Some character inconsistencies for a bit. Will be explained in a side story.

xmen movies are just too focused on their sh*t to mix with MCU easily

special thanks YouTube algo for the solution


Back to the time when Tony revealed his powers to his parents.

After Tony gave some blood samples to his father, Howard, the man had it checked. Since he only has rudimentary knowledge regarding mutants, he decided to leave it to the experts.

He was aware of a few people that delved into the subject but did not consult with them.

Most of them owned companies or something similar. Howard was afraid that this request of his might turn into some kind of business deal.

He just wanted to check if his son is a mutant. He wasn't that focused on making money at the moment.

In the end, Howard settled on an acquaintance that he met years ago. a Mr. Charles Xavier.

Howard had Xavier investigated. He learned that the man was going to be staring his own school. The man didn't seem to do this out of greed. This led to Howard choosing to consult with him.

(Way Back at 1960's)

Howard met Xavier when he was called as a consultant for the CIA at one of their blacksites. He was asked to look over Cerebro. It was a machine that can amplify a person's brainwaves. It is designed with the purpose of locating mutants, humans with abilities that regular couldn't have.

While the machine may not be designed for something bad, a human was operating it.

That is where Howard comes in. He was there to make sure no funny business happened.

He was there to make sure anything coming out of the machine isn't going to at a high enough level to be considered lethal. The CIA doesn't want to let a civilian (Xavier) use a possible weapon that they didn't have counter measures designed for.

Howard was not that familiar with psionic technology. He didn't even believe in the thing since he never experienced it. His expertise lied in mechanical engineering and weapons design.

While he wasn't the best choice due to his unfamiliarity on a topic, he was still the person CIA wanted to have for the task.

He had the security clearance and worked with the government on many things. He also had experience with some other kind of unnatural phenomenon. He was one of the smartest persons working for with the government at the time. And, he was rich. He had less, if not none of the, political motivations to try and take over the program for the sake of a promotion.


They introduced themselves to Howard as a team conducting research on mutant detection and location. Charles Xavier in particular, also introduced himself as a mutant rights activist.

The four were actually mutants themselves. Charles can read minds and Raven can transform her body. But they did not tell him that.

Charles actually wanted to. He usually went ahead in exposing mutants to people that he deemed trustworthy. He did look into Howard's mind to determine that.

But Charles had recent experience with people treating them mutants as spies. It made him a bit more careful when revealing his abilities to humans.

They exchanged business cards and Howard left after he finished his job.


Fast forward a bit.

The mutant team discovered a conspiracy about what would be the Cuban Missile Crisis. They formed a team of mutants to try and stop the event from happening.

It was Charles' idea. When the higher ups in the government didn't believe them, he decided to handle it on their own. Since he also wanted mutants to coexist with humans, he thought that showing the people in power that mutants meant no harm would be a good start.

Erik was able to save the mutants because he had the power to manipulate metals. A material that is common in all the weapons used against them.

After this, Xavier knew that the humans aren't ready to coexist with the mutants. Erik wanted to eradicate all the humans but Charles was able to calm him down and came up with another solution. He manages to let Erik give the humans a chance.

Charles, using the Cerebro, went ahead and wiped out the memories of all of the people involved and knew about the existence of mutants. He also controlled some of them to make sure records of mutants vanish and look like they never existed.


The governments ended up with generals and soldiers without any memories of what happened. They all had amnesia and was not sure what actually happened. They just knew that they used up quite a number of ordinance in that memory gap.

Some higher ups contacted Howard Stark. They didn't know what happened and some of the politicians were looking for a fall guy. They knew that they can't touch Stark but the incident did have his weapons involved. They might as well try and asked Howard for answers.

He just gave them a simple response.

Howard: "Oh please. My weapons never fail. Ask your men. They probably are too nervous to even aim properly."

They didn't know what to answer back. Stark weapons were proven to be effective time and time again. They hardly ever failed. When it did, the cause of the failure would always be determined and fixed. Stark had an excellent track record and it was one of the reasons his company is the primary weapons contractor for the country.

After the people left, Howard sent some people to check the situation. He was sure his weapons weren't the problem but something did happen. Howard wasn't able to get anything useful though so he eventually forgot about it.

End of 1960's part

(AN: Just in case. Howard's mind didn't get wiped because he did not know the 4 were mutants.)


Return to Tony's flashback timeline

After Howard sent the samples to Charles Xavier, the professor remembered the man. He wasn't bad back then so Xavier decided to check it out.

The blood did have the mutant gene but it wasn't activated and the owner was still human.

Xavier was interested in the situation since he was already finishing renovations in his mansion and got it ready to become a school.

He checked things out using another Cerebro. The first one was destroyed but he has the designer, Hank McCoy, with him build another one in his basement.

Xavier found Howard but was not able to identify the person the blood came from.

When Xavier checked inside Howard's mind. He only had a peek before being cut off. He then looked into the minds of other people related to Howard, such as his wife, but it was also useless.

Xavier felt that there was someone defending their minds against mind reading.

Charles didn't know what happened since he never encountered it before. He recalled what happened to see if anything felt wrong but he just remembered seeing a glimpse of Tony.

He then tried to find Tony but the kid did not appear in Cerebro. This became more strange so Charles offered to go to Stark's place to check personally.


Back at the Stark house

Tony got wind of the offer. He was surprised that Charles Xavier existed in this universe since MCU didn't have X-men before he got here.

Tony wasn't sure what was going on but he was sure of one thing. He did not like the idea of the professor coming to his place. He knew about Charles Xavier's bad habit. He considers the guy a peeping tom since he tends to take a peek at people's minds.

Tony negotiated with his father to make the professor cancel his visit and delay for some time. He asked to personally go instead. Howard wasn't as supportive with the idea but it didn't pose any danger anymore so he just let his son do what he wanted.

Tony was able to make some time and delay the meeting.

Tony wasn't expecting the X-men to appear in the MCU so early so he had ZOLA and JARVIS look for more information. He asked them to do things very indirectly. He didn't want humans involved in this as much as possible. He had them look for Xavier as well as other more common X-men like Magneto, Mystique, Jean Grey, Cyclops, and Wolverine.

It did not take that long before something appeared in their search. An accident just happened involving a person Tony had his AI's check.

Tony knew he just received more time.

He wasn't sure if he should be happy or not. Though the accident did give him time to prepare, he didn't like where things were going.


AN1: I have no idea where the people in CIA/Hank McCoy even had the idea of telepathic amplification for X-men First class when they weren't even aware of telepaths even existing before they met Xavier. Just going with it anyway

AN2: Sort of X men first class happened. But I don't want to add too much info since I am only adding a bit of backstory. Just don't ȧssume anyone other than the 4 are involved

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