If it wasn't clear, energy = Phoenix Force.

Also, I'm working with Phoenix Force having some level of sentience. Might be unstable though but just ȧssume comic book logic for that.

Or because of Bird Brain. Phoenix is still a bird after all.


After the energy surrounded the two, Tony and Jean lost consciousness. They were enveloped in thick layers of energy that they looked like an egg from far away.

The Phoenix Force was going into their bodies. Slowly changing them as it merged into its new hosts. Tony and Jean.


Originally, the Phoenix Force shouldn't have merged with Tony. It only intended to merge with Jean.

The Phoenix Force first detected Jean back when she got into an accident. Back then, it noticed that Jean had energy similar to the Phoenix Force's. This attracted its attention so it slowly flew towards Earth. Waiting to see if she was truly suitable to be its host.

On its way to Earth, Tony came into Jean's life. Tony made Jean's power calm down and she slowly got control of her powers. The Phoenix ended up waiting longer than it expected.

It wasn't until recently, when Jean's powers started acting up again, that it felt Jean's raw uncontrolled power. It felt that Jean was suitable to be its new host.

Though the Phoenix Force could merge with anyone, it wouldn't just pick just anyone as its host. Especially when it could find a better host.

It would very much prefer for its new host to be a being that could resonate with the Phoenix's energy. And when Jean released her powers, it felt that she more that just a suitable host.

Jean Grey didn't just only resonate with its energy. It felt something that made Jean the best host it could ever have.

Jean was the perfect host for the Phoenix.

(AN: Marvel's description of Jean and Phoenix Force. At least that's what youtube says. Since Phoenix Force is supposed to be an omniversal entity, figured I'd follow them on this.)

Unfortunately for it, along with feeling the true extent of Jean's powers, it also felt Jean instinctively rejected power. This was bad since it might cause incompatibility between the two. It decided to wait for her to want more power.

Then, Jean became aware of Carol (Capt Marvel). She learned from Tony's memories the true extent of Carol's powers. While Tony might not consider his relationship with Carol as something serious, Jean's 'woman's intuition' told her something different.

Jean treated Carol as competition. While Jean may accept Carol as Tony's woman, Jean wouldn't just settle on becoming the second wife. And considering Tony's playboy like way of treating some of his relationships, she figured that it would be up to the women to set up their hierarchy,

Jean knew that this may end up becoming a fight considering Carol's attitude. Jean knew that she wasn't a match for Carol with her current powers. Jean started to accept her powers and even wanted to have more of it. It at that moment that the Phoenix Force knew Jean would accept its offer of power to her.


The Phoenix Force went for Jean alone. If they weren't in their current "situation", it would have merged with Jean without regards for Tony. It wouldn't have cared what happened to Tony and he would have been left in space. Floating there, waiting for Jean to merge with the Phoenix Force.

First of these events was when he let Jean into his mind.

Though this only lasted for a moment (relatively compared to years) , the action still left psionic traces of Jean in Tony's mind. These traces were fresh enough that Tony's wasn't identified as a completely separate entity from Jean.

Secondly, Jean had Tony became one.

Since they were in the middle of doing 'it', they weren't exactly separate from each other. Not only were they very close to each other, they were literally connected. The Phoenix Force never encountered this situation while picking with a host so it ended up classifying them as one entity.

Finally, Jean hugged Tony.

Normally, hugging each other wasn't that big a deal. But the two just came out of an emotional situation and one of the parties hugging has powerful psionic abilities.

When Tony hugged Jean, Jean had the idea that Tony finally accepted her completely. When she hugged him back, it wasn't just her body hugging Tony, her psionic energy was also unconsciously trying to hug Tony. It her not wanting to let Tony go.

All those coincidences made for a very convincing situation that Jean was one with Tony.

It ended up confusing the Phoenix Force into merging with Tony

AN: (Can't help but picture a Pokemon fight scene Right now.)

Random Phoenix appeared. (SFX of roaming legendary pokemon)

Tony: Go! Jean!

Jean used Confusion

It was very effective.

Phoenix is now confused.

It split itself in its confusion.


