AN: Accuser Warship == bomber ships.


Carol flew towards to get an angle where two Kree bomber ships are lined up. She tried to get them to line up along the longer axis of their spaceships. She started focusing again but she heard Tony ranting.

Tony: "Make sure to give a bit of margin for their maneuvers. They might just doge your attack."

Carol: "Can't I just fly and punch through them? It is easier than what you're making me do."

Tony: "Sure. But what happens if you encounter something that you can't punch through? What what if they got you trapped in something they set up inside because you flew in blind?"

Carol: "Then you go and rescue me. Isn't that part of the benefits of being friends with benefits?"

Tony: "I think you're misunderstanding somthing. That's not how friends with benefits work."

Carol: "Fine, I'll do what you say. By the way, why haven't they sent any fighters yet?"


Carol got to focus the maximum amount of energy she can to her hands. She got herself ready and started shouting KA ME HA ME


Tony was getting his spell ready when he heard her shout.

Tony : "Carol. Wrong sound!!!

That's supposed to be for something else."

Carol did not understand what she did wrong. She thought Tony was just commenting on the volume again so she just continued shouting.


Tony looked as Carol's attack finished. It reached the other ship and then created a huge explosion.

Carol tried to do it but it had no more effect. Tony won't be able to hide what he will do with just that.

He decided to use the Tesseract. He used the cube as a booster when he created a portal using magic. This one didn't have the sparking ring anymore. It was just a hole.

He set up the other end to connect to multiple portals set up around the sun. He never went near it but he can see it from space. He used that as an approximate location and the Tesseract helped with the rest. It shouldn't be called the Space Stone if it can't even do line of sight teleportation.


The portal stabilised and a bright beam of light radiated out from it.

This was one of the spells Tony designed to test the capabilities of the Space Stone.

The Great Flashlight

The spell was designed to draw light from the sun. Portals would surround the it and the other end would release a beam of light on the other. The single exit portal would focus all the light drawn from the sun.

Tony used the Space stone to handle multiple portals in one go. He linked up all portals to one central portal.

First, it was supposed to work in one direction. Tony didn't ȧssign a default exit portal so anyone going from this end would be split evenly to all the portals connected.

Second, this was only useful for light.

Light is made of Photons and those particles can collide without causing anything to happen.

But if two atoms ended up exiting at the same point at the same time. Then things will get weird. On the top of his head, alchemy might happen and he might create random elements. The particles in the atom could accidentally fit perfectly and create new elements. If he isn't lucky. He might cause a nuclear explosion or something worse.

Tony added a filter at the portals so only light would pass and not some random particles in space.

Flash lights aren't supposed to explode.


The spell worked. The light from the portal was enough and Tony got the cover he was waiting for.

Tony went ahead and used the Space Stone. Using the spell Ancient One modified, he was able to create a very portal 3 miles in diameter.

The explosion eventually ended and Tony had to turn off the flashlight.

After that, the only Accuser warship left is the flagship where Ronan is in.

Tony sent a message to the team inside the last Accuser warship to start evacuating. Ronan is probably going to retreat now.

(AN: Great Flashlight is just a regular sized magic portal. EndGame size portal maximum. Tony just needed the Space Stone to link up multiple portals not create a huge ȧss one. There is no energy emitted by the Space Stone since it doesn't need much energy to stabilise space

The 3 mile diameter portal is different. The Tesseract is needed to create a portal that size. It would have definitely been noticed by other beings in the universe so Ancient One's modification was necessary.)


Back to a few moment.

Ronan's POV

Carol just blasted the bombs. She and Tony were having a conversation while getting ready to attack the other Warships.

The fighter space ships on board are fully operational.

Unfortunately, there is no one at the hangar to pilot any of them.

Everyone got eaten by the Flerken.

Ronan ordered his men to contact the other ships for support but Accuser Lackey #1 went to report again.

Accuser Lackey #1: "Sir, the woman seems to be preparing for another attack."

Ronan: "Send the remaining men into the fighters and take her down. Contact the others to do the same"

Accuser Lackey #1: "Right away..."

