The team looked from the starship. They watched as Ronan's warship leave and go through a jump point.

Talos: "You should have also destroyed Ronan's warship. Letting him go like that, it would just give everyone more problems in the future. He would definitely come back to Earth for revenge"

Carol did not agree with Talos. She thought that she has already killed too many today. They should let Ronan go.


When she attacked the 2 warships, she felt Tony do something. She did not know if it was actually him but he was the only one around at the time. Afterwards, her attack caused a bright light and she was not able to see anything. When she regained her vision, she noticed that the other two warships seemed to disintegrate into nothing.

Carol was familiar with her attack so she was sure that something happened to it. It wasn't supposed to be that powerful. Something definitely happened. Tony was the one who taught her the attack and he was around at the time. He was definitely the main suspect.

She might not be the one to cause the destruction of all 4 warships but she contributed to it. It was more blood on her hands.

It was war and she knows death cannot be avoided. But she already killed plenty. If the enemy did not want to fight, she would let them go.

Carol: "I'm not going to let them."

Carol started glowing againg. She looked at her hands that seemed to glow brighter than before. "With this, they would be so busy fighting against me. They won't even have the time to think of exacting revenge on earth"

Tony: "Hey Christmas Lights. Can you turn off now? It's getting hot in here."


The team went back to Mar-Vell's lab.

As the plane's door is opening, Fury remembered that they still had the Kree prisoners knocked out: "Oh yeah. What are we supposed to do with those Starforce people? Earth isn't capable of handling those kinds of prisoners."

Carol: "I don't know about everyone but I do know what Tony will do to one of them. Or at least what he intended to do until Goose came along."

Tony: "Really? You want to do this now?"

Maria: "Wait. Are you two talking about that Kree girl. What's her name again. Minerva?"

Carol: "It's two words but yeah she's the one."

Fury: "Are you guys talking about the one I'm thinking of? I only remember one woman in their group back then."

Fury then looked at Tony with a judging gaze.

Tony: "What?"

Fury: "She's blue"

Tony: "And you're black."

Tony then pointed at Talos. "He's green. What's your point?"

Talos: "I'm sorry. But can someone tell me what everyone is talking about?"

Tony took Goose who was relaxing on his shoulder. He then gave her to Talos who flinched at his actions: "It would be hard to help you catch up so here's Goose. Go to 'this room'. Point her at everyone. Then let her eat whoever she wants. We'll handle the leftovers later"

Talos did not know what is happening but he felt the tension in the air. It didn't seem like something serious but it was family talk serious. He has a family as well and experienced this before. It might not be important to him but it was gossip worthy.

Talos wanted to stay to hear what is happening. But he noticed Goose lick her mouth when Tony told him to feed the Flerken. Talos saw this before and decided to bring her to where the 'desserts' are supposed to be.


The humans waited for Talos to leave and continued.

Fury: "We're talking about aliens here. Isn't there something like alien cooties?"

Tony looked at Carol waiting for her to do something.

Carol: "Why are you looking at me?"

Tony: "Well you're the one who started this. Not to mention, you're the only half-alien here. Might as well explain it to them."

"Hey!! I haven't had ... " Carol stopped before she almost told everyone about 'that' part of her life.

Carol: "I haven't heard of or had any kind of disease back at Hala. There's also no gossip about her sleeping with anyone. Scuttlebutt is she is focused on her career that she didn't have the chance to have any. That's also the reason why she is so uptight to me. Well at least that's what the other kept saying when she went too far during trainings"

(AN: IDK Air Force equivalent of Scuttlebutt)

Tony: "Okay then. Problem solved. Let's get going"

Maria: "Wait a second mister. I still have a problem. What's wrong with you two?"

Fury felt that this was going to get 'juicy'.

He slowly 'left'.

After what they went through, he was familiar with them. He knew some things about everyone but this was something else. They might still talk about it but they won't be having some 'real talk' if they notice him still listening.

He wanted to hear some 'juicy' info so he hid himself just outside the spaceship. He was out of their sight be he was still in a place where he could continue listening to their conversation.


Maria: "So? Explain yourselves."

Tony noticed that Fury was still nearby. He wanted to point this out but Maria interrupted him.

Carol started talking trying to divert the focus from this topic but Maria could see through her act.

Maria: "Carol Susan Jane Danvers. Don't give me that crap. Get to the point and tell me what's going on with you two."

Carol didn't tell her how she heard Tony's voice back when at her day on Hala. She might misunderstand and think there is something. She went straight to the recent events and told Maria how they got together after Tony helped her get her memories back.

They went to Tony's house to rest but she skipped on the 'details'. They did enjoy their time with each other but pointed out that they never really talked about their relationship after she got back.

Maria heard everything and sighed: "Why can't the two be more mȧturė? I don't need more kids to take care of. Monica is already a handful. I expected this from Tony but not you Carol."

Tony: "Why am I immature by default?"

Maria: "Will Smith is the actor of Fresh Prince but you're the true story. But stop trying to change topics. What's Minerva got to do with you two?"

Carol told her how Tony arranged for Minn-Erva to be her backup in the war. She didn't know if this was true but when she refused the help, Tony went to kissing Minn-Erva.

Maria: "And you're okay with that?"

Carol: "Yeah. Then this guy starts running after Goose came to interrupt us"

Maria: "You wanted to join them? I give up. Just tell me what's you think your relationship should be"

Carol: "I thought we'd just be friends with benefits. I haven't thought about settling down until now."

Tony: "Plus you're going to be leaving soon. We both know long-distance relationships hardly work. And that's just talking about relationships on Earth.

Space gives a whole new meaning to the term long distance."

Maria: "You're staying here? Why aren't you going with her?"

Tony: "You already know why"

Tony did want to talk about this anymore. He walked away and went out of the ship. The two women watched as Tony left leaving the 2 women on their own.


Fury thought while secretly eavesdropping. [Damn!!! The man almost got to ride the tricycle. Maybe I can use this.

I'll take care of Goose while he gets it on with those two. Next thing he knows, Goose is already SHIELD's mascot]

Fury then noticed that Tony was starting to leave. He tried to hide and wait until Tony got far and leave as well but his body suddenly floated.

He could still grab onto something and hide but gave up. He knew that Tony already knows where he is

Fury: [Busted]


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