All the energy was eventually absorbed by the two and Tony slowly regained conciousness. He noticed that both him and Jean were nȧkėd in space and immediately deployed his symbiote to cover the two.

It turns out, the two had been out for almost a week. Tony had one of his clones whip up an excuse to cover for Jean's absence but said that the Xavier and his team were searching for both of them. They said something happened and that they should get in touch as soon as they can.

Tony was just processing the things he learned when he remembered something, both him and Jean were nȧkėd in space for almost a week. Yet from the looks of it, it didn't appear as if their bodies suffered any damages that would be caused by exposing their bodies to outer space.

Tony tried to wake Jean up and ask her if she was aware of what happened but Jean appeared to be dreaming. He has seen that face numerous times to know that she wouldn't be waking anytime soon.

Since Tony was kind of in a hurry, he decided to go into his astral form and invade Jean's mind.


Normally, sorcerers wouldn't be aware on the procedures on how to do this. Tony wouldn't have as well if not for the Darkhold. During his time studying it, he learned how to search the memories of another person.

Tony never tried to use that because of what it did to the user. This technique makes the user think that the memories he read were his own. Tony figured that these memories wouldn't just disappear. He hypothesized that these foreign memories might group up and lead to multiple personality disorder.

Tony decided that the risks were too great to use. He has too much fore knowledge and resources. His hypothetical other personality might exploit everything and cause the universe to collapse. (Somthing like Space Stone creating massive black hole)

Though Tony would never use it, it didn't mean he wouldn't use part of it.

This technique was designed to work on anyone. Not just those who are cooperative. That meant that part of it was about invading someone's mind.

To Tony, invading minds is similar to hacking things. It didn't matter is someone protected his mind, as long as Tony has enough time, he could hack into it.

He can also work with his clones in case time was of the essence. Someone's mental protection might be strong, but it wouldn't be a match to billions of Tonys trying to break into their mind at the same time.


As Tony entered Jean's mind, he noticed a literal firewall serving as a protection.

Tony got close to this firewall to inspect it and found out that it didn't feel hot. Tony didn't feel any danger from it but decided to create a clone test it. The clone put his hand in the flame but nothing happened. It slowly went to the other side and dispersed.

Tony learned that the firewall didn't hurt him so he went through.

Inside, he found Jean talking with a big red bird. Tony just ȧssumed it was the Phoenix considering it was Jean the bird was talking to.

Tony was just about to listen in when the bird looked at him interrupting its conversation with Jean.

Jean: "Tony!!! How are you here?"

Tony: "Hey Jean. So I guess you've met the Phoenix."

Phoenix: "But we haven't. My other half is still currently waiting to talk to you"

Tony: "What are you talking about I haven't..."

Tony was interrupted by another voice from behind him

Tony's Phoenix: "She means me."

Tony: "Where the? There are two Phoenix?"

Jean's Phoenix: "Not supposedly. But we didn't know you two were uhmm..... Well, you messed things up"

Jean: "Phoenix, that's not how you talk to Tony"

Jean's Phoenix: "Sorry. Anyway, thanks to you(Tony), something happened that split us up"

Tony's Phoenix: "I found out what happened. Turns out, this guy is has some weird skill"

Jean: "What is she talking about Tony?"

Tony: "Well, how should I say this, I am from [email protected]#$%^& well it looks I can't say even if I wanted to.

Forget that. I know this part works.

Jean, I have some powers."

Jean: "What do you mean powers? Are you a mutant too? I thought you're supposed to be human"

Tony: "No. Just power. Well I guess I might be a mutant now considering these two."

Tony's Phoenix: "Not yet. I was just about to talk to you on what is going on "

Tony: "Oh yeah what's up with the two of you?"

Phoenixes: "We don't know. One moment we were about to merge with Jean, the next moment we were split."

Jean: "Me? Why do you want to merge with me?"

Tony: "Sorry Jean but that's sort of common knowledge, I'll explain it to you later Jean. For now, let them talk."

Jean wanted to cause a tantrum but Tony went to her and calmed her down before she could do anything.

Phoenix: "Well as far as we know, we got divided when we were exposed to you. Now we don't know what to do."

