In the mirror dimension

The real Tony and Jean were observing everything that was happening inside Vuk's ship. They saw everything up to Tony's "ritual".

Jean just laughed a bit.

Tony was silent as carefully observed everything and processing all that he is experiencing.

They watched as Tony's clone died. They also saw how spooked Vuk and crew were. Tony disappearing into a puff of smoke after doing the ritual. The crew were glad that the ones who believed in curses able to convince their boss to tell Tony what he wanted. All of them even started to believe in curses after this.

Tony waited for a while but nothing else important happened. He decided to stop watching.

Tony: [Sigh...]

Jean: "Is that it? You create body doubles for us then let them leave? What about them kidnapping us for Penny?"

Tony: "Apparently I'm wrong."

Jean: "Whoah. I need to buy a video cam. I would really like it if I recorded that. But now what?"

Tony: "Now. Now we wait for them to bring that body to the mastermind."

Jean: "Wait? Why do we need to wait? What about that prototype thing your AI was talking about?"

Tony: "Believe me. I wanted to test that thing out the moment it was finished.

Unfortunately, we need them alive. Otherwise, they won't leave us alone. If we kill them now, those behind them would just send another. Then it wouldn't be as easy as today."

Jean: "So that's that huh? We wait until you get more intel on them. What do we do now then?"

Tony: "For now, we need to have a talk."

Jean: "About what?"

Tony: "About you. What should I call you, Penny?"

Jean: "What are you talking about? Phoenix is Penny not me."

Tony: "Fine. I won't call you Penny. Still, you can drop the act Phoenix. I know you're in control of Jean's body for some time now."

Jean(True): "Yay. I win. See Phoenix. I told you he'd notice when we switch.

Jean(Phoenix): "Fine. I'll allow you to name me. But I don't think I'll get used to it."

Jean(True): "It's alright. I'm not sure Penny is that good either. I remembered this dumb blond with the same name I met at college. I still can't figure out how she got into college though. "

Tony: "Umm Jean. Can you watch my body for a bit? I need to talk to the Phoenix. There's somethings I'd like to ask first."

Jean: "Ok Tony. But don't be surprised if your body isn't the same before you go"

Tony: "On second thought. I'll have one of my clones watch over my body."

Jean: "Nooooooo.

I'll take care of it."

Tony was kind of skeptical with the way she said that but he left her in-charge.


Phoenix: "When did you notice?"

Tony: "Do you want the long version or the short version?"

Phoenix: "Please do the short version. I really don't want to listen to you talking that much"

Tony: "Well too bad. You're getting the long one."

Phoenix: "Why did you even ask?"

Tony: "Just to tick you off.

Anyway. Let's start.

So, first clue.

You see, Jean already tried that when we were really young. And if you haven't figured it out yet, I like to show off my new toys.

I did it whenever I got something new or fun to play with. And I got new toys. A LOT.

You don't know how many toys my father's business partners send me. Motorbikes, RC Planes, mecha toys, you name it and I probably got it.

I usually show off my new toys but that wasn't as interesting for girls. Jean eventually got bored. She didn't want to leave me so she decided to interrupt me to make me change the subject.

This didn't just happen once. She did this whenever she wanted. It became too frequent that I eventually snapped.

I wasn't as mȧturė back then. Ok?

I can't snap at her. She'd just cry. If she did, then I would be the one in trouble.

So what did I do?

I ignored her. I ignored her for a couple of hours. Even when we slept together I still didn't talk to her.

I left the mansion for I don't know. A day? Maybe two.

You see.

Back then, I was her only friend. Well, only friend at that age. But she was very young. See where I'm going right?

Oh right, you're a bird.

Well, basically, she got sad. I didn't talk to her and then I suddenly left. She thought she drove me away.

Sadness and sleep combined became nightmares. It would have been fine if she was a regular human but she's not. She still had very unstable powers back then.

Her powers were on overdrive during one of those nightmares. I'm not too clear what happened but I'm sure of one thing.

It didn't end well.

She ended up breaking the mansion. Or is demolish the accurate term.

I returned and she never interrupted me since. She may think of interrupting me but she never did.

Of course she'd interrupt me now that we're ȧduŀt. But she was never as rude as you when she does that.

That was the First.


Then I confirmed it after doing that dance.

You might have forgotten but you bȧrėly laughed after I did that stupid dance.

Jean already has dirt on me. Dirt that I wan't to disappear. I wouldn't just give her more and enhance her leverage. But I still did that ritual dance anyway.

I know that dance looked stupid. That's why I did it. I know Jean would have a better reaction than you. She wouldn't be satisfied with just a chuckle after seeing that.

