Thanks to the accident with another mutant, Tony was able to gain some more time. He used it to gain more information on the situation.

Unfortunately for him, JARVIS and ZOLA's investigations came up with hardly anything. There were the academic papers prepared by Charles Xavier but it held no workable intel.

Since he didn't have anything to work with, he just decided to just prepare everything he had that he could use.

He had his clones. He can't use human wave tactics with the meager amount he could create. But he did just learn from the Black Panther so he would have to settle for quality over quantity.

He also had some Pym Particles incase he needed to infiltrate places. He didn't remember any mutant that could shrink so he figured they wouldn't have countermeasures for that.

He checked on the list he had. He wasn't sure if this was enough. He searched for more things he could use against them. He even considered getting some weapons from the company.

It took Tony quite a while but eventually it hit him.

Tony: "Wait. Why am I even preparing for war? I'm still 5 years old. Not to mention, I'm going to a school."

Tony cursed T'Chaka for training him too well. Tony just came out of the Black Panther's training and still hasn't fully settled back to civilian life.

After he came to this realization, he decided to relax a bit. He settled on preparing just enough to ȧssure that he could escape from any situation. He doesn't know what would happen but chances are, something or someone will attack and destroy the school.

Tony checked his nanite helmet for something. If future him didn't mess things up, the nanite helmet should have some kind of psionic shield in place. He checked his armor's full range of capabilities and saw what he was looking for. He relaxed as future him did place protection against telepaths.


Tony had one of their other drivers bring him to Xavier's School. He didn't want to bring anyone close to him incase their minds get read.

He eventually arrived at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

As he went towards the front door, he noticed that there weren't any other students in sight. He proceeded to ring the doorbell and a nerdy looking guy(Hank McCoy) greeted him.

Hank: "Can I help you?"

Tony: "Hello, I am here for a test?"

Hank: "Do you have a letter of consent?"

Tony shook his head.

Hank sent Tony back since the kid did not seem to be a runaway: "Go back on July when enrollment starts. Also, remember to bring a letter of consent, you're still a minor after all"

Hank then closed the door on Tony.

Tony looked at the closed door. He did not to waste any more time so he shouted as loud as he can "House Stark will remember this!!!"

(AN: I forgot what the GOT quote is that sounds like this. Please Help if you remember )

Hank opened the door and let Tony inside.

Professor told Hank that Howard Stark sent someone and that person would be coming for a visit. He just didn't expect that someone to be a kid.


As Tony entered the premises, it didn't take long for him to meet the other residents of the mansion.

Tony also found a little girl on the stairs. She was actually hiding behind the stairs but Tony's nanites were able to detect her as she descended.

Xavier: "Hank? What happened?"

Hank: "It's the kid. I think he's the one Mr. Stark talked to you about?"

Xavier: "Hello. I'm Charles Xavier. And you are?"

Tony: "Tony Stark. My father told me to give you guys a visit."

Xavier remembered Howard Stark's request to check up on a possible mutant. He was going to go personally but forgot about it due to recent events.

Xavier had to alter someone's memories. It wasn't as easy as wiping memories away. He had to create and replace memories. He had to make sure the details fit or else this might lead to the person going crazy.


Xavier tried to look into Tony's mind. He wanted to see if the kid was aware of the situation. He started scanning Tony's memories but got nothing. He tried a couple more times but Tony's nanites were able to block him from taking a look.

Hank saw the professor's face and knew something was wrong. The last time he remembered seeing this was when the professor was with his old friend Erik. Erik had a helmet that blocked the professor's powers. Hank decided to attract their attention to prevent the kid from getting weird ideas

Hank: "Professor. The kid's driver is still waiting outside. Should I let him in?"

Xavier got the hint and took a peek at the driver's memories. He learned that the Starks just sent him to accompany their young master. The driver did not know anything strange happening in the Stark family so Xavier ȧssumed that Howard was keeping thing a secret.

Tony: "Oh Bob? You can just leave him there. The car has AC so it's not like he's getting baked inside."

Xavier was just about to talk to Tony about his purpose when they heard something from the stairs.

Xavier: "You can come out Jean."

A girl with red hair came out from behind the stairs. She was a young Jean Grey.

Jean: "Sorry. I just..."

Xavier: "Don't worry. It is normal to be curious. There was quite a ruckus after all. By the way, this young man is Tony. Why don't you say hello"

Jean: "Hi... Ton...."

Tony did not know what happened to her. She was the first person who looked to be around his age that he met but she already left before he could even say a word. (Remember Tony looks older than he actually is due to specialized body development program.)

Tony suddenly got dejected. He started doubting if he could ever become the Tony Stark he watched in the movies. The man who could even seduce a news reporter with an awful pickup line.

Tony smelled his shirt in case he had a foul odor. He did not smell anything wrong. He also tried to find a mirror to see if something was wrong with him.

Xavier: "Relax Tony. There's nothing wrong with you. Jean is just shy."

