AN: First part is just some clean up work. Short clips of events.


After Tony left, Maria tried to talk Carol out of going to space. She knew it was useless but she still had to try.

One thing led to another and they got started having their girl talk. The main topic, Tony of course.

Carol complained about Tony's habits and peculiar traits.

Maria: "Daamn"


Meanwhile, Tony and Fury got out of the hangar and walking in the corridor.

Tony: "So, satisfied with what you heard?"

Fury: "Definitely.... I mean Nope. I didn't even hear squat"

Tony: "Relax. It's not like this is some kind of secret . But I don't want this spreading around. Especially when you go back at SHIELD. I don't want to visit there and the people start gossiping about me"

Tony: "Oh I'll know. I may not be a spy but I did get training from one. "


Tony and Fury eventually reached Talos

They saw two men lying on the ground. There are no signs of the others except the weapons they used.

Tony looked at the 2 left and recognised they were Yon-Rogg and Korath. He was surprised that they were the only two left.

He did not ask Goose to leave anyone one behind. If Goose decided to eat everyone, then Tony would have just sent someone in the crew from the warships he captured. They just needed to send a message anyway.

Tony inspected the two and noticed that Korath was injured. Part of his hand got ripped off but was not eaten. It was lying there next to him.

Tony looked at Talos to ask "What happened to him? "

Fury: "Yeah. It looks like Goose took a bite and decided she didn't like what she ate."

Tony: "Where's Goose now?"

Talos: "Probably in the toilet washing her mouth. She kept her tongue out after spitting that hand. It looks like she didn't like the taste. She never even went to try Yon-Rogg"

Fury looked at Korath. "This man is giving us black people a bad rep. I hope Goose doesn't get picky after this."

Talos: "Something is definitely wrong with this guy. Goose didn't even leave a bone back when we were at the warship."

Tony:"I'll go check on Goose. Leave the hand and get these two on the drop-ship. Wait for Carol there. She might have something to say before we send them back. "


Tony looked at Goose who was still holding her tongue on some running water.

He asked Goose what's the problem. The cat just ignored him and kept on washing her mouth.

He bonded his symbiote to the cat to try and communicate.

Tony: "What do you mean he tastes bad? That's it? You sure there's no poison or anything?"

Goose agreed and did not say anything anymore.

Tony inspected Goose's body but nothing seemed wrong. Other than all those bodies floating in her tummy space, everything else he knew about Goose seemed normal.

Tony: "Wow. I guess Korath is really unappetising. What the hell kind of steroids is that guy taking? I've never seen Goose not hungry."

Tony then started petting Goose. "I guess there's no 'organic' food concept in outer space. Hopefully there's some kind of space Yelp. That way you can check if some races taste bad and don't have to take a bite before eating them."


After Tony helped Goose clean up her tongue, he went to the dropships.

Fury saw Tony holding Goose. "How is she?"

Tony: "Fine. He just doesn't taste good. She didn't throw up any other Kree so it's probably something Korath did to himself. I'm guessing steroids but I can't be sure until I check."

Tony stored Korath's hand and later passed it on to JARVIS for analysis.


Yon-Rogg and Korath were eventually sent back to Hala using the drop-ship. They went back with Carol's message for the supreme intelligence. That she is coming to end it all. The war, lies, everything.


After the Kree left, Fury and the others were also preparing to leave.

Tony left a clone to take care of Minn-Erva and make sure she didn't cause a mess while they were away.

On the flight back, Tony left it to Maria to pilot the Black bird. They were no longer in a hurry so he let her play with the plane.

They went to pick up Talos' family. The others were left behind. Tony got some entertainment in the safe-house so they still had something to do.

They also picked up Maria's daughter Monica along the way.

They went back to Maria Rambeau's home to have dinner.

They told Monica how Carol was going away with the Skrulls to help them find their new home.

Carol: "Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it"

Monica: "Maybe I could fly and meet you half-way."

Fury: "Oh only if you learn how to glow like your Aunt Carol."

Monica: "Or maybe I'll build my own spaceship. You don't know."

Carol: "He doesn't."

Carol then looked at Fury mockingly.

Maria: "Yeah. And if you can't build your own. You can ask Uncle Tony for help. He already made one so building another one is easy"

Tony: "Fine. I'll help you build your spaceship."

