I can't decide on a Raven / Mystique

Jennifer Lawrence(New Xmen) can be Raven

But Rebecca Romijn(Xmen Trilogy) is a much better Mystique

In conclusion. Just pick your own shapeshifting red-head


Raven eventually returned to Xavier's mansion.

She just came from a mission to save some mutants.

While the information about mutants are kept a secret around the world. It doesn't mean that no one exploits them. People might not know what mutants are but if they see someone with green skin, wings, or even a tail, there are definitely some people who will have bad ideas.

The usual situation are that they try and capture the peculiar person.Afterwards, they would sell them to the circus or even as laboratory animals. It isn't that frequent so local authorities might not be aware of the situation. On the off chance that they do, there are still corrupt individuals that keep silent in exchange for a cut of the profit.

Fortunately, almost all of these events are conducted by people who are not aware of a certain telepath.

Charles Xavier uses the Cerebro to search for these captured mutants and Raven would go out and rescue them.

This ability of hers also to her being given the codename Mystique by the organizations she infiltrated.

(AN: It's one thing if you give your own codename and another if everyone else decides on your codename)


When she arrived, it was already late at night. She didn't want to disturb anybody so she sneaked inside. When she came to Jean's room to check up on her, she noticed that the girl wasn't in her bed.

She rushed to Charles Xavier's room. She woke him up and asked him where Jean was.

Charles: "Oh Jean? I think she sleeping with Tony"

Raven: "Who's Tony?"

Charles had to explain about Tony's situation. After she heard the story, she still didn't trust Tony. He was still a human after all. She went to Tony's room to check on him and Jean.

Inside, she saw Tony sleeping on the bed with Jean at his side hugging him tightly. Raven knew about Jean so she decided not to disturb the peaceful scene. She still didn't trust Tony and was planning to talk to him.

Raven went back to Xavier. Since he was already up, she decided to report the results of her mission. Afterwards, she asked how Erik was doing. Magneto would help her at times but she hasn't heard from her for quite a while now.

Xavier: "Erik? He's in Sokovia. I saw got a peak in his mind. I think he started dating this girl ..."

Raven and Xavier started gossiping about their old friend. They even woke up Hank to reminisce about their past.


The next day, Raven called for Jean and Tony.

Raven was going to confront Tony. She wanted Jean to come in order to show the girl why she should not to trust humans so easily.

Tony already heard about Raven so he wasn't surprised when he saw her. He went ahead and greeted her while Jean went and hugged Raven.

Raven started interviewing Tony. She did not like how things were going. Tony's reaction was too relaxed. Raven might not be able to show Jean what she wanted to.

Raven, wanting to expose Tony's true colors, decided to transform back to her Mystique form. Her skin became blue, her hair red, and her eyes yellow.

For as long as she can remember, whenever humans saw this form of hers, they would usually looked repulsed. The only people who didn't feel any repulsion seeing her were mutants.


Raven looked at Jean. She had the girl look at Tony. She wanted to make sure the girl watched as Tony revealed the look humans give to Mystique

Raven watched as Jean's face slowly changed. She thought she succeeded in teaching Jean a lesson but when she saw Jean's reaction, it didn't make sense.

Instead of Jean looking disappointed with Tony's disgust, it looked more like she looked envious.

Raven didn't know what was happening so she looked at Tony. There, she saw the boy staring at her ċhėst. It didn't have any look of disgust. Tony was too focused looking at her body to even show any emotion.

Raven's shapeshifting ability is able to copy another person up to the clothes but he ability does not affect the clothes she was already wearing. It means that whenever she becomes Mystique and infiltrate facilities, she usually has to go nȧkėd. If she didn't, the clothes she wore on one of her shape-shifts would give her away.

Raven got so used to going nȧkėd that she started to forget wearing anything anymore. It wasn't that important since she could just transform if she wanted to wear something.

Raven/Mystique realized that she messed up. Since Tony did not seem to care that she is blue. Mystique essential just flashed herself to Tony.

Also, he wasn't even trying to hide his stare. He just straight forwardly enjoyed Mystique's body.

Raven even started to feel his stare. It started making her feel self-conscious. She went back to her Raven form but Tony wasn't stopping. She had to smack the boy on his head just to make him stop.

Raven did not know what to do with him.


Raven asked Jean to sleep with her again but after a few nights, Jean complained that she had better sleep with Tony. Jean wasn't able to explain why but she just slept better with Tony.

Raven thought it was just because Jean has a crush on Tony. She transformed into him one night and had Jean sleep with her. It didn't work as Jean still wasn't resting as much as she wanted to.

Raven asked Charles why this was happening. Xavier remembered that he couldn't read Tony's mind and it might have something to do with this. Xavier observed the two kids while they were sleeping to see what's going on.

Xavier found out that Jean's powers started acting up while the girl is asleep. Before Tony arrived, her powers were used up due to the accident. Whenever Jean was asleep, her powers went inactive to recover just like any other body functions. It took quite a while but now, her powers are all at its peak. Its started growing again while remaining active .

