AN: Sorry got delayed.

Also might be messy. I pieced parts together during my free times instead of just writing at one go.


Vers(Carol) and Minn-Erva looked just as Anakin(Tony) walked away. He said it was urgent but the two women knew he was acting. His body language did not express any urgency to go somewhere due to an emergency. He seems to just be running away

Vers: Did we just got...?

Minn-Erva: Uh-huh

Vers: For a cat?

Minn-Erva: I think so...

Minn-Erva: "Kill him first, then fight later?"

Vers nodded at Minn-Erva's suggestion. She then looked at Minn-Erva"Truce?"

Minn-Erva: "Truce!"

They shook on it and Vers introduced her real name to Minn-Erva. She didn't want to be called Vers more than necessary.

They started planning for their revenge. Both of them knew how smart their target was so they did not rush things.

After their talk, Minn-Erva voluntarily stayed inside the holding cell. She learned her teammates' situation and decided to give up on escaping for now. At least she has a comfortable bed to rest on.

The clones with Vers kept themselves silent. They kept listened to the plans. They analized the girls' plans and concluded that Tony wouldn't suffer any serious injuries unless he is careless. They decided to not inform the main body.


Tony was carrying Goose while walking towards the drop ships launch area. That is where he hid the Blackbird in.

He check the ambient temperature. The temperature inside is colder than Earth's right now so he disregarded the feeling. It was probably just his body not used to the temperature.

He continued on and eventually went inside the plane. He let Goose go back to the others. He doesn't need the cat for 'protection' anymore. After the plane closed, Tony created a portal to his the Antartic Sanctum.

Tony walked around a bit. He did not see any person around but he still talked as if someone could hear him: "You here yet?"

The Ancient One suddenly appeared and asked "You really don't want to be the sorcerer supreme? You can already guess a bit of the future without using the Time Stone. I would like to see what you could do when you have it."

Tony: "It's just probabilities, I can think of someone who could better than me. Also, you keep saying that but you never let me play around with the Time Stone at all. So please just get back to business. The fireworks are almost here."

Tony knew Ancient One was monitoring his actions. He left a spell he design that draws power from the space stone inside JARVIS. He didn't want to waste time and knew she would have checked it already.

Ancient One: "I have inspected the spell you designed. I modified it a bit. Your spell design needs a bit more work. The spell you made can conceal usage of the Tesseract from most beings in the universe. But beings like Odin, Heimdall, and other lifeforms could still see through it if they wanted to."

Tony: "If you let me access your personal library, I'm sure I can come up with something better"

Ancient One: "Finish reading the Darkhold first, then we'll discuss it. "

Tony: "That book... It never gives up. It always tries to corrupt me every-time I take a peek. You'd think that by the millionth time getting opened, it will at least give me a break."


Tony finished studying the modified spell.

He went back to space. He and the others boarded the Starforce ship just as the Accusers arrived at C-53's jump point. 5 ships arrived and are currently on stand-by.

Tony looked at Talos who is transformed into Yon-Rogg. "You got this?"

Talos initiated communications. He stated that the target is captured but their ship got damaged in combat.

He requested to board the Accusers' ship and hitch a ride back to Hala.

Ronan agreed.


Ronan: "Agreed. Prepare a boarding party. Make sure they contact the Supreme Intelligence. They'll have to get checked out before doing anything else.

Also, prepare to launch the Ballistic Warheads. There might be a Kree infestation on C-53



Tony, Maria, Fury and Goose, Carol, and Talos rode the ship and they left Mar-Vell's Laboratory.

Along the way, Tony asked for Talos to slow down. "Open the air lock for a bit. I'm going to be throwing some thing into space "

Tony got a tubes out of his pocket.

Fury: "What's that, some kind of space grenade?"

Tony: "Something like that."

Tony looked what she was pointing at He knew that it was the bomb bays opening up and preparing to launch. "Talos. You had one job. We might as well just made Science Guy do the talking."

Fury: "What's happening?"

Tony: "They are preparing to launch their weapons on earth.

Carol, prepare to sortie.

Maria, you pilot the ship.

Talos will man the guns. Make sure you hit something

Fury. Make sure Goose doesn't fly all over the place. You don't want to see her angry.

I'll be going with Carol.


He looked at Carol. He doesn't know what to say after he walked out on the two.

Carol : "We'll settle it later. For now, make sure the missiles don't hit Earth."

Tony : "I'll make sure of that. But you need to go hit them with THAT attack. They might already be suspicious of Earth. We need to make sure they don't see Earth as more of a threat than you are"

Tony used his nanites to establish a link with the ship and contacted the people in the ċȯċkpit. "Open the airlock."


Fury and Maria looked as Carol flew towards where the warheads are aimed at. They tried to look for Tony but did not see him anywhere

Fury : "Can you see Tony? I don't see him anywhere."