Monica: "Really?"

Tony: "Yeah. But only if you can't learn how to glow like Carol."

Monica: "I can learn how to glow like Aunt Carol?"

Tony: "Not yet but I'm working on it."

Monica: "Can't you just make me my own spaceship ?"

Tony: "Nope. I said I'll help you build one not make one for you. I don't want to just give you your own spaceship. Where's my fun in that?

You need to design your own spaceship from the ground up. That means you need to go to school and learn everything to do with spaceships."

Monica: "But going to school and all will take time. What if she already returns by then?"

Tony: "Don't worry. If you still haven't made your spaceship, I'll give you mine. You know, the one we just rode on. That one is fast enough to catch up to your Aunt Carol"

Monica: "But I don't like your plane. It's too black and boring. I want something cool and fresh."

Tony: "Oh yeah? Then why don't you go get some paper and show me what a 'cool and fresh' spaceship looks like."


Fury: "They're talking about superpowers and spaceships like it's a joke and somehow I don't think anyone is kidding right now."

Carol: "Says the man who's holding a super dangerous alien on his ŀȧp"

Fury looked at Goose who was laying down. "Goose is different. She's isn't dangerous. She's a good kitty"


After Monica started drawing her own spaceship, Fury got envious and chimed in. "Can I also get my own spaceship?"

Tony: "You? No"

Fury: "How come she gets a spaceship and I don't?"

Tony: "She's cuter that you."

Fury : "Come on. Please?"

Tony: "Nope. What are you going to use a spaceship for anyway? SHIELD can't handle threats from outer space. There is a quad-jet back at PEGASUS. That should be more appropriate for you guys."


After dinner.

Talos and his family went to stay for the night. They already have the address to Tony's safe-house where the other Skrulls are located. They could just pick them up tomorrow.

Tony and Carol rode on the Blackbird and they flew back on the to Mar-Vell's lab.

Goose was left to Fury for now. Tony and Fury already had the eye-to-eye conversation during dinner. Goose was going to be under Fury's custody for the next few days.

(AN: I want to say 'telepathic' instead of eye-to-eye conversation but there is a literal telepathy in this universe.

But you probably know about what I'm talking about. The one where people talk with only their eyes and looks)


(Buffer Space)

(More Buffer Space)

(Some more Buffer space

Just to make sure the mood changes. Otherwise, this may feel weird since I haven't made a build up)


Back at space

Carol: "You sure you're not gonna chicken out like last time?"

Tony: "I wasn't chickening out. It's just that there is something important I had to do."

Carol: "Sure. Whatever you say."

They went back to Minn-Erva's room. They saw another Tony already making out with Minn-Erva.

Carol: "How are you?"

Tony got angry. He left the clone to take care of her. Not "TAKE CARE" of her.

Tony wanted to kick his clone in the balls but he knew it would just transfer back to him. He just smacked his clone in the head and the clone disappeared.

Minn-Erva was just in the middle of a kiss when the one she was kissing suddenly vanished. She looked around and saw that another Anakin/Tony and Carol looking at her.

Tony: "Well. From the looks of it. That Tony already told you who I really am. So hello. I am the real Tony. Now, where were we?"

Tony lifted Minn-Erva up and brought her close to him. He then went to where Carol was and also hugged her

Minn-Erva looked at Carol who winked in response. Tony thought it was just Carol being kinky but it was actually a sign the two ladies came up with.

Tony started making out with the two. He alternated between the two making sure that they both got some action.

Minn-Erva was already warmed up so there are times when Tony got hooked into kissing her more than Carol. Carol bit on Tony to get some of his attention.

Tony: "Owww."

Carol: "She already had her turn before. Focus on me more"

Tony went ahead and kissed Carol.

Minn-Erva tried to pull back Tony but they fell. Tony caught everyone in time and floated them onto the bed.

They continued making out but as Tony focused on one, the other would do something to attract his attention. First it was just some play bites but it slowly went to pinching and was slowly escalating in pain.

Tony disregarded it at first but the ways they got his attention started getting more and more painful that he felt something was wrong.

Tony: "Easy ladies. No need to rush. We have all the time that we need"

Minn-Erva and Carol got softer for a bit. They did not stop. They just controlled their actions enough to not give Tony a hint of their plan.

They slowly got into the mood and everyone started undressing.