Tony was then led towards a laboratory. Hank drew some blood for testing.

Xavier then let Tony rest on the living room. Xavier gave him some Tea and Biscuits. The man gave two towers of biscuits before he left Tony.

Tony was about to complain about the snacks. They were too British. He wanted to at least get something else to drink.

He was just about to follow Xavier out of the room but he got distracted. He saw Jean suddenly going to the table and started getting some of the biscuits.

(AN: Biscuits = Cookies. I think. UK people can point out if I'm wrong)

Tony: "Hello, um Jean right?"

Jean just nodded her head while she continued eating. Tony tried to make conversation but she just nodded or shook her head.

Tony then remembered his first date back in his previous life. It was currently going the exact same way. Him trying to find something to talk about and the girl just listening. He had no idea of what she was thinking about at all.

He wanted to complain to someone but the ȧduŀts weren't here.

Tony decided to just continue on his trying to make her talk. He didn't know what would happened but hopefully he wouldn't leave a bad impression on her.

Tony hoped that if she ever becomes the Black Phoenix, she would remember him as a friend rather than just wipe him out of existence.


While the two kids were eating

Hank and Xavier were checking out Tony's blood samples.

Xavier: "Found anything?"

Hank: "Nothing. He doesn't seem to be a mutant."

Hank explained that while Tony had the mutant gene, it was too dormant to activate on its own even after puberty. Tony could only activate it through stress or traumatic situations. Something they thought impossible due to the kid's background.

Xavier sighed. He hoped that Tony was a mutant.

Having connections with the country's leading weapons manufacturer would certainly help their situation. Xavier is starting to have a hard time keeping the existence of mutants a secret.


The two went back to where Tony was.

They were about to send Tony back with a message to Howard. They were just about to enter the room but they stopped outside. They were amazed with what they saw.

Tony and Jean were comfortably interacting with each other. Tony was amazed while looking at floating cookies. It looked like Jean revealed a bit of her powers to Tony.

They looked at Tony and couldn't believe what they were seeing. They didn't see any hate or prejudice in Tony's eyes. They were used to humans looking at them like they were freaks or worse.

Xavier and Hank were clear about Jean's powers. She had telekinetic as well as telepathic abilities. But she awakened her powers too young so she couldn't properly control her powers.

She would unintentionally read the minds of people around her. Even Xavier wasn't able to block her at times.

Having Tony with her for until now, she would have read Tony's mind already. She knows when she's reading peoples minds so if he had any bad impression of her, she would have already left or even hurt him by now.

Xavier and Hank decided to try something out. They wanted to see what happens when a human grows up with mutants.

If things go well, they would even have the heir to a weapon's manufacturing empire as a friend/family.

They were hoping that he would help prevent them having a war with the humans. If that doesn't work they would still have the upper hand if they knew the weaknesses of weapons the humans will use against them.

They could disable human weapons and stop the fight. Xavier's objective was human-mutant coexistence after all. Not mutant supremacy or human eradication.

(AN: Yes Xavier forgot that he wasn't able to read Tony's mind. It's not the first thing people usually remember when they see something like 2 kids playing)


Xavier went ahead and tried to contact Howard.

He wanted to convince the man to let his son enter his school. He thought he would need to meet them personally in order to convince the man but it went was easier than he expected.

They informed him that Tony already had enough education. he was only going to school to make friends. As long as Tony's parents meet him from whenever they can, there is nothing wrong with letting Tony stay.

Xavier didn't know that Tony's parents were aware of Tony's cloning skill. He just thought that Tony's parent were better than his (Xavier). Tony's parents cared about Tony enough to let him go in order to have a better childhood.

Xavier was also a son from a wealthy family. He had a bad childhood since he was usually left alone in their house. If it weren't for him catching Raven sneaking around to steal food from Xavier's house, he probably wouldn't even have friends growing up.

Xavier thought Tony was in the same situation. But unlike him, Tony had parents that actually gave a damn about their kid. They didn't want Tony to grow up alone.

Xavier decided to treat Tony well. Though he couldn't read his mind, the kid was too young anyway and it didn't seem like he had a traumatizing childhood like Xavier's other friend.


That night, Tony was resting inside his new room.

He was having a hard time trying to sleep in his new bed. He was just getting drowsy when he heard a knock.

He saw Jean in her pajamas and a plush bird in her arms.

He asked her why she was here.


Jean usually slept with her parents before her accident. After the accident, she had another woman, Raven, sleep beside her. It helped Jean sleep.

But Raven was away for almost a week already and Jean is having a hard time sleeping.

Raven told her to not sleep besides Xavier or Hank while she was gone but she didn't mention sleeping with Tony.

Jean thought it was okay to sleep besides him so she decided to go to his room.


Tony already knew a bit of Jean's story. When he learned about Jean's habit when sleeping, he can't exactly turn her down.

They were still young anyway so he decided to let her sleep on his bed.

(AN: I know what you're thinking but no. This is supposed to be innocent)

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