Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 70 - B for ... (Short Chap)

Fury went ahead and started preparing for the Avengers Initiative. It was immediately approved thanks to Peggy's ȧssistance. It didn't face much opposition since HYDRA also helped in making sure the project got approved.

HYDRA was also interested with Fury's program. They didn't even need to get orders from ZOLA as one of the other leaders of HYDRA, Daniel Whitehall, was also interested in finding enhanced individuals.


Whitehall was a scientist who was already aware that there are enhanced individuals already roaming around. He even experimented on one of those individuals in order to exploit their abilities.

He extracted Jiaying's, Daisy 'Skye/Quake' Johnson's mother, abilities in order to restore his body's youth. She had an ability she used to maintain her youth that Whitehall experimented with.

Ever since then, Whitehall was interested in humans with special abilities. Having SHIELD looking for them was convenient so he had the HYDRA agents in SHIELD help Fury on his proposal.


With all enthusiasm on the program, Fury became very busy since he lead the program. It was mostly investigative work for now since they first had to know where to start. It was still a lot and he got too busy. There were times that he had to take a rest and had Coulson do his paperwork.

During one of Fury's breaks, he checked out a newspaper stall. He was scanning all the newspapers and the latest magazines published. While looking at the printed materials, he stopped when he saw a certain magazine. On it, he noticed a familiar face in the fron page along with the title.

"Tony Stark Launches Weapons program"

Fury: "Son of a b*tch"

Even though he was busy, Fury kept continuing his personal investigation on Antonio.

He knew Tony's face was familiar ever since he first met him but he couldn't remember where he last saw him.

He restarted his search with Maria Rambeau and Carol Danver's records. He even got some of his old spy friends to check up on a man named Antonio. Fury didn't have pictures and he also can't give them if he had one since Tony might know.

Turns out, Tony wasn't even hiding.

Tony had his face plastered on a magazine but somehow, the people in PEGASUS never recognized him. Fury thought it might be due to bribes but he remembered Tony said something about 'The Force'.

It was supposed to be some Star Wars mumbo jumbo Tony used in order to not waste time explaining. Fury later determined that Tony had some advanced telekinesis abilities and thought that was it. It was just now that he realized Tony might actually be telling the truth.

After he returned to his office, Fury went to contact Tony using the personal number Tony gave him but when the line was picked, he heard a message. "Congratulations Fury. You've been bamboozled. You're going to be a terrible spy."

Fury slammed the phone down so hard the phone started breaking.

Goose was even woken up by that. She observed the situation and demanded some food from Fury because he woke her up.

Fury can't even retort since he could have done something else that would not end up waking Goose.


AN: Might be changing up to short chapters for some time. Exams are happening so still can't make time for big chapters. I am typing to relax. Might still be a while for regular updates to restore.

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