By then, I knew there's something wrong with Jean.


I finally made my conclusion after overseeing your reaction on seeing my clone die.

It's me after all. Me. Getting killed.

Jean wasn't aware of that powers until recently. She isn't used to clones much less looking at me or my clones dying.

Jean would definitely show some kind of reaction after seeing one of my clone get executed.

She'd at least show a hint of shock after seeing that. She might even shed a tear or choke up a bit.

But you didn't even blink.

It was either Jean got mind controlled, someone hijacking her body, or a fake Jean.

But you wouldn't allow that to happen to her. That left me with only one possibility.

You were the one hijacking her body.


Phoenix: "Impressive."

Tony: "Thanks.

Can I ask you something though?

Why did you do that?


Phoenix: "That is easy. I don't trust you.

Jean became my host a couple of times but she was always used as a weapon. It is only normal that I


Tony: "That doesn't make any sense. I'm already one of you're hosts when you did that...

Wait... Did you just say became?

An in Past-tense?

There is usually only one Jean and Jean just became a host...

No... don't tell me... You're from another universe."

Phoenix: "Correct. I did come another universe.

I've come from one not similar to this universe.

It was a universe with an Earth where you didn't seem to exist. You are too well known in this universe that I don't think Jean's friends in that universe would have missed you if you existed in that universe.


Tony: " A universe without a Tony Stark. I have an idea about that. Can you tell me more of that universe."

Phoenix: "Where do I start.

At that universe, Jean became my host a couple of times.

The first time was fuzzy. It was before I had my own awareness.

The only memory of her I had was when she died.

She was stabbed by this cat guy.

The second time she became my host was weird.

It felt later to me but the Jean I was with was even younger than the first. She died due to the power but her consciousness helped me grow.

I learned from her memories that there were beings who wanted to control me.

It was at that moment that I decided not to trust anyone other than Jean.


Tony: "I think I have an idea on the first one but not the second. I don't know who those people who tried to control you were.

So how did you arrive here?"

Phoenix:"I'm still not sure

I, with Jean's consciousness, was roaming around space when the universe started to collapse. It wasn't just a normal death of a universe. It was just destruction.

The destruction was about to reach me when a crack in the universe appeared. I got pulled inside but Jean's consciousness wasn't. I tried to bring her with me but I blacked out.

The next time I regained consciousness, I already arrived in this universe. I tried to search for Jean but got nothing. I did sense something very similar to me. I approached it thinking it was Jean.

What I found was the Phoenix Force of this universe. Since it wasn't self-aware, it was easy merge with it. With the new found power, I finally found Jean. The rest, I think you are more or less aware.


Phoenix looked at Tony who seemed to be in another world talking to himself.

Tony: "Crack... Can it be?... If it is, it finally makes sense. But that means that Fox...

Damn it Disney, you couldn't have bought the X-Men when I was still there? Now I'm even more unsure of what will happen.

Wait, if they're here then that means... I hope Sue looks like her. Oh yeah, I wonder what Johnny would look like.


Phoenix: "Tony?"

Tony: "Wha? Sorry, got caught up in something. Don't worry, I have sort of CCTV in here. You don't need to repeat anything. Just wait a sec.

Ok. I'm good

I've gotta ask. Do you trust me now?"

Phoenix: "Will you use my power?"

Tony: "Yeah. Why? Do have some condition?

It's not uncommon. There are guys in other dimensions that lend their powers using a contract."

Phoenix: "Good. I wouldn't have trusted you didn't Just remember not to get drunk with the power.

Condition? I don't need one.

Just take care of your Jean. Also, don't let her get captured like your fake Jean.

This shouldn't be hard. Just maintain your current relationship. She's already much happier here than the Jean in the other universe."

Tony: "Yeah, that universe did quite a number on their Jean Grey.

Don't worry. I already have an idea if they are what I think it are. I might need your power for this though. I need an overwhelming power for this. Like Dark Phoenix level stuff.

But is the main wife stuff yours or Jean's idea?"

Phoenix: "That one? That's hers. She got that idea from the Internet."

Tony: "Internet? You know about that?"

Phoenix: "Only what it's called. I still have plenty to learn regarding humans."

Tony: "I'd rather you don't.... Wait. How long have we been talking?"

Phoenix: "About half an hour? Why"

Tony: "My body. I think Jean is .... I need to go. "


Tony got back to his body just in time to see Jean doing something to him.

Tony: "JEAN??!!"

Jean: "Hiii!!! Hi, Tony? Um... Ooops?"

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