AN: [ ] will be indicating thoughts for now.

Might change later if something more appropriate marker is known or if I need it for something else


After Tony passed out due to exhaustion, Carol and Minn-Erva also went to rest.

When Carol woke up, she saw Tony still passed out.

She did not find Minn-Erva so she around so she started looking everywhere. She eventually found Minn-Erva sitting on a sofa watching television.

Carol: "What are you watching? Why are you watching advertisements? I thought Tony already had premium channels"

Minn-Erva: "How should I know. I was just walking by when this device turned on. Since you're both still out, I stayed here and watched to let time pass."

Carol: "Then you're doing it wrong."

Carol got the remote and started channel hopping. It didn't take long for something interesting to show up. It was somthing romantic. They won't enjoy action films since they live it. And sit-coms contain content too foreign for Minn-Erva to understand much less enjoy.

She then went to the couch, sat beside Minn-Erva, and started watching with Minn-Erva.

At first, there was awkward silence but the show got intense and they got too into the show. It may be because they are both bȧrėly clothed, but they didn't care about how they looked to one another and started complaining in the 'intense' scenes. Before they knew it, the two bonded by hating a certain guy at the show.

Minn-Erva: "I guess you aren't so bad"

Carol: "I could say the same. I guess the ceasefire is done now that we had our revenge"

Minn-Erva:"Really? I don't remember Tony suffering for most of it."

Carol: "Well he did apologize so I guess, 'Sort of had our revenge'. Anyway, what's your plan now? Do you still want to fight for the Kree?"

Minn-Erva: "Not right now. I'm not in the mood to fight. Can you tell me what happened to everyone else first? I don't care if you tell it to me straight. I just need to know what I'm up against."

Carol started narrating everything from her perspective. She even told her how two warships suddenly disappeared but only added some of her speculations about what Tony did.

Carol: "That's basically it. Made up your mind? Join us or not?"

Minn-Erva: "Join you. I'll just loose if I don't. It's not like I am attached to anyone back at Hala. Besides, the 'perks' aren't too bad."

Carol: "Wow. You really are a b*tch."

Carol: "Oh yeah. And what are you gonna do about it?"

Minn-Erva: "Me? Nothing much. But Tony might do something for me. He might even start spanking you again."

Carol: "As if. We know each other longer that you and I do. There's no way he'll pick you over me."

Minn-Erva: "I don't know. He just might pick me.

We have already seen each other nȧkėd so let's face it. My body looks better than you do. Isn't that what men want?"

Carol: "We have like literally the same BWH. You win(smaller) by an inch in W but that's it."

Minn-Erva: "Yeah. I already know how I look if I got your Terran skin. I am, based on that show just now, an Asian.

And I am sėxy for an Asian.

You? You're just average for an American."

They eventually got into another argument. They both didn't let the other win so they went to Tony to settle things.


Tony was just having a nightmare of a zombie apocalypse. He had no money or powers and he was already bitten. He was weak now and some other zombies went to bite him. The worst part was he wasn't dying. He just felt unending pain.

Tony got out of it when Carol and Minn-Erva woke him up.

The two ladies then went to ask Tony. "If you had to choose one of then, who would you choose, Carol or Minn-Erva?"

Tony can't figure out what answer to give. He knew it was a trap and can't figure a way to solve it. [Damn it. Can I just return to my nightmare. I can handle being stuck in an apocalypse better than this. How am I supposed to answer this problem? It has no solution]

Tony saw the two getting impatient but he tried to buy some time for himself. First, he complained that he was hungry. It had been a long time since he had a proper meal. He left the 2 to eat and ran away before the two could catch him.

The two eventually caught up to him but Tony already has his secret weapon ready.

Tony got the most savory food he had in his secret stash laid out in the dining table. The smell alone is hunger inducing and Tony made sure the smell would reach the two as soon as they got near.

Minn-Erva watched the two but did not join them. She liked the smell but she didn't know what the food was. Eventually though, even she succumbed to the hunger and also started eating.

Tony looked at the two who ate the food while eating himself. He gave it a few more minutes and started directing the conversation to the food. It went well and they forgot their question for now.

Tony: [Crisis Averted. Hopefully they don't remember this until they go to space.]


Tony and Carol went back to Maria Rambeau's home.

Fury: "Finally you're back. If you came back any later, then Goose might have died of depression. She missed you so much. I had to feed her just to make her happy."

Tony went ahead to try and get Goose from Fury but the Flerken tried to scratch him.

Tony:"Definitely not sad. She might be angry though. But I've never seen her sad over anything but food she can't eat."

Fury looked at Goose in his hand. "You telling me she wasn't sad all that time? Why did I have to waste my money feeding her then?"