Jean was unconsciously listening to Raven's thoughts while they slept. Due the Raven's frequent missions, the woman had more disturbing memories surface and that kept Jean from getting a comfortable sleep.

Tony on the other hand, had quite a silent mind. Tony had his nanites preventing any telepath from listening in his mind. This worked even while he was asleep. Jean wasn't able to 'hear' anything while with Tony. This lead to 'better' sleeps with Tony than with Raven.

Raven eventually yielded and let Jean stay with Tony. She would still sometimes keep watch of the two just to make sure the boy did not do anything. But it turns out, it wasn't the boy that Raven should be watching.

As time went by, students started going into Xavier's school.

It went great at first. Tony helped Jean make friends. Tony had the mind of the ȧduŀt after all so he knew some tricks to deal with kids.

But schools always have little pricks that people hope would disappear. Whenever someone was particularly mean to him or Jean, Tony would use his super power to make that person regret it.

His super power: Money

Tony would treat everyone except the bad guy to something like ice cream or the movies. Since almost everyone was there, they were not able to easily notice the only person left out.

Tony would then make the child apologize or get left out. They were still kids and didn't like loneliness so they would cave in. Presto, Jean has a new friend.

The teachers weren't able to stop Tony scheme because, well, they didn't have enough money.

Once, they tried to cover for the bad child but Tony noticed their effort. Tony just had to use more of his super power and voila, they had empty wallets.

The teachers eventually talked to Xavier about this but he just warned them not to try keeping up with Tony's spending anymore. The kid had enough money to drown all the teachers combined.

Tony might be wasting money but Xavier knew that as long as Tony's father was alive, Tony wouldn't be capable of spending so much that anyone could consider the Starks' situation as losing money.

Tony's spending led everyone to ȧssociate Tony's power with being rich. New students were curious about everyone else's powers but whenever they inquired about Tony's the older ones would always answer along the lines of rich.


As they grew up, Jean was slowly conditioned not to sleep with Tony anymore.

Jean would follow Raven's instructions and try to sleep on her own. It would have gone well if not for Jean's powers. (Telepathic and Telekenetic)

While she grew up, Jean powers also grew with her. Jean learned how to control her powers but her level of control wasn't able to keep up with the growth of her powers.

It didn't matter when she was awake but when she slept, Jean's powers kept her from letting anybody else in the mansion sleep. She would heard other people's minds and her telekinetic abilities would start acting up. She would unconsciously do something like shaking her bed. This kept waking up others in the mansion.

The residents got a glimpse of Jean's full power. They also were aware of her control problem and this made everyone in the school unconsciously afraid of Jean. Xavier became aware of what was in the students minds and tried to remedy the situation.

He did considered sealing up her powers but he can't. He could only do that as a last resort. He gave his word to 'that person' not do so after all.

Xavier would ask Raven to let Jean sleep with Tony again.

It worked and the tremors would stop.

It wasn't that Jean's powers didn't go out of control when she slept with Tony. Jean's powers were still working and might even be working harder than when she slept alone. It was trying hard to read Tony's mind because Jean secretly wanted to.

Thanks to Jean's uncontrollable powers, Jean got to 'hear' everyone in the mansion at some point in time. She knew about them at one point. All except Tony.

She actively tries NOT to 'listen' to anyone but it is different with Tony. Even though she grew up with him, she never knew what was going on in his mind.

Tony always had an air of mystery in her mind that her powers tried to uncover.


The two were arranged to be in the same room but were given separate beds . It didn't work as Jean would just combine her bed with Tony's. Sometimes on purpose.

Xavier had asked the professors to help keep it a secret in order to not encourage other students from doing the same.

Eventually though, secrets get revealed and this sleeping arrangement became public knowledge. It didn't cause as much commotion as the Professor expected.

Thanks to Tony's 'bribes' everyone was aware not to antagonize him. They also didn't really want to since Tony had great relationship with everyone.

This didn't stop them from gossiping though. Since everyone knew about Tony's lavish lifestyle. They gave the two a nickname. The royal couple.

Tony wasn't that happy with it since he grew up with Jean. He unconsciously treated her sort of like a sister. He thought she felt the same and wouldn't like the idea. He wanted to stop the rumors but he went to ask Jean how to handle it. He saw Jean happy and Tony decided not to do anything.

Tony didn't know what happened but it looked like she had a crush on him. He didn't know when this happened. All this time he just helped her make some friends. Tony did what he did to so that Jean would spend less time with him. He felt that she was being too clingy to him.

Tony asked his father for advice but his old man just said to him.

Howard: "Son. I'll give you an advice that I also gave to Captain America. The moment you think you know what's going on in a woman's head is the moment your goose is well and truly cooked."

Tony complained that his father was of no help. Howard just laughed and let his son enjoy his life.

A bit later, Howard would brag to his wife Maria that his son was growing up to be quite the ladies man just like him. Of course, Maria didn't like this. When Howard saw his wife's expression, he knew that he was cooked.


Side note: I think OG Tony learned the

"Make your friends rich and your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which"

from college

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