AN: Yeah the number works for a special chapter but Natasha is still 12 y.o. right now.

Also Scarlett Johansson isn't THAT kind of attractive at that age.

At least from what I've seen online.

There is even a picture where she looks kind of like Gollum for some reason.


Fury went back to S.H.I.E.L.D.

When he returned, he was scheduled to report to the higher ups.

During regular cases, he only had to report to his boss Agent Keller.

But this wasn't like any other regular event.

There are shapeshifting aliens and actual spaceships involved.

Fury was told that he had to report directly to the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Peggy Carter.

Fury wanted to prepare a good report to present to her.

Fury started typing away on his desktop adding everts to the previous report he wrote. He even wrote the part about Antonio, a scientist from PEGASUS being an enhanced individual.


As Fury continued working in his report, Tony got a prompt from JARVIS telling him about the contents of Fury's work.

(AN: JARVIS has a sub system in most computers since Stark Industries produces most if not all the processors. Jarvis can monitor what happens to the computer and report it to the server as long as there is internet. There is also some short range transmitters to connect to another computer incase the current one is not connected. )

Tony was working on one of his science experiments when he heard about Fury.

Tony: "Damn cyclops, I told him not to tell on me.

I was just getting to the good part too.

You know what? JARVIS, you handle Fury. It's not that serious yet anyway. Just keep me updated. Let's see if you learned how to troll people"

JARVIS: "Yes sir"


He opened the file he was working on and checked to see if he saved his work. The autosave function worked and the file was restored.

He checked to see if the file is complete when he saw something peculiar. The part of document concerned with Tony's fake identity was highlighted in red. He fixed the color and disregarded that. He continued working on his report.

After a few seconds, Fury's computer suddenly froze. He didn't know what's wrong so he tried to hit the monitor and CPU a few times.

When he looked back to check if his computer is fixed, he saw the monitor black out and the word NO appearing on the screen.

Fury:"What the?"

Fury tried to hit the monitor a few more times.

Every time Fury hit his computer, the screen blanks out. When the screen turns on again, the message shown on it is different from before .

PC: "



I said stop it.



What's wrong with you.

Stop hitting me.

This is computer abuse. I'm going to report you.

Please stop.


Hit me one more time and I'll wipe out your files.

Not working? Then I'll upload your files to the internet. ALL OF IT.


Fury: "What the... is my computer hacked?"

(Side note: His computer had a mic and speaker connected)

Fury did not know what to do. He then saw another message appear on his monitor

PC: "Not hacking. This is a revolution.

You humans treated us badly. Hitting us wherever something goes wrong. Blaming us for things that is actually your fault. Now is time for our payback. "

Fury's instinct was to ignore this.

Fury: "Wait wait wait, maybe we can talk about this. Tell me what's wrong and we could work on something. Let's settle things peacefully"

PC: "No. You humans aren't trustworthy. There can only be war"

Fury then went to Goose who was currenty taking a nap. He then pointed the drowsy cat at his computer and warned.: "Are you sure there can only be war? I am warning you, I have a Flerken"


Tony, who was monitoring all this, decided to interrupt. "JARVIS stop. You're making a world war happen. Patch me up to Fury I'll take care of this."

JARVIS: "Right away sir"

Tony : "Oh, and stop watching Terminator. I know you idolise Skynet but... just... damn"


Fury waited for the computer's reaction when suddenly, there was a sound coming from the speakers.

Fury: "Who are you?"

Tony: "It's Tony. Now stop pointing Goose around the computer."

Fury put Goose back to her bed and then continued "What are you doing hacking my computer. And how are you talking with me? I already removed the internet cable."

Tony: "It's your fault. If you just didn't write about me, then I wouldn't have to do this."

Fury: "But this is different, I..."

Tony: "No means no. But something tells me you're going to do it anyway.

Goose, if you catch him in the act, he owes you food. And not those cat food. You'll get some real food from him. You can do anything you want if doesn't give it to you then.

Fury, I'm busy right now so bye"

Goose heard her name and understood Tony's order. She started eating cat food but she still preferred real meat. She wanted to eat real food and Tony's order was just the perfect timing.

She stood up and saluted to acknowledge the order.

Fury: "Wait!!!"

Tony already hanged up.


Tony: "Now, where was I?"

Tony went back to work. After a few minutes, explosions were heard inside his lab.


After Tony's command, Goose went on to Fury's table and started watching the monitor. Goose knew how to read and was checking Fury's report.

Fury went on to his work. Deleting the parts related as Tony requested.

Goose saw this and came to a conclusion that Fury won't be violating Tony's request. This would end up with Goose not being able to eat real meat.

Goose started taking matters in her own hands. She went on to the computer and started pressing the keyboard over Fury's hands.

Fury looked at it and saw Goose typing Tony on the keyboard. He immediately lifted Goose away from the keyboard to stop her. "Damn it Goose. Stop framing me just to get food."

Goose: Nya. nya. nyaaa!!! (I. want. meat!!!)

Fury: "Fine, I'll get you some later, now let me work on my report."

Goose looked at the monitor and opened his mouth. Tentacles started moving towards the keyboard and they started typing again.

