Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 71 - Technology Upgrade


Starting with the alien corpse, elements not found in the periodic table, and Fury's proposal as a spark, SHIELD got a reason to expand as much as it wanted to.

Interstellar threats is a great reason to justify SHIELD getting massive funding and extending their reach around the world global.

With the newfound resources, they started expanding their territory and laying their hands on everything they could get their hands on.

They started with the military. Due to Fury's experience getting detained. SHIELD decided to set up backdoors on all military facilities.

SHIELD agents with sufficient clearance would later be able to use these backdoors to override certain functions, access restricted areas, or monitor the facility.


SHIELD also set up ways to be able to monitor through civilian technology. It was a crude way to monitor people because, at the moment, most civilians only had landline telephones. Internet was gaining popularity but it was still used mostly in business environments.

Satellites were available to use. SHIELD also set up devices specialized to monitor radio waves. This was in case there are some signals that managed to slip through.

Most of what SHIELD did violate personal privacy so they made sure to hide traces of their actions. Contrary to their belief, the technology they have that they used to cover their tracks wasn't perfect.


Wakanda noticed the increased surveillance and started setting up their energy barriers.

Wakanda already had the technology to create holographic illusions. They had an AI, which Tony had a significant part in developing, help create the holographic mountain range that Wakanda was supposed to be.


JARVIS informed Tony of the increased surveillance by SHIELD. Tony was sure that they wouldn't be easily detected by SHIELD since JARVIS was also integrated in most of their surveillance systems. This was only applicable to the computerized systems but Tony was sure that even if they made their own monitoring equipment, there was no way Tony's secret network would be noticed by their primitive sensors.

Quantum Communication focuses on two particles being quantum entangled. When one of the two entangled particles is tampered with, the other particle is affected. This effect works instantaneously and supposed to work over very long distances.

(AN: technically supposed to be quantum teleportation instead of communication but teleportation is confusing term for MCU)

Tony already has background knowledge on how to manipulate a quantum particle and just needed to get some entangled quantum particles. The easiest way to get one is from photons using lasers.

Tony borrowed the Eye of Agamotto from the Ancient one to catch the photons. Since he had the Space Stone to trade with, Ancient One let him play with the time stone for this.

Tony made his clones go just small enough to notice the photons but not small enough to enter the quantum realm. He used the Time stone to increase the speed of time flow of the clones esentially slowing down the rest of the world to them. This way, they could stop the size regulator at the correct time and could move at speeds to catch photons.

He got about 1 billion clones ready to start catching the photons. He didn't have enough suits but the clones didn't need it. He had the exact amount of particles needed to miniaturize after the first round.

Tony actually wanted to send more clones but the amount of Pym particles he stored wasn't enough.

All clones each had multiple boxes with mirror interiors to catch the photons. When they were done, Tony had enough particles to set up a data connection that could transfer 100 TB per message. The transmission speed per second would depend on how fast the particles could be manipulated and observed.

Tony set up all of his personal facilities around the world to use the quantum network for secure data transmission.

It was still working properly at the places his clones were current in but Tony found a problem.

Quantum entangled particles don't work properly when used it in the mirror dimension.

He guessed it was related to magic but Tony wasn't too sure. He still hasn't figured out a way to mix magic and science.

After the tests, his clones asked for computers equipped with these communicators to play with.

Space travel gets dull fast. The Ravagers also don't have music other than the ones with Peter Quill when he was abducted. They were bored and wanted access Earth's internet.

It was still some time before internet games became popular but by that time, they couldn't blame lag when they lost. The data transmission between quantum particles is instantaneous after all.

For now, they just kept themselves busy working on JARVIS or hacking anything connected to the internet.


With all of his bases now connected in real time, Tony got his clones spread all over the world. He started his projects that he couldn't do before due to the possibility of aliens noticing.

On the field of biology, Tony started with the Kree soldiers from the ships he captured. He tested different serums on them.

Tony got gene samples of other lifeforms from his clones in space. Ravagers in particular were like nomads that Tony had plenty of samples from different lifeforms to work with.

From his experiments, he hypothesized that humans are unfinished. There are plenty of things human bodies could have or develop .

Kree's genes might have stagnated but human genome wes just too susceptible to mutations even compared to some other alien lifeforms. There could some lifeforms posing the same potential that Tony has yet to encounter.


Tony slowly dismantled one of the Kree Bombers. He left the other one as a spare incase he needed it for something.

After he took away the tracking devices inside the shop, he has the bomber miniaturised and placed in his mansion.

It is now currently on display placed on top of a pedestal. Tony made it look like some modern art piece.


