
SHIELD's search for enhanced individuals wasn't very successful. They found a few individuals. A little girl from Argentina. There were also accounts of a guy who had perfect aim. There were also some random accounts of people with special abilities but most of it was just gossip that blew up.

Most of the time, their search ended up with them checking out mysterious cases which had very vague description of the events.

There was the JFK ȧssassination. The incident came into their radar due to the bullet flight path. Regular bullets weren't supposed to fly that way.

There were also some unexplained events where the key witnesses provided no help. They all stated that they have lost their memories of the event.

All of the things that appeared in SHIELD's investigation had one thing in common. They weren't completely solved or never even got near any sort of conclusion

Along with the mystery cases, they also found out essays and research papers talking about the possibility of humans undergoing evolution and developing powers.

When SHIELD looked into some of these events, they found out a certain person was involved either directly or indirectly. A man named Charles Xavier.

They found out that the man was currently running a school. The school operated regularly and had no violations on record.

There were some unusual activities.

There appeared to be records of the school undergoing renovations more times than necessary. There are also a large number of construction materials delivered to the place. They thought this was just because of the headmaster's lifestyle.

The man inherited quite a sum of money. Compared to some people like Tony Stark, who buy luxury cars just to spend money, he was actually spending his money on something more productive.

Having the school undergo renovations very frequently seemed to be a much better use of the money.

That was not the investigator's money anyway so they did not care much what happened to it. The investigators concluded that everything about Charles Xavier was normal.

A report was still submitted to Fury for review due to the irregular frequency of renovations. When Fury got the report, he felt something was off.

Thanks to Peggy Carter training him, Fury's 'gut feeling' was developed to become much more sėnsɨtɨvė. He felt that something was off about the man and the school so he decided personally to go to this School for Gifted Youngsters.


He wasn't the Director of SHIELD yet nor is he the second in command. He can't just send agents to investigate things based on a gut feeling. Technically, he could. But if things ended up being a waster of time, someone might use this to stop him from getting promotions.

With all the changes that is happening, some people in SHIELD already noticed that he was getting preferential treatment over other personnel.

Fury wasn't the most liked person in SHIELD so others didn't like it when they noticed what was happening. Some people did not like the idea of Fury becoming their boss so they were looking for ways to intervene in his career.

Fury knew about this and started to understand some of his grandfather's habits. His grandad did not trust people and Fury finally started to get a hint why. People are greedy.

Fury may have the best intentions but it doesn't mean other people will know it. They might understand why you're doing something but still wouldn't cooperate due to some personal motive.


When Fury arrived at the mansion, he saw a Ferrari F50. He didn't actually recognize the car but just knew from the looks. It was definitely a very expensive car.

Fury looked around. He saw plenty of students in the campus. He tried to see if there is anyone familiar but did not recognize anyone.

He decided to go to the front door like any normal visitor. When he went for the doorbell, the door opened and he was greeted by someone.

:"Hello Agent Fury. The professor has been expecting you."

Fury: "I'm expected?"

:"Of course. Please, This way."

Fury was led to a corridor and pointed to the room he was supposed to go. The person then left Fury as he still had a class to go to.

Fury walked along the corridor. He looked around to see what was happening. He went past plenty of rooms which had their doors opened. Fury peeked and saw kids in classes.

After the first few rooms, he decided to go straight to the room he was directed to go to.

On his way, he heard someone call his name. He thought he recognized the voice but was not sure if he heard heard it correctly.

He went back to check things out for a bit. He checked to see if he wasn't hallucinating. He heard the voice coming from one of the rooms.

When looked inside, he saw a group of people. They were resting on couches looking as if they are having a casual chat. He looked around and saw Tony sitting on one of the couches laying down as if he owns the place.

Tony: "Wassup?"

Fury: "Mother--------"

Fury wasn't even able to say his line when he suddenly lost his voice.

Tony: "Come on Fury. We are in a school. You shouldn't just go swearing around."

Fury wondered what happened. He looked around to know why he suddenly stopped talking. He saw Tony talking to the others.

Tony: "See, I told you he'd curse at me."

Tony started receiving money from some of the other people in the room. It looked like he made a bet with them on what the newcomer's reaction would be.

Fury then thought about the time when he had a bet with Tony. Tony even went out of his way just to win a bet. Fury then recalled about Tony's background. He concluded that Tony never needed the money and was just having bets for the sake of winning.

Fury had a small grudge against Tony for some small things so he decided to never have a bet with Tony if it could be avoided. At least this way, Tony wouldn't have the pŀėȧsurė of winning.

Fury got his voice back. He went to ask Tony why he's here.

Tony: "Me? I'm sort of an alumni here."

Fury:"Aren't you from MIT?"

Tony: "Uh-huh. Who said I can only be an alumni for one school?"

Fury:"Nevermind. Can't you just tell me what's happening?"

Tony: "I don't want to."

Tony did not offer any help. Tony already guessed why Fury was here.

Fury: "I give up. Can you at least introduce me to the people here? It gives me the creeps having these people look at me. "

Tony: "The white hair is sparky. She's in having her teenage rebel phase. Just ignore the hair.

The one in the glasses is pink eye. Long story so just don't try to take his glasses off.

The red head is Jean Grey."

Fury: "Why doesn't she get a nickname?"

Jean: "Because we've known each other since we were kids. I know things about him that no one else knows about. Things that would make the Great Tony Stark ... not so great."

Fury: "Hi Ms Grey. I'm Nick Fury. I would like to know more about these 'things' you are talking about.

You can name a price.

But please don't ask much, I'm just a government employee."

Fury was surprised that Tony had a childhood friend. SHIELD's file on him never mentioned anything about him having any childhood friends.


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