Tony voice was from the ship's communications equipment "Just because you can't find me doesn't mean you get to keep Goose. "

Fury: "Motherf... Where are you? We can't spot you anywhere"

Tony : "Just go ahead and try to board their ship. Also try to stall for time. I'll be going somewhere else."


The Starforce ship eventually boarded Ronan's ship. They were just landing the ship in the landing bay ȧssigned to them.

Fury saw that there were plenty of Kree standing at the landing bay they are ȧssigned to

Fury: "Hey Talos. You think they're here to repair the ship?"

Talos looked at the Kree. He recognised them. "They're warriors. And they're not the friendly type"

Maria: "I don't know about you guys but I'm staying here."


Ronan: "How's Commander Yon-Rogg's ship?"

Accuser lackey 1: "There are signs of damage. But not enough to require getting a ride with us"

Ronan: "Then launch the warheads. C-53 might truly be infested. "


Tony looked at the ships and saw the missiles getting launched. He contacted Carol to make check if she could intercept it.

Carol: "I am ready in front. But all the missiles are fired at the same time. I might not make it in time for the others if I focus on just one of them"

Tony : "Then use it."

Carol: "Do I really have to do the shout as well? I don't think that makes a difference."

Tony : "Nope. You need to shout. All the power comes from the shout. The louder you shout, the stronger the attack."

Carol: "Fine."

Carol got her hands together and started focusing her energy.

She then started shouting.

Carol: "Kaaaaaaaaa"

Tony: "Nope, still too weak. Shout louder"

Carol: "MeeE, HaaAA, MeEEEE"

Tony: "Good. Now concentrate on that last shout. Try to make the whole world hear you."


Carol directer her attack at the lead missile.

Just as her attack collided with the missile, the missile exploded. The missile was too close to the other missiles and triggered a chain explosion. Most of the missiles exploded while a few of them disappeared during the explosion.

Tony was responsible for those missing missiles. He transported those missiles to the Mirror Dimension. He was going to be using them for research. Afterwards, he would be storing them as souvenirs.

Carol's attack completed its purpose but Tony wasn't satisfied. "Carol, go to one of their ships near another and line them up. Do it again and make sure it doesn't explode on impact. Your goal is to destroy the two ships in one shot"

Carol complained that her attack was already strong enough. There isn't a need to make it more destructive.


Ronan: "What happened. That's not C-53's defence system."

Accuser lackey 1: "Sir, emergency at the landing bay."

Ronan: "What is it this time?"

Accuser lackey 1: "Everyone ȧssigned to Yon-Rogg's ship are dead. Everyone in the hangar is also dead. All of them."

Ronan: "How?"


Fury's POV

A few moments earlier

Fury and Talos were getting ready for a fight. They did not expect to be seen through already. They didn't even exit the ship and they are already

Fury contacted Tony to inform him of the situation.

Tony: "I see. Can you Goose hear me?"


Tony: "Goose. There's a feast waiting outside. You can forget about your diet. Today is a cheat day."

Nya? Nya nyaaa

Goose licked her mouth.

Tony: "Oh yeah. Fury?"

Fury: "Here."

Tony: "Make sure to hide. Goose can handle this on her own"

Fury and Talos got back to the ċȯċkpit. They checked on Goose using indoor cameras and saw the cat stretching. They then saw Goose look back to the camera and signalled she is ready. They got Maria to open the cargo bay doors.


The Kree soldiers looked at the cargo bay door opening. They got their guns ready and prepared to open fire.

When the cargo bay doors are fully opened, they saw a yellow cat sitting in the middle of the cargo area.

They slowly went inside. Twenty went on board while the other 30 watched at the cargo bay door exit.

When the boarding party got near the cat, they used their scanners to determine the species of the cat. "Species : Flerken, Threat : High"

They were just about to get some restraints for the Flerken. It opened up its mouth and exposed more than 40 tentacles. The tentacles went to their respective targets and started killing everyone on sight without letting them make a noise or contact using their communicators. It swallowed everyone in the boarding party while leaving the guns on the floor.

Goose then went to the cargo bay exit. It saw all the Kree waiting outside and went down the ramp slowly. The Kree soldiers aimed at it at first but eventually stopped. They did not hear anything so they ȧssumed that the cat has low threat level.

Goose got near those Kree and did the same thing. She then went to stroll around the hangar killing everyone and eating them afterwards.


Fury saw all these from the feeds of all the cameras around the spaceship they were in.

Fury saw that Goose was enjoying eating every single Kree in the hangar. She even went to the intercept others who just got inside the hangar. After a few minutes, there are no more Kree present inside the hangar.

Fury : "MotherFlerken. She ate everyone. Even that thin one. Guess something got stuck and she needed a toothpick."

Talos : "Now you see why I am afraid of Flerkens?"

Maria: "You still want to get Goose from Tony after this?"

Fury : "Hell yeah.

That is a f**king 1 cat army.

Though I am not sure I can feed her if she eats like this. I don't think there is even that much death row inmates"

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