone focused on what he was about to say.

Tony:"What do you want them to copy and transform into? The weirder the better. I don't want to make it too easy. "

They did not see how this was important. But their curiosity took charge and everyone started giving out suggestions.

Fury:"Venus flytrap"


Carol:"A cat or dog."

Maria:"I don't know, cabinet?"

Tony:"No. Too easy. Come on people. I can design the image so sky's the limit here"





Tony: "Too big, might end up with mini version."

This went on for a while. They reached two final options. It took a very intense debate and they didn't want to settle for the other. It would have continued on if Monica did not point out that there were two of them. They could just make the other one do the other option.


Talos:"I still don't understand why you will only help us if we transform into these things."

Tony: "And you never will. Now shut up and just do it"

Science guy looked at his boss one last time. He then transformed into a T 800 metal skeleton. Tony got a video camera to capture the scene. Science Guy started moving while the humans took turns having a picture and videos with it. Science Guy ended by saying "I'll be back"

The humans clapped their hands. It looked so realistic up to the voice. They thought about making him do Yoda at first but stopped. It was easy to create a mechanized Yoda so it would be

Tony got the photos developed. They could not keep pictures of actual Skrulls for security but at least they got pictures of something cool.

(AN: Honestly had a hard time choosing what to morph into. Eventually just went to some classics)


After the photoshoot, they ate before leaving.

They went out to the yard to wait for Tony's plane. Maria wanted to send her daughter to her parents first but Carol stopped her. They could just drop her on the way.

The blackbird arrived and started to land. Fury remembered last time that the ċȯċkpit only fit two. "How are we all going to fit in that? There is no way all of us can fit in just two seats."

The plane hit the ground with the rear doors starting to open.

Tony: "Who said there was only two seats? I just didn't want to bring you guys."


Tony went to the side and picked up Carol's uniform to hand to her. He still hasn't finished scanning her suit but the data he had right now will have to do. He could just borrow it again later. Carol went back to the house to change. It did not took long and she went back again.

Maria and Monica was looking around inside the plane. Maria had not seen the interior of an SR-71 before but something did not feel right. It was like there was too much space inside.

Fury went to the pilot's seat to thank the pilot. If the pilot quits his job, Fury was going to poach the pilot for SHIELD. Building a good relationship early would help that. "Hey, thanks for picking us up"

He check to the very front to see what the pilot looks. He was shocked with what he saw.

Fury: "GOOSE?!!!!"

Fury saw Goose sitting on the pilot's seat confident. The cat was sitting straight. She then looked at Fury before doing a head tilt. It looked like "Nya? I can't has?".

Fury then screamed at Tony to attract his attention. When he saw Tony look at him, asked him "Goose can fly a plane?"

Talos overheard Fury and started to panic again. Flerkens can fly planes. If they get their hands on a spaceship, this might be the end of the universe.

Tony: "Why not? I don't just let my pets roam around like some freeloaders. They have to work for what they eat. Goose eats a lot so she needs a job matching her lifestyle."

The ride was kind of dull. It was exciting during the acceleration period but the rest was just a good boring flight. Everyone already talked about the plan so there was no serious talk. It was only Tony's music playing.

Carol let Monica change the colour of her uniform to entertain her. Carol liked the red blue and yellow theme so she decided to keep using it after this was over. She needed to convert it back to her original Starforce colours before contact but that was easy.

They dropped off Monica and then went straight to space. With Carol's memories all unlocked, she already knew the coordinates of Lawson's lab.

Fury noticed the plane flying straight up without any signs of levelling back. "Hey Captain Tony. Why are we flying straight up? Don't we need the rockets and the space suits to go to space?"

Tony:"I'm sorry, I forgot to mention that this is not a commercial flight.

We don't provide spacesuits since we're not members of the FAA.

Besides, you can bȧrėly move while wearing NASA's suits, there is no way you can dodge the shots the enemies fire at you.

You might as well die in space. At least you get a cool message at your memorial. Something like Nick Fury, Superspy, Frozen in space"


After they boarded the ship, Tony made sure Carol activated the cloaking back again. They unboarded the blackbird and Tony started talking like a tour guide.

Tony: "Hello everyone, my name is Tony. On behalf of PEGASUS tours, I'd like to welcome you all the Wendy Lawson's / Mar-Vell's Laboratory.

We are in an imperial cruiser so it is big. Make you don't roam around like a kid and get lost. Yes Fury I'm talking about you. Don't go chasing Goose just because she went somewhere. She was Lawson's before I adopted her so she probably knows this place better than you.

Also, make sure to be careful of a glowing blue cube. It might be beautiful but that is the core everyone is looking for."

Talos: "You seem to know about this place."

Tony: "Well yeah. Lawson brought me here before. It was before I learned how to fly a plane. I did not take note of the location and just enjoyed the ride. "

Talos: "When you were last here, are there... others? "

Tony: "Oh yeah plenty. "

Talos was happy with Tony's response. There was hope that his family is still alive. He started going through the passageways in a hurry leaving the group.

Fury: "Why does he get to go off like that while I can't?"

Tony: "Simple. You're not alien"


They forward when they heard a loud horn. They went to follow the sound and saw Talos was the one producing it. Skrulls started going out of the corridors and into the same room.

Talos found his wife Soren and their daughter. They got their reunion when Soren saw Carol in her Starforce uniform. They started to panic until Tony went forward. "Relax. She is not a threat."

Soren: "Tony? Is that really you? "

Some of the other Skrulls also recognised Tony. They started greeting each other. The Skrulls and Tony worked together before Lawson/Mar-Vell's plane got shot down. Mar-Vell told them not to send any transmissions ever so they were only able to contact him again today.

They started talking and Carol looked everywhere. She saw the Tesseract untouched and realised Talos was not actually here for the Tesseract. He was here to rescue his family.

After the pleasantries and greeting, Tony got everyone's attention. "Okay guys, nice talk. Sorry to break things up but everyone needs to prepare to evacuate. We are planning to a revenge mission and this ship might be a combat zone "

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