AN: Using phone right now so no easy autocorrect.


After Phoenix left, Tony told Jean about some things about the outside world and about what he knew about the Phoenix. He wasn't able to say much before Jean interrupted him.

Jean didn't want to get distracted by those details right now. She just wanted to continue what she was doing with Tony. Back before they were rudely interrupted by the Phoenix.

It was her first time after all. Other than the birthdays in the mansion, this was one of the few events she considered very important. Especially since it was with Tony.

Tony understood her mood. He taught her how to exit her mind slowly and told her not to move when she gets control of her body.

When they return their conciousness into their bodies, Jean discovered that they were still in the middle of ɨntėrċȯursė.

Jean: "Wow. How long were we in this position? The Phoenix told me we were out for quite a while in human time. I don't think its that long though.

Considering that you are still erect at the moment. I don't think more that an hour passed.

I remember from medical school that a man's p*nis is supposed to go flaccid after some time but I don't think you have any problem in that area. ....."

Tony: "Stop. Just stop talking.

First. Your bed talk needs more work. Serious work.

Second. It has been a week. Things have....


Jean interrupted him when she learned how long they were in this position: "A week? Does that mean I beat your record with Carol and that blue girl?"

Tony was baffled by what she said. He didn't expect her first thought was about beating a record.: "Minn-Erva. Yeah I suppose you have. But I think you're getting something wrong."

Jean: "Wrong? What did I get wrong?"

Tony: "Winning here isn't just about time."

Jean: "Really? But all my friends talk about how they did it with their BFs by the minutes"

Tony: "First of all. I feel sorry for your friends.

Secondly. Just stop talking. I'm losing my .... woah.

Wait a sec. Gotta check on something"

Tony remembered the new powers that he just got.Since he can't exactly test out its full potential at the moment, he decided to test them out for just a bit.

Jean: "What are you los.... ahhn [moans]"

Jean didn't know what Tony was talking about until she felt it. She felt Tony start moving inside her.

She was surprised that she didn't feel hurt but later forgot about it when she started feeling good. She also felt like Tony's p*nis was changing sizes but thought it was just from her inexperience.

She was just about to get used to Tony' pace and felt like she was about to come when she felt something weird.

Tony ... became smaller. He continued doing her but the change in size just stopped her from reaching climax.

Jean: "Tony? What happ... [moans]"

Tony had gotten bigger. Not back to normal big. Jean felt his p*nis going even bigger. She estimated that he was even bigger compared to his previous size.

Tony: "I got this."

Jean knew Tony was testing his new found powers on her. She was just about to complain when Tony started moving again. Jean felt Tony hit just the spot which made her feel something she never felt.

While Jean was having the time of her life, Tony started trying other things out. Tony started trying out more unusual things like changing the lean of his p*nis.

Up, Down, Left, Right

He also started changing his p*nis' sensitivty from low to high.

Tony messed up on when he increased his sensitivity too high and immediately came. He remembered that he forgot about how Jean was feeling and felt ashamed. He might have come before the girl.

Luckily for him, Jean also came at about the same time. Jean was new to s*x so she didn't know how to control herself. She was also thrown off whenever Tony did something. Tony kept mixing things up that Jean never stopped getting stimulated to the point of coming.

After they came, they rested for a while. When they finally got some energy, Jean started complaining to Tony.

Jean:"What the hell was that?"

Tony:"Just taking my new powers for a spin."

Jean:"So I'm the spin?"

Tony: "Answer this first. How was it?"

Jean wanted to retort but Tony kept interrupting her by asking the same question. "How was it?"

Jean:"Fine. It was amazing."

Tony:"Good. Now let's enjoy the stars while we take a break."

Jean didn't know what Tony was saying until she looked at her surroundings.

Jean:"Wha.... how are we alive?"

Tony: "That bird probably did it. Can't you feel the air around us?"

Jean: "Well at least that bird did something good. Still, I had my first time in space. I guess I can't complain."

Tony: "You say that now but space gets boring real fast."

Jean: "Really? Oh right you did it with those space girls. By the way, was I better?"

Tony:"Nope. You still need more practice."

Jean felt sullen when she heard his response but quickly got cheerful when Tony told her she still had room to improve.

Tony:"Oh yeah. That reminds me, what's with the competitve spirit? Why do you want to beat Carol and Minn-Erva?"

Jean: "Well. How should I say this. I want to be the main wife?"

Tony:"Wife? I'm not even thinking about marrriage at the moment and you're talking about me having multiple wives?"

Tony then started thinking about the original Tony's wife Pepper and their daughter Morgan. Tony liked their daughter but can't stand Pepper. She was always freaking out. The problem was, that Pepper was on the MCU universe without mutants. Tony imagined the whining she would do for the first few years.

Black Widow is definitely one. Tony's recent surveillance showed that she was growing in all the right places. Tony was slowly seeing the future Natasha on her.

Tony actually considered borrowing the Time Stone to make her older but the Ancient One saw through him and warned him not to mess with the natural laws for that purpose. Tony got the hint and dumped his plans on working with the Quantum Tunnel.