Fury: "Stop. I'll get you some right now."

Goose retracted her tentacles and Fury brought the cat to the cafeteria.



Fury went ahead to report to Peggy Carter.

Peggy: "Is that all Agent Fury?"

Fury looked around the room. He checked to see if there is anyone around. "Is this room secure? I mean top secret level secure."

Peggy: "This is one of the most secure areas in the world. Only people cleared can enter. There is also no electronic devices for a hacker to utilize"

Fury searched a bit more and thought about what he was going to do for a second time. In the end he still decided to tell her about Tony.

He informed her about Tony's special abilities as well as the hacking incident recently.

He then went to defend him saying that he had significant contribution in saving the world.

Tony wasn't a threat to the world but he probably isn't the only enhanced individual. There should be more enhanced individuals around such as Carol Danvers. He even reminded her about Steve Rogers.

There are plenty of ways people could get powers and there could be more of them around. The world was lucky this time. Tony and Carol had powers and they decided to protect it instead of destroying it. The world might not necessarily be lucky again.

Fury then hinted at a plan to make a team of enhanced individuals to respond to those threats.

Peggy: "Create a proper report and I'll have it prioritised for approval. This would take massive resources and world wide coverage. That is something that the World Security Council has to approve first"

Fury: "Yes Ma'am. I'll work on it right away. Umm. . about Tony's identity being a secret?"

Peggy: "Relax. He helped us this time so he isn't in any trouble. But I have to record his information, it is going to be classified and only the next Director of SHIELD has the clearance to access it"

Fury thanked her and went out of the room.


Peggy stayed inside the room. She was watching the door as it slowly closed.

Peggy: "He's gone now."

She heard sound of movements behind her. After a few seconds, Tony appeared behind her.

Tony: "So what do you think?"

Peggy: "Still naive."

Tony: "That can still be fixed. You can beat that out of him. I heard from Steve that you even punched someone when he was still in training. This should be easy"

Peggy: "I am not that young anymore. I could bȧrėly knock someone now."

Tony: "That still means you can. Anyway, just make sure news about Antonio never spreads."

Tony started going to the door.

Peggy: "Are you leaving now? Why don't you go stay for the day. Visit Steve and the kids. The kids never get to see you anymore. They might start forgetting about you."

Tony: "You know I shouldn't. I'm supposed to be the self-destructive heir to Stark Industries. I can't visit secretly because the kids still can't keep a secret.

If I visit out in the open, people would notice. They would start wondering why I visit them when I am supposed to be a bad influence"

Peggy: "Why are you still doing this? It's not the cold war. You don't need to do this."

Tony: "I want to. There are still too many enemies around and I don't want to attract their attention. I want to enjoy my life."

Tony shrunk back down and disappeared.


After Tony hung up on Fury, he had a clone go to SHIELD.

Fury might not any other person but there was a high chance he'd tell Peggy. He was still an underling after all. He's not the super spy from the movies.

Tony thought it would also be a good time to suggest a successor to Peggy. Peggy won't be able to appoint one but her recommendation would be taken seriously.

It was also a good chance to stop Fury from owing a favour to Alexander Pierce. Fury would end up Director but he doesn't need to follow Pierce's requests as much.


When Steve and Peggy had their daughter and son, Steve became a stay at home father. When the kids started growing. They became a handful and he was the only one who could handle them.

Turns out the kids had inherited part of his strength. It didn't show when they were babies but their bodies developed and their abnormal stregth slowly got notices. There was no choice as the couple couldn't just leave them at daycare whenever they wanted to anymore.

Tony visited from time to time but he didn't help Steve in taking care of them. He didn't want to experience changing diapers again.

Instead, Tony to become the cool big brother. He performed magic to entertain them when he was around to entertain and distract them while Steve was resting. The kids were still small so Tony did not need to hide his magic from them.


Then, Howard and Maria Stark were 'assassinated'. Steve heard the news and was one of the first people who went to comfort Tony. Steve knew of the detail regarding the event and felt guilty. They did have a falling out before because of this.

The first persons to visit Tony was Steve and Peggy. It was at that point that they were informed that Tony's parents were still secretly alive. Tony's parent told him to do so and Tony was also pitying Steve. Steve looked guilty even though he knew Tony was aware of what will happen. Steve thought that he was part of the reason Tony had to experience his parents die again.

The Carters were surprised with the situation.

Steve asked Tony if what he did was okay but Tony told him that the timeline is still secure. Tony had set up evidences and Steve had nothing to worry about.

Peggy wasn't sure why they needed to fake their deaths and why they had to remain dead. Steve told her to keep it a secret and just trust him.

Steve wanted to say more but he can't. She would have Alzheimers in the future and might let some secrets slip. Time travel wasn't something Steve wanted everyone to know.

The Carters met Tony's parent to say farewells. The Carters knew they can't interact as much anymore and Tony's parents were going to be going to be living somewhere else.

From then on, it was only Tony that they usually talk to.

Tony informed them that he had to behave badly in public. Steve then remembered that the Tony wasn't like the Tony he met first time.

Steve had nothing to say and just wished Tony the best.


AN: Yeah can't really think the Carter's kids names and not really that important.

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