Tony: "I think you could always merge if you want to. I mean, that's only speculation based on my powers but it's worth a try. "

The two phoenixes looked at each other. They thought about combining and the two transformed into flames and bigger Phoenix with white flames appeared.

Phoenix: "Complete again. Now, where were we?"

Jean: "Tony thinks he became a mutant because of you?"

Phoenix: "I am aware of mutants but I don't think I never made him one yet."

Jean: "You can make him a mutant? You're that powerful?"

Phoenix: "Of course. I am the the embodiment of creation as well as destruction. There is nothing I can't create. I can even let him choose what power he wants"

Jean: "Great!!! Tony you can choose your power. Pick something like mine so that we'll have matching powers"

Tony: "You don't even ask if I want... Nevermind. Its not like I don't want one. I won't choose something like yours though Jean. That would just make one of us useless "

Jean didn't mind since it was just Tony's usual engineer side talking: "Fine, then what do you choose?"

Tony: "I don't really know. Hey Phoenix can I ask you something first?"

Phoenix: "Go on"

Tony: "If I have this power, is that permanent? Like can I modify it later on?"

Phoenix: "I don't have a problem modifying it, as long as Jean remains my host, I can use quite a lot of my powers. I can even grant multiple powers if you so dėsɨrė."

Tony:"Well then, I think I'll settle for being able to extreme regeneration and being able to have full control over my body. Like genetic level control. I want to modify parts of my body as I have designed."

Jean: "Wait seriously? That's it? The first I get, but the second seems... weak"

Phoenix: "Agreed. If I might add, you don't need to have regeneration, as long as either you or Jean is alive, I can help you resurrect the other."

Tony: "I know it's weak. Its just that, I don't know, I feel like this is cheating too much.

You see, I earned most of my current strength by myself.

Granted, I did have a huge head-start with things like my skill, knowledge, and money, but I'd like to think that I have what I have now thanks to my work.

That head-start would have left me higher that most people but I am higher than that thanks to me.

Now you're saying that I can have anything I want, it just feels everything I did becomes useless."

Jean: "Tony... I didn't think... I'm sorry"

Tony: "No need for apologies. I know you just want me to have powers. It's just too much power"

Jean: "Too much power?"

Tony: "Yeah. I'm not saying power is bad. I'm just talking about getting too much too fast. It would to overwhelm you.

So Phoenix, you okay with the two? I'm ȧssuming psionic power are already mine when you arrived?"

Phoenix: "Psionic powers aren't even powers when you have me.

But do you still want to have that powerful regeneration ability? It would just cause you unnecessary pain."

Tony: "Yeah. I can just adjust that with the body control I will get. I'm not a mȧsȯċhɨst after all"

Phoenix: "Done"

Jean: "Done? You haven't even moved."

Phoenix: "We are inside your head. I have already have my powers inside him when I merged with the two of you. I only need to move my power in him to change his body."

Tony: "See. I told you this feels like cheating. "

Phoenix: "Now if you two don't need me for anything, I would like to take a some rest. Waiting for Jean to want power took up quite some time and I would like to take a break."

Tony: "Sure. Jean?"

Jean: "No problem. I think Tony is aware of the situation so I'll just ask him."

The phoenix nodded and with a burst of flames, the Phoenix split into two and the other one left for Tony's body.

Tony: "WAIT!!! Why the hell did you two split up again?"

Phoenixes: "Because of you."

Tony: "Me again? I thought I already settled that when you two merged into one."

Phoenixes: "You did. Then, you spoke about having too much power too fast.

We thought about it.

Though you may be able to handle our powers, Jean can't.

That's why until she could, we would have to split ourselves. We can pour the extra load onto you until Jean could handle us completely."

Tony: "So I have to bring all the luggage huh?

I have enough power to destroy the universe and I'm still the guy who brings the bags when girls go shopping.

[Thinks about past life]

I guess some things never change."

The phoenixes flew away. Tony tried to search where it rested but he got distracted by something soft.

Jean hugged Tony's arm as she said: "Come on honey. Let's continue where we left off."



White Phoenix == OP Phoenix.

Red/ Dark Phoenix is just psionic with destruction and ultra regen. Yeah Tony's regen power is repetitive but still.... just to be sure

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