After Anakin(Tony in disguise) asked Carol if she wanted some popcorn. He noticed Yon-Rogg looking at him. He looked at Yon-Rogg and asked. "What? You want some?"

Yon-Rogg:" I don't know what you're planning but you won't be able to stop the might of the Kree Empire"

Anakin:"Yeah yeah, you could have just said no if you didn't want to. Just start fighting if you don't want food. "

Yon-Rogg looked at Vers and posed to fight. Vers also got posing and they started moving sideways circling around each other. They were sizing up each other.

They went on for minutes and Goose's food is almost out. She is getting impatient.

Goose: Nyaaa!!!! nyaa nya nya nyaaaa!!!!

Anakin translated for Goose "She said to stop spinning and start fighting. Her food is almost gone and she'll start eating people if you don't do anything else"

Yon-Rogg was alarmed with the Flerken's reaction. He saw it eat two of his men so that threat wasn't unfounded. Since they needed to move, he initiated the attack.


The audience started talking after the first punch landed.

Fury: "So 'Anakin', wanna make it interesting?"

Anakin:"What do you have in mind?"

Fury: "We bet how long that guy will last. Winner gets 50 bucks"

Maria:"Are you guys serious right now? Carol is facing an alien and you're doing this?"

Fury:"A hundred?"

Maria:"What's the odds?"

Tony:"I don't know about you guys but I'm betting on Yon-Rogg on this round."

Tony:"That's good but business is business. I am rooting for Carol but I still think Yon-Rogg will win."

They were interrupted by Yon-Rogg getting punched and flying back a bit.

Fury:"I bet 5 minutes"


Tony:"I'm on him winning at 2 minutes"

They shook on it and continued watching.


Yon-Rogg got up and started attacking. This time, he was more focused.

Carol attacking again to keep her advantage but Yon-Rogg knew her fighting habits. He let her land a hit but he was able to get close. He hit her in the solar plexus and Carol lost her breath.

Tony started counting to 10. "1, 2 ... 10 Winner for this round. Yon-Rogg"

Maria: "Hey!!! He hit her on her brėȧsts. That's illegal!!!"

Tony: "Nope. They never set up any rules. She could also hit his balls if she wanted too. Just face it and pay up"

While the three were completing their transaction, Yon-Rogg was eyeing for an opening to do something. He might not be able to escape but he could still kill Vers.

He was going to Carol to kill kill her but Tony stopped him. He "force pushed" him to one corner. "Please prepare for the next round without disturbing your opponent. Round 2 will start in 5 minutes"

Tony then went to Carol and pressed some of her pressure points. Carol was able to regain consciousness but she realised she lost. "I would have won if I used my powers."

Tony: "Definitely. But that would be boring. Now prepare for round 2."


After 5 minutes, the two got ready to fight again.

Fury: "You sure those odds are accurate and not rigged? "

Tony: "Definitely. Unless some external factors affect the battle, I am confident this will be the outcome of their fight"

Maria: "I'll pass."

Fury: "Fine but I don't have any more cash on me. Want to bet something else?"

Tony: "How about the Tesseract? You report to SHIELD that the aliens took it while I get to keep the cube."

Fury: "Uh-Uh. I'm not that high level to pull it off."

Tony: "Hey, don't go forgetting Talos just because he's not here. And let's face it, you guys can't protect the thing anyway"

Fury: "Fine, but if I win you give me Goose."

Tony: "You sure about that? She has a very big apetite."

Tony: "Ok. If she goes with you I won't stop her"

They looked at Goose who was busy eating another plate of meat Tony prepared for round 2.


They continued watching. Tony noticed that Carol was starting to lose again. He decided to interrupt their fight

Anakin(Tony): "Hey Vers. Minn-Erva is a better kisser than you. If you lose to Yon-Rogg then your only advantage over her is your powers."

Vers got irritated. She did not know why Tony was doing this right now. She and Tony did not have a romantic relationship, they got that clear early. But telling her that he kissed another woman still annoys her. He is now comparing her to another woman.

She wanted to finish the fight fast and beat up Tony.


Maria was annoyed with what Tony just said. She knew Tony wasn't that careful of his words so she was not surprised with what he said. Still, Maria was hoping Tony and Carol got together.

Fury: "What are you doing?"

Anakin: "What? I didn't rig the fight. I am also pretty sure Yon-Rogg has the advantage just like my odds stated."

Fury: "And that was?"

Anakin: "Never said external factors can't be introduced."

Fury looked at him trying to kill Tony with his stare.

Tony: "Fine, here's your money. Maria, you too. Never needed the cash anyway. Thanks for the Tesseract though"

Fury: "What are you...? The fight hasn't even ..."

Fury then saw Tony stand up. Tony gave the money to the two and started stretching.