Tony also thought about the other ladies. Tony resolved his mind not to settle down while he was young.


Tony just finished thinking when he heard Jean's voice.

Jean: "See. You're thinking about other girls. Right now. And you're asking why I want to be the Main wife"

Tony:"You can read my mind now?"

Tony was surprised when he heard her. He thought that his nanites were ineffective now. Jean has the Phoenix Force after all.

Jean:"I don't need to. I know that face you have right now."

Tony:"What face?"

Jean:"The face that says 'I like this lady.'

Or is the term 'I want to bang her' more appropriate?"

Tony: "I don't have that face!!!"

Jean:"Yeah you do."

Tony: "Really. When did I show that face?"

Jean: "Whenever you see Raven in her Mystique form."

Tony was speechless.

As his body grew up, he noticed that the women, who weren't aware he was a Stark, slowly became unforgiving when he tried to look at them in a sėxuȧŀ manner.

He knew his baby face protection was expiring so he started hiding his pervert face. By the time he was a teen, he thought he could already hide it perfectly.

Jean:"What? You thought we didn't notice you looking at her everytime she shows off her body?"

Tony:"You knew? And who the hell is we?"

Jean:"Of course Raven. We even talked about it"

Tony:"She also knew? And you talked about it?"

Jean:"Well yeah. Your subtle glance wasn't that subtle nor was it just a glance.

I forgot when but we sort of had the 'talk'. Back then, she pointed out that it was common for the boys to look at her like that.

Of course at that time, I had this huge crush on you that I didn't care what she said and still thought of her as a rival.

Then we got older and you started getting better. But by that point, we already know the look on your face.

Relax. She actually feels flattered you still look at her that way. It makes her feel young everytime.

Still, I can't believe she's almost the same age as the Professor"

Tony : "Oh yeah. Speaking of the man. He got some strays again."

Jean: "Come on Tony. Don't call them strays. They're new students."

Tony: "Not this time. They picked up a stray cat. And that cat is grumpy and not well trained.

But we're getting off topic. What's with the main wife stuff? I'm too young for marriage"

Jean: "That's why. You care too much about yourself. You probably don't even know what a woman is actually thinking until you start using the Phoenix to have telepathy

For now, just let us ladies handle that stuff. You just make sure to keep all of us happy."

Tony: "Well I don't really think about what women are thinking. Dad has this quote he keeps telling me. Basically, it tells to not ȧssume what is in a woman's mind"

Jean admired Tony's father for teaching him that. She had been in the complaining end of that when her friends would have fights with their BFs about this sort of stuff. "Wise words. Make sure you rememeber that"

Tony: "I can't forget it even if I wanted to.

But I don't think I'll be settling down like what you're saying

Also, I think it is illegal to marry multiple women in US"

Jean:"And? You own the primary weapons contractor of the country. You think you can't have them consider you for an exception?"

Tony: "It's not that I can't. It is just that politics is very messy. I have to steer clear of that to stop my companies from getting too much publicity. You know I can't hide the mutants if my companies don't have some shadows to cast on them."

Jean: "Then create a religion. All mutants would probably join that religion you built. Then, you don't have to care about that part of the law.

I mean, that's why they set up religions right? To utilize some loopholes in the law."

Tony:"I'm not sure about all religions but I do know some that are actually partially accurate."

Jean: "What? There are religions that are True stories?"

Tony:"Only partially but yeah. There's this ....."

Tony was interrupted by JARVIS using the speakers and not just a prompt.

JARVIS:"Sorry to interrupt sir, but there seems to be an emergency."

Jean: "Who's that?"

Tony:"JARVIS. My AI.

JARVIS, What happened?"

Tony knew JARVIS wouldn't just interrupt him for something not very important.

JARVIS:"The surveillance net caught something. It appears to be a foreign spaceship"

Jean:"Foreign spaceship? You mean there are local spaceships?"

Tony:"Yeah. Jean I'll tell you later. Let JARVIS talk for now."

Jean: "That adds another one to the list of things you have to tell me."

Tony: "Go"

JARVIS: "Yes sir. From the appearance, the owner seems to be Skrulls"

Tony: "What do you mean seems? It's not them?"

JARVIS: "The design is similar but the ship's theme is more aggressive."

JARVIS learned about Skrull culture when Tony's clones talked to the Skurlls. Tony inputted their customs onto JARVIS's database which the AI used to classify a more aggressive design.

Tony: "All right. I'll contact Talos. Where are they at?"

JARVIS: "On their way towards your location. 15 minutes and 57 seconds away if they maintain their current flight speed."

Tony: "At least I have some time. JARVIS, is 'IT' ready?"

JARVIS: "Sir. The prototype was just manufactured. The calculations were finished but it wasn't tested for live fire yet. The device isn't ready. An actual meltdown could happen."

Tony:"JARVIS. Just be sure it's ready when the visitors arrive."

JARVIS:"Yes sir..."

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