AN: Sorry late chapter.

School events happening and somehow I was needed to be involved more than I wanted to.

Will be releasing shorter chapters again. Might have erratic release schedule since I won't be able to access internet as freely. Or I could pile up chapters to release them in 1 go.


Talos: "Why are you doing this? I don't think you are just doing it because it's fun. You are too smart to court new enemies just because you wanted to."

Tony: "Maybe not. I could just be doing this to get some slaves.

But yeah, I have a reason. I need the Kree to focus on Carol. They think she absorbed the energy core so either they control her or destroy her. We can use this to divert their attention. While they are busy dealing with her, the Tesseract would not even be in their radar. As long as she shows enough power to threaten them, they would keep targeting her to try extracting the energy from her.

More importantly, Carol is sorry for helping cause your current situation so she is planning to help you Skrulls reunite with your families. This will make her sort of like a bodyguard so it is better to make her look as formidable as possible. It is what she is planning to do after this so I am just making things smoother for you guys later.

I am actually just taking advantage of that plan to keep the information about the Tesseract a secret. It is just a secondary objective."

Carol: "How did you ... ? I didn't even think about it until I saw them reunite a few moments ago "

Tony: "Simple. You are a terrible actress. I am very smart and I also know how you think. Most of the time, I know what you want to do before you even know what you want to do."

Talos looked at Carol. "There are thousands of us like this out there. It would take a long time to reunite everyone. Are you sure about this?"

Carol: "I can't just wait here when I know I could help. Lawson gave me this power even if it was unintended. I want to repay that by helping her complete her wish. To end the war."

Talos helped Tony convince the other Skrulls to cooperate. He said that the Kree were still looking for Carol. If they did not find her, then they might start investigating Earth again. This planet was just their hiding place. It did not deserve to get caught up in their war.

Talos did not tell them about Carol's decision. He was grateful to her since she helped him reunite with his family. He did not want to pressure her into the situation. This way, she has until after this battle to decide if she wants to proceed with her decision.


While everyone is preparing to leave, Tony went to where the Tesseract is installed and took it. He then looked at it and admired the beautiful glow it had.

This was the first infinity stone he could use freely. He had access to it before, but Tesseract was ȧssigned to Howard or Lawson. He could handle it but he did not dare experiment with it recklessly.

He already had learned about how to extract energy from it. Zola was the lead scientist working with the Tesseract was still

He might accidentally break the casing. He had no materials to replace it. He would definitely not let the Space Stone inside be revealed to the public. The only choice would have been to leave it broken.

He was not a cute baby anymore. Saying "Sorry, I broke it" with puppy eyes that look like they are about to cry is not as effective as it used to be.

He could borrow the Time Stone from the Ancient One but he is always under surveillance when using it. She would see how it's used. There is no way she would allow Tony to borrow it again after he used it for some of his more private experiments.


Carol looked at the Tesseract and suggested a plan. "We should send the Tesseract away with the people evacuating to be safe. I don't want to risk Kree getting their hands on that."

Tony shook his head. "No, I'll bring it along. That way, we know it is secure. Those people are just refugees and there is no way they can protect it. It would just endanger them unnecessarily. Also, the Tesseract emits gamma radiation so we can't move it too far, we can hide it inside the spaceship but they might find out if it is located somewhere farther."

Carol did not care about the science stuff much. She just trusted that Tony knows what he was doing since he had more experience with the item.


Everyone boarded the plane. There were only jump seats installed and there was not enough for everybody. Tony did not want to fly slowly so he had to use his powers to stop everyone from flying all over during the trip.

They landed successfully back on Earth. Tony left the refugees on one of his safe-houses in the desert with a warning not to make a mess.


Tony, Carol, and Goose went back to the Blackbird.

Tony looked at Fury, Talos, and Maria. "Are you guys sure you want to go along? This is going to be dangerous"

Maria: "I'm Carol's wingman, of course I am going."

Talos: "You helped me reunite with my family. It is now my turn to return the favour"

Fury: "I should be the one asking you. Why are you bringing Goose along?"

Tony: "Fine, let's go."

Everyone boarded and the plane closed up.

As the plane rose up in the air, Tony looked at Carol and told her to contact her old teammates.

Carol kept the talk concise and close to the truth.

She found the Skrull's objective, another power core, and was currently hidden inside their space ship. Yon-Rogg and his team were going towards her and told Carol to stay on the ship. The Accusers were tracking them so he warned her not to go down at the planet's surface.

Everyone other than Tony panicked when hearing this. They thought it was safe back at the surface but it looks like it might be more dangerous down there. Tony had to calm them down by telling them that this was already expected and is part of the plan. He then explained the details of his plan to them.

They were inside the space cruiser and everyone got ready. They knew what they had to do and are now going to split up to their individual ȧssignments. Tony picked up Goose and went to Fury

Tony: "Here. Make sure her mouth is not restricted by anything. I already told you the instructions so make sure you don't mess it up"

Fury held the cat. He was still skeptical about Tony's plan since it involved Goose in order to get some weapons from their enemies. "You sure about this?"

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