Tony: "Woah. Well guys, gotta run. Just leave those Kree there and go to the plane. Talos should have it ready by now"

They saw Carol flew over and Tony started running. He did not actually run. He was waving his arms and legs way too much. (Fake jogging)

(AN: Like when some people cross the pedestrian lane with very large arm movements. They look like they are in a hurry but are still slow.)

Tony was jogging while going zig-zag into the corridors. He did not go very fast, just enough for Carol to see him but not catch up to him.


Tony eventually arrived at the holding room.

He went inside and greeted Minn-Erva: "Hey How about now? Miss me yet?"

Carol caught up to Tony and walked inside. There she saw Minn-Erva behind bars. (technically Force field)

Carol: "Minn-Erva?"

She looked at 'Anakin' and asked if he wanted to show off his new girlfriend.

Tony: "What? No. I'm here to introduce your partner when you go to space"

Carol: "Partner? I don't need a babysitter. Also, she's an enemy. Why do you even ...?"

Tony: "Fine, if you don't want it then you don't get one. I'll just continue where we left off then. "

Tony went to deactivate the force field. He went inside the containment cell and approached Minn-Erva.

Minn-Erva saw that Vers was still watching them so she played along with Tony. She embraced Tony's (Anakin) neck and posed seductively.

Tony did not hear the door closing or any reaction from Carol/Vers. He looked back and saw her wide eyed. "What now? You want to join? I don't enjoy being watched so if you're staying, you will have to participate."

Carol: "Wha.. Tony!!!!! The fight is not over yet. The Accusers are still coming."

Tony: "Oh yeah that. You could handle them on your own. If you need any help.."

Carol heard Tiny Tony's voice again. "There's always me and this"

She then felt her body moving on its own. She remembered how Tony taught her a new move by demonstrating it directly using her own body.

Tony: "So you joining or what?"


Carol walked towards the two. Tony did not seem nervous about the fight so he was confident they would win. She didn't need to worry about it much then

Also, she just came out of an exhausting fight so she might as well do something to relax and release the tension.

Getting it on with a girl was also something she was curious about. She never tried it with Maria because she is like her sister. If that didn't end well, then their relationship might get awkward.

Later on, she had Tony to satisfy her needs. The idea faded into the background but never disappeared. Now it resurfaced again.

Most importantly, she didn't like Minn-Erva so she did not want to leave Tony alone with her like this.


Tony noticed her coming and got nervous.

He was just bluffing to get Carol to leave. He needed some alone time before the Accusers arrived.

He knew he messed up when he saw her reaction after he revealed his thing with Minn-Erva. That was just supposed to give her a push to exert her maximum strength. There was no way was she was going to win against Yon-Rogg with her half-assed punches.

Unfortunately, he went too far. She was angry and wanted to beat him up. Fury and Maria couldn't help him even if they wanted to. Carol can also fly in space so leaving the spaceship would be useless.

The only way he thought she would leave him alone would be with Minn-Erva's help. He really intended to make her Carol's backup but Carol's reaction would need him to spend more time explaining. He did not have that time right now.

He decided to go to the playboy route. Carol might not leave if she was allowed to watch so Tony made the condition allowing her to stay if she participated.

He thought Carol would leave. He forgot the possibility that Carol might have been a lesbian on his previous life.

It's not like he did not want to ride the tricycle but this wasn't the time.

Also, he isn't ready for it yet. There are two of everything and four of somethings. The logistics would be messy and he didn't want to share with his clones. Especially when they teamed up against him before. (Diaper changing incident)


Tony was standing by his bluff and went to receive Carol with his other arm.

He was about to start kissing them when he heard a sound.


Goose followed the two and interrupted them.

The cat still had a grudge from before. She thought they might do it again. She did smell pheromones, from Minn-Erva, on Tony when they met to capture Yon-Rogg's men.

Goose was not going to let Tony do it with anyone until it felt that they are even.

Tony: "GOOSE!!!!! Sorry girls, looks like something happened so we'll have to postpone this for later"

Tony then went to pickup the cat. He then carried Goose near his ear and whispered. "Thank you Goose. I'll give you a feast later."

Goose hear this and was confused. She intended to stop him but he was grateful instead. She wondered if she did anything wrong?


AN: For the person who pointed out about cheating.

Never intended it to actually be cheating and/or keep it a secret. Just needed a motivation to make Carol win against Yon-Rogg on hand-to-hand combat. She learned the techniques but knowing you are sparring still makes it hard to unleash a full power hit

The movie never showed Carol capable of beating Yon-Rogg without power. And I personally think she won't be able to by the end of the movie. She was just too focused on her powers by then

PS: The MC knows how cheating in superhero movies work.

PPS?:Also, it's only a make-out session. Plenty of drunk people do it all the time. As long as they don't do 'IT', I think there is still room for forgiveness.

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