The ladies was eager to undress Tony but Tony made sure they got undressed as well.

When Tony got to taking off his shirt, the ladies went ahead and ȧssisted him. His hands were just about to get out of the shirt when his hands got tied up using the shirt. "What's this now? A little bondage play?"

The girls each mounted one of his legs while making sure his hands are still tied.

Tony: "Okay ladies. Let's have a safe-word before anything happens. How about.. Ooowww"

Tony looked down and saw the two of them pinching his nɨppŀės.

He tried to tell them to stop but neither Carol nor Minn-Erva seemed to hear him.

He felt something was wrong so he got the symbiote in Carol to merge with him. He then found out what is really happening. He learned about their revenge plan. How they were going to be doing some really painful bites and pinching with the guise of being horny.

Tony: "So you are both angry for what happened before."

Minn-Erva: "Uh-huh"

Carol: "Getting cat blocked isn't nice."

Tony: "Okay Sorry. Now can you please stop punishing me?"

Carol: "No. You going to be tied up for as long as we want you to."

Tony tried to complain for a bit but they didn't seem to budge. He even saw Minn-Erva trying to get a handcuff to replace the tied up shirt.

He had it with them and started to fight back. "You know what happens to naughty girls?"

Minn-Erva: "What?"

Carol felt that Tony was about to do something but before she could do anything, she and Minn-Erva already started floating.

Tony ripped off the shirt tying up his hands and started removing the clothes off the two.

Everyone is in their undėrwėȧr and Tony went ahead and smacked the ȧss of the two.

Tony: "They get spanked"


Tony had the room start playing some music to match the mood while he continued spanking the two.


After a while, the two finally gave up and apologised.

Tony had a few more smacks and then stopped it.

They continued on and got to the main event.

Carol wanted to go first but she learned that Minn-Erva might still be a vɨrġɨn. She was surprised at first but went ahead to restrain Minn-Erva.

Minn-Erva: "What are you two doing?"

Carol: "Just relax and let us do the work. Trust me on this. First time is very important, your partner might mess up and you might end up not liking s*x. Now relax yourself."

Carol was holding onto Minn-Erva as Tony slowly penetrated. It was painful at first but Minn-Erva slowly got used to it. After a while, she started enjoying it.

Carol got envious and started touching herself. Tony noticed this and slowly lifted her on top of Minn-Erva.

He then went ahead and alternated between the two.

They started doing it and the act went on for half a day.

Tony only had a few minutes of free time to move everyone into the plane and get them down to Earth. The room was getting messy and they had to do it some where else.

They can't do it everywhere inside the spaceship like what he and Carol did before. This was not their home and it would be rude to do it all over the spaceship.

Tony had the cushion float into the Blackbird so they didn't have to stop doing it. There were times that they had to squeeze to get though corridors but it only spiced things up a bit.

On the way back, Tony had it on autopilot and they continued doing each other even at zero gravity.

They eventually got to the Malibu Mansion where they continued what they were doing.

The act went on for days.

Tony already prepared some high energy food and drinks but only the girls were able to take breaks. He didn't have much time to eat as the girls were alternating on him.

Their plan for revenge failed but they found out that Tony doesn't stop when he's with one of them. As long as one of them keeps him company, he can't eat or drink properly.

Tony eventually got exhausted from the lack of nutrition. He bonded his symbiote to Carol every now and then to get some energy but it was still exhausting keeping up with two ladies with super human stamina.


Meanwhile back at Earth. Almost a week from the celebratory dinner.

Fury,Talos, and Maria were looking at the sky wondering when Tony and Carol would go back. Monica was in school so she didn't have and idea what was happening.

The ȧduŀts thought that the two were still up there 'bonding'.

Fury: "You think they're done yet?"

Talos: "I don't think so. "

Maria: "Hope they come back soon. Otherwise Goose won't stop being sad"

Talos: "I guess Flerkens aren't just some crazy dangerous monsters"

Goose noticed Tony was trying to mate someone and wanted to exact revenge. Unfortunately for the cat, Fury was holding her all the time.

After a few days, Goose started getting sad. She knew she couldn't have her revenge right now and that made her depressed.

Fury thought Goose was sad because she felt abandoned and tried to cheer her up by giving her some steak. It worked for a while but Fury's money was getting used up fast.

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