Reincarnated As Tony Stark With A Skill

Chapter 82 - 82 (Short Chap)

Jean: "Now can you tell me what's going on"

Tony:"A ship just arrived from Earth's jump point. We tried to communicate when it arrived but it didn't identify itself. It is currently considered a hostile entity "

Jean:"Hostile? It didn't even do anything yet."

Tony:"How do I say this? Jean... Earth is in a very remote corner of space.

We don't get visitors. We get exiles. Sometimes fugitives.

Aliens usually come here because of something serious. Tourists just don't come here..

So any visitor who's does not identify itself or did not arrive here on a damaged ship, is definitely not a friendly.


Jean:"But the Professor taught us to avoid having a fight if possible. "

Tony: "Relax. I'm not going to fire the first shot.

I'm just making sure that they don't get the jump on us when they do.

But consider the timing of everything Jean.

We get powers and then they arrive. That's too much of a coincidence.

I'm pretty sure they're here for us. Or more specifically, the Phoenix"

Jean: "Penny? Why?"

Tony: "They want its.... Wait....Who's Penny?"

Jean: "The Phoenix, I'm thinking I'd call her Penny. Penny the Phoenix. It's also short for Penelope.

It's either that, Pamela, Phoebe.

Pepper also sounds nice but naming a flaming bird Pepper kind of feels like cooking fried chicken. It's not bad but I might end up craving chicken all the time. I don't have to tell you why a Phoenix eating chicken all the time sounds bad.

Pandora might also work but I think she might get angry if she learns about Pandora's Box.

But definitely not Paris. It is too high profile and she might become a diva."

Tony: "I have some problem with one of those names, but that's not important.

I'm sorry if it feels like I'm disregarding what feels like some serious thought you put into this.

But did you just give the Phoenix a name?"

Jean: "Trying to. Why? What's wrong? Don't you give other people nicknames all the time? Why can't I give her a name?"

Tony was speechless. He did usually give people nicknames, but Jean, well... It seemed to him that Jean was trying out names for a pet.

Tony started to wonder if the Phoenix might get angry but he remembered the Phoenix's care for Jean. He figured that Jean should be its favourite and might just let her name it.

Tony: "I get the P for Phoenix. But...Why is the Phoenix a female? "

Jean: "Didn't you hear her voice? It's clearly a girl's voice."

Tony remembered something. Jean isn't aware of the gender equality. She would ȧssume a girl is a girl as long as she talks like a girl, not wait for the voice to declare her sėxuȧŀity.

Tony: "I guess she is. You know what, we can settle about her name later.

We're getting way off topic again.Let's continue talking about aliens exploiting the Phoenix Force"

Jean: "I still can't believe they'd just do that. Why would they do such a thing?"

Tony: "Power. The answer is almost always power. Does it really matter? Someone might be trying to kidnap us."

Jean: "Kidnap? They won't just take the power from us?"

Tony: "I don't think so. Phoenix Force is actually supposed to be hard to control.

Its power is usually too much for a host that the host would usually end up self-destructing. It causes great damage when that happens.

Killing the host before it happens would solve everything but that's not the best solution if you know the host. Someone would eventually fight back if you just killed their friend.

That's why they would rather take a random host and brainwash them into obedience. They can control the power without having to sacrifice much. It is also easier to clean-up afterwards since no one complains when the host needs to be killed. They could just pick another one later after all.


Jean: "Wait. How are you so sure they'll actually come for us?"

Tony: "I'm never sure of something until it happens. And I don't think anyone else is.

But I try to experiment. I try to think about doing things while thinking like the bad guy. Having no restraints makes things extremely easy to handle. Thought I can't really do that due to my personal code, it still makes it easier to know what might happen.

Oh, while we're at it. Make sure you never believe someone who tells you a certain future is bound to happen. Don't believe them even if you read their minds. Powers never could predict the future, some things are bound to happen but that doesn't mean they know everything that would happen."

Jean: "I'll try to remember that. But what do we do? I'm not sure Earth is ready for an alien invasion."

Tony: "Leave that to me. For now, let's go inside my spaceship. I'd rather not let them know that we have full control over the Phoenix Force."

Jean: "You have a spaceship? So that domestic spaceship you were talking about is a spaceship you made?"

Tony: "Yeah, haven't you seen it in Fury's memories?"

Jean: "No. We were too busy learning about the aliens. Kree and Skrulls seems like a serious threat after all. Anyway, where is it?"

Tony: "It should arrive in 3, 2, 1"

On cue, Jean noticed a streak of light approaching them. It was Tony's Blackbird. Since Tony's clones were informed by JARVIS before him, they were already near the vicinity.

The plane is actually hiding behind a nearby(still far away but not for a light-speed engine) asteroid. Tony's clones were actually just waiting to make an entrance.


Jean saw the streak of light slow down. She then saw a familiar looking plane.

Jean: "It's the X-Jet!!!"

Tony: "No its not."

Jean: "Really? It looks really similar. Other than the massive X painted on the X-Jet, it looks pretty much the same."

Tony: "Of course it is. They're both based on the SR-71.

But don't think just because it looks the same that it is the same as Hank's X-Jet. This is equipped with a light-speed engine, an actual AI pilot, a couple of..."

Jean knew Tony was going to be having another one of his show-off moments. He does this whenever he has a new 'toy' to show. Jean usually listens quietly and let him do his thing, but she just did it with Tony. She got what she wanted. She didn't need to listen to him for at least a couple of days.

Jean: "Blah blah blah. You may be smart but you never learned something Tony. Most women don't care about the differences inside those things. If they look the same, they are the same."

Tony was kind of hurt that Jean said that. He knew girls usually don't care but it still feels nice to boast. He grumbled in a lower voice: "At least Carol got excited when she went to fly a new plane."

Jean: "You know that I can still hear you right?

Besides, why do you think I let you be with your alien girlfriends?

It's so that you can do all those show-off ramblings you do on them. That way, I get to have you without having to listen to you talk about that stuff all the time."

Tony: "Fine... Let's just go inside."


AN: Asking for other names for the Phoenix. Other names might also work but only if they're really good.

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