He learned how to they made artificial gravity. It was relatively inefficient and redundant but at least he saved on gravitonium.

He acquired plenty of bombs from the ship. They were too strong to be used by Humans so Tony had them stored for future use.

Tony wasn't sure how the Kree linked with the supreme intelligence so he kept those communication pads on the mirror dimension while he was checking them out.

The guns on the ship and the ones equipped on the fighters were all energy weapons based on the same technology. The only difference was the scale of damage they could inflict on something.


Tony also went ahead and started playing with the Tesseract.

Tony inspected the casing to see how it extracted energy from the Space Stone. He had no luck since the exterior of the Tesseract was smooth. He had to check inside the Tesseract.

Tony has no idea what the casing is made of and wanted to make sure that the case remained intact.

He asked Steve how he managed to place the Space Stone inside the cube when he returned it. Steve answered that the casing was just reconstructed using the Time Stone.

Since Tony can't just break the case, he decided to try and create a portal connecting into the interior of the Tesseract.

Tony wasn't successful using the sling ring but Tony was able to do it using the Tesseract.

With a peek inside, Tony was able to inspect how energy is extracted from the Space Stone. Since it was magic, he was able to replicate the process.

Tony got the Space Stone outside the Tesseract. The cube started to lose its glow as its core was removed.

Tony went ahead and separated part of his Symbiote to try and interact with it. Regular lifeforms wouldn't be able to touch an Infinity Stone but All-Black isn't just some regular lifeform.

When the stone got into contact with the Symbiote, Tony felt his symbiote body getting stronger. The stone has supplied energy to his Symbiote. Tony also felt the living abyss grow inside his Symbiote.

The living abyss is supposed to be some space where the rest of the body of a Symbiote is stored. After the interaction with the Space Stone, Tony felt that there seemed to be some extra space pocket inside his living abyss.

(AN: Hopefully I got this correctly, Symbiotes' living abyss is where they store the rest of the volume of the Symbiotes. Otherwise, just treat it as ability copy base on Flerken's inner space. Symbiote do have the power to clone other powers)

Tony tried to store the Tesseract inside and Tony felt the cube inside the living abyss. He tried to use part of the Symbiote inside the abyss to move the cube and it worked.

Tony got a spectrometer to check for gamma rays. There are only normal levels detected. Tony then used the Space Stone but still nothing. It looked like his theory on the All-Black was a success.

Tony was relieved to see this. He would have needed to create a containment chamber otherwise. It would be a hassle since he would need to bring the Stone everywhere he went. One of the conditions Ancient One had with him was to bring any Infinity Stone in his possession everywhere he went.

Now, he could bring the stone everywhere and he also has a storage space.


After a few tests, Tony was able to design a magic that channels the power drawn from the Stone and pours it into the Tesseract. It needs the Space Stone to work though since normal portals won't be able to handle the energy transmitted.

The Tesseract now looked like it is back to normal.

While it may look normal, it wasn't. Tony's magic still had flaws. The energy channeled into Tesseract was not that massive and it now had to 'charge' itself if the total energy supplied is less than the amount drawn.

At the current rate, Tony has to place the Stone back in the Battle of New York just to maintain that big portal for a long time.


Tony created some more Tesseracts using the same concept. It was smaller though and is designed to be used for the Arc Reactor.

Howard based the Arc Reactor on the Tesseract so it was fitting to create an Arc Reactor with the stone actually powering it.

Tony mixed up Zola's and Howards work with his own mini Tesseracts and ended up with Arc Reactors that did supply unlimited energy. At relatively low rates compared to using the Tesseract with the stone inside.

While the new arc reactors worked, Tony detected that considerable amounts of gamma rays that emitted from the device. Tony set up a container lined with 'solar panels' designed for gamma rays. It would absorb energy from the gamma rays until they turn into regular light. The light could then either be released or absorbed.

With the new power source, Tony started thinking about creating large robots. He can't decide if he would create a Transformer, a Gundam, Power Ranger Zords, or all of them.

Tony decided to build a Gundam for now. He could hide it as made in Japan since they are the only ones who would actually be willing to create their own Gundams.

Tony got some model kits from Japan to serve as the basis of the his Gundam. He then started designing the actual interior of the robot.

The Iron Man suit might be enough for most fights in the MCU but Tony knew that his hulk buster armor couldn't handle Hulk or Thanos properly. With this, Tony could at least beat Ant-Man in Goliath form.



I think I decided to embrace the OP?

Space Stone is just too good a source of unlimited power not to use

Won't be using the robot much for now though since the enemies are now literally small fries.

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