Fury: "What? I guess so. But I need to learn how do you feed this Flerken. Because the last week, I learned one thing. She can't not eat."

Tony:"A cow a day usually works for her. Try a sack of cat food a day. It might work"

Fury:"Might? You mean you never fed her anything other that meat?"

Tony:"Yeah. Why?"

Fury:"Why? How much does it cost to feed her everyday?"

Tony:"I don't know. Never checked how much a cow is supposed to be."

Fury: :o


The next few days, Tony and Carol went to help the Skrulls clean up Mar-Vell's lab. They even introduced Minn-Erva to everyone.

It was tense at first but after Minn-Erva changed her uniform to Carol's color scheme. All Skrulls slowly got friendly with her.

The day of departure.

Carol went ahead and gave Fury his pager back with her modifications.

Carol:"For emergencies only. Got that?"


Carol went to gave another to Maria but she refused. Maria can't just have it and just not press it.

Fury looked at Carol as she seemed to skip Tony.

Fury:"Why doesn't he get one?"

Tony:"Oh I already have mine. But mine is for booty calls only."

Carol started glowing again so Tony had to correct himself. "Fine. For emergecies also"

Carol flew away to join up with Minn-Erva and the Skrulls in space.

Tony looked to Monica and asked her. "You still want your own spaceship or fly on your own?"

Monica: "Fly on my own. Definitely."


Back at the Mar-Vell's lab.

Carol went inside and saw that there was Tony inside the ship.

She didn't notice Tony fly with her and she the Skrulls wouldn't do this to her. This was definitely another Tony.

Carol: "I thought you weren't coming with me?"

Tony: "Well, I'm not actually Tony anymore."

Minn-Erva: "Who are you then? What was your fake name again? Anakin Skywalker?"

Tony nodded.

Carol: "Why do you even need to use a fake name? It's not like anyone in space knows about you.

Minn-Erva: "She's right. Terra is a shit-hole. Hardly anyone pays attention to it much less you guys living in there"

Tony: "Well not right now but I need this for later so just go with it. Okay?"

Carol:"Fine. But won't you need to stop using your powers?"

Minn-Erva:" She's has a point. It would just reveal to everyone that Anakin and Tony are the same. Or what, are you planning not to fight at all?"

Tony :"Not at all. I will use a special sword later. It's still under construction though.

But Anakin isn't supposed to have powers as a fighter. I can help in meelee but the best I can probably do to help you two is to be the brains behind you."

Minn-Erva:"I'm okay with that. Vers?"

Carol: "Stop calling me that. But yeah I can't see a problem."

Tony:"Great. Now that that is settled. You wanna do it?"

Carol:"Maybe. But I think you should answer our question first before we do anything."

Minn-Erva:"She's right. So, who do you pick?Me or her?"

Clone Tony started sweating. He was instructed by the main body to not do 'things' with the two girls.


The clone thought OG Tony gave him a warning not to touch the two girls because he is angry with the clones. The shadow clones and Tony never got along quite well when it came to personal matters.

The shadow clones would cooperate with Tony in serious situations. If there was a fight, the clones wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice themselves just to save the main body. They would never not cooperate when it is something serious.

But on matters concerning regular life, each clone of Tony acted like the original Tony. A kind of narcisist that doesn't play well with others. It wouldn't have been that much of a problem if not for Tony being selfish at times.

When it comes to their likes, they wouldn't let any other Tony get an advantage over themselves. They also wouldn't think twice to force another Tony to work on something they had to do but did not want to do.

Original Tony needing to change diapers is an example that the original still hasn't forgotten.

Each Tony wouldn't hesitate to mess with another Tony as long they got what they wanted.

The only way for the original Tony to have a peaceful life with his clones is if Tony created a clone with the original's conciousness shared in full control. Anything less and the other Tony might have a chance to take over.

They original was still having a hard time maintaining that clone for long periods of time. It was also only useful for some basic stuff.


Clone Tony:[Damn you main.]

Tony was still thinking of a way to get away from this situation but before he could do anything. The two ladies each grabbed an arm of his and hugged it.

Carol and Minn-Erva had a talk and decided that if Tony tried this again. They would settle things there. They cooperated to make sure Tony wasn't able to run away.

Tony had nowhere to go now.


Meanwhile, back at Earth, original Tony had a feeling that something good happened.

Tony: [It must be my clone. He probably tried to get it on with the two. I told him not to. But I guess he wouldn't listen.

He must have thought he was safe because I certainly do.

That should teach them who's the boss]

Tony then did an evil laugh.



JARVIS:"Sir, why are you laughing out of nowhere? Should I call a psychiatrist to check on you?"

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