Lackey #1 went to execute the command but went back again before. "Sir, it is too late. Ships 4 and 5 are already destroyed."

Ronan: "What about 2 and 3?"

Ronan: "Return to the jump point. We have already lost a lot. We need to salvage what we can."

Accuser Lackey #1: "But sir. The Flerken still isn't restrained"

Ronan: "Lock down the hangar and go to the jump point. We could capture the Flerken then"


After receiving instructions from Tony, Fury shouted for Goose to come back.

Goose was already on the way back to the Starforce ship. She was just looking around to see if she missed someone or forgot to eat one of the enemies.

She was already full but Tony's diet routine made her appreciate food more. She developed a habit of not leaving leftovers of possible.

Goose took her time but she eventually reached the plane.

Fury went to pick up Goose. The cat wasn't in a hurry but they are. Talos already pointed out that the hangar was starting to go on lock down and they needed to hurry up.

After Fury got inside, Maria launched the Startforce ship without even waiting for the doors to close completely.

She checked around to see where they could exit.

The other hangar doors are already closed but there was one near them that is still on the process of closing.

Maria aimed towards that ang got the pushed the thrusters to max. The ship accelerated and went flying to the opening.

Talos looked at where they were intending to go. He saw that the door was closing. "We're not gonna make it, young lady please go to another exit"

Maria: "Call me young lady one more time and I'll feed you to Goose"

They got to the gate and the plane got stuck at the door.

Fury: "We're stuck"

Talos: "I told you."

The ship they were in was getting crushed by the door

Maria: "Hey Carol. Mind giving us a hand?"

They did not hear a response. The antenna might have been damaged. They didn't know what to do but Maria felt the plane got some room to maneuver. She wiggled the plane to loosen the points it was stuck and they got loose.

It was a close but they were able to exit with the plane mostly intact.

They looked at back and saw Carol holding the door they just went through. It had a large dent where Carol held it.

They did not see Tony but a knock in the spaceship and Carol pointing at the airlock.

They opened the airlock. Tony and Carol got inside the plane.

Fury looked surprised seeing Tony coming out of the airlock. Tony was eating something from a small vacuum pack bag. He also had a huge bag filled with things hanging on his elbows.

Tony: "Want some? I don't know what the flavour is since I got them from the Kree. They taste good though."

Fury: "Where did you...? You got that from one of the bombers exploding?"

Tony: "Yeah. You sure you don't want some?"

Fury: "Don't tell me you went out there just to grab some alien food?"

Tony: "Pretty much. Carol handled the ships on her own so I got some time to go shopping. How about you guys?"

Fury: "Goose pretty much handled everything."

Fury then went to raise Goose up his face. "You got everyone didn't you?"

Tony noticed Goose wasn't as relaxed as before and tried to ask Fury to let Goose down.

Fury just played with Goose a bit more. He went to praise it a bit. "You're a good kitty. But don't eat too much bad guys. Okay Goose? Or you'll become a fat kitty"

Goose heard Fury calling her fat and started getting annoyed. Tony noticed this but Fury didn't.

Tony:"Hey Fury. Don't call my pet fat."

Fury: "But Goose is getting chubby from all those junk food"

Fury then went to raise up Goose's by the sides exposing her stomach. "See Goose. Your tummy is getting bigger. You're ... owwww MotherFlerken"

Goose had it with Fury calling her fat. She retaliated. She used her paws and scratched at Fury's left eye.

Maria: "You okay?"

Fury: "Yeah. It's just a scratch"

Talos: "No"


Tony thought to himself. [Damn Fury distracting me. I forgot about this. Hope my nanites recorded that.]

Tony checked on his nanites to see if they recorded the scene. JARVIS is linked to the nanites now so the AI might have been recording the scene. He did allow JARVIS to record data on its own.

Tony got message from JARVIS : [Video Successfully Recorded. Setting up back ups now]

Tony smiled and thought to himself. "Let's see what happens when I show this after you spout all those stories. "


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