AN: reminder [] is for thoughts.


Tony: "So... Are you done?"

Jean: "Not yet. Almost there. Just a little bit more."

Tony: "Fine. I'll help you this time. But no seconds... For now."

Jean: "Yay:


After Tony helped Jean finish.

Jean: "So. What's the hurry? I thought guys like these stuff."

Tony: "Oh don't worry. We're going to do more if you want. But not now.

I'll get us another set of clothes. "

After got dressed, Tony brought Jean back to Earth.



Tony and Jean appeared at the front door.

Jean: "Why didn't you just teleport us straight inside?"

Tony: "Remember the strays I talked about? I'm worried one of them has rabies."

Jean: "Wait, did they really adopt a stray dog?"

Tony: "No. A cat. And it's pretty feisty. You better stay close to me just in case it bites."

Tony inhaled deep and prepared to shout. "Helloooo. Anybody home?"

Tony waited for a few seconds.

Ororo was the first one to arrive. She jumped from the balcony and landed right in front of Jean.

Ororo: "Jean!!! Where were you? You didn't answer your phone. The professor was unable to find you even with Cerebro"

Jean: "Sorry my phone got destroyed.

You remember Tony's recent adventures in space. We just got back from space."

Ororo: "Wow. I knew you were safe but I didn't expect that. I guess you made it hard for Tony to bring you to space."

Ororo then looked at Tony. " Can you bring me next time you launch a rocket into space? or do I also need to be your girlfriend before I get to go to space? "

Ororo didn't need them to tell her about their relationship. Just one look at Jean and she already knew they finally got together.

Tony: "That's not how we got to space. Nevermind.

You know what. I can get you on the next launch now if you want. But you have to sit with some satellites.

You could even go this week if you want. You just need to control the weather. I can't force a manned launch if the weather is bad.

But I don't recommend it. It's too uncomfortable"

Ororo: "Wow. I thought rocket launches costs hundreds of millions up to a billion dollars"

Tony: "You do remember money is my superpower right?"

Ororo: "True.

Oh yeah, why did you shout? Couldn't you just enter?"

Jean: "Well Tony said you guys got strays. One of them might have rabies."

"Pfft" Ororo couldn't help but laugh. She immediately knew who Tony was talking about just from the description.

Ororo: "Well he's not wrong.

That stray is still a bit hostile to strangers so I suggest you don't just go petting the thing like Snow White. Speaking of. Here he comes now."

They saw two people walking from the front door. The first was Scott. Jean knew him so he definitely wasn't the stray.

The second person that appeared had this wild aura around him. He had sideburns as well as the hairstyle where most of the top was flat but there were hair extending at the sides. The extension looked like ears.

When Jean saw the guy, the Phoenix also saw him. The Phoenix Force in Jean started acting hostile and was trying to warn Jean to stay away from him. It even started went as far as to try and control Jean's body in order to do a preemptive strike.

Tony should have noticed Jean's power getting out of control and let the Phoenix calm down. Unfortunately, he was distracted.

Tony recognized man the moment he saw him. The man was Wolverine. He tried to relax but he can't help but fanboy.

Tony: [Wow. It's Hugh Jackman. I can't stop myself fanboying. Ok, just for a bit.


All I need to see is his signature growl and I can go back to normal.

Tony was content when he saw Wolverines started growling. He enjoyed watching that iconic growl until it hit him.

Tony: [Wait. Why is he growli..... Shit]

Tony looked at where the Wolverine was growling and saw Jean with what looks likes red flames wrapping around her. Tony remembered that the Phoenix remembered Wolverine as the man who killed Jean.

He tried to talk to the Phoenix in him and managed to calm it down a bit. Just enough to stop the Phoenix from attacking first.

Tony looked at Wolverine again. He saw the man crouching as if ready to pounce. Wolverine as had his claws out.

Wolverine was getting ready to attack

Tony went in front of Jean to stop the Phoenix from doing any sudden moves but Wolverine's did not see it as that.

Wolverine thought Tony was covering Jean in order to help her do a surprise attack. He started running at them in order to land an attack.

Tony knew that Wolverine was going to attack. He knew it was hard to talk Wolverine down so he started getting ready to fight.: "Shit. Everyone. Stay where you are. I'll handle this."

Tony ran towards Wolverine in order to divert the guy's attention. He made sure he got Wolverine's attention by releasing the killing intent of the Phoenix through him instead of Jean.

They got near each other and Tony struck first. He tried to punch Wolverine but the guy easily dodged it. Tony immediately jumped away as he saw Wolverine trying to cut his arms off.

Tony: "Hey!!! No stabbing. Bad Kitty."

Wolverine didn't listen and just jumped at Tony claws first/

Tony figured out that Wolverine wouldn't listen. Tony decided to fight for real.

Tony went forward sideways and grabbed Wolverine's arm. He then pulled it a bit in order to redirect Wolverine's flight path.

Wolverine's claws struck concrete and penetrated them. He pulled them out and turned to strike again.

Tony was already prepared for this so he was able to dodge and land a punch on Wolverine's head.

Tony's hands hurt.

Tony: [O

Damn Adamantium skeleton. I really need to get some of those.]

Tony forgot that Wolverine had adamantium skeleton because he never fought someone with it. The pain reminded him plenty and he knew punching was useless. He decided to use a weapon. He started figuring out how to 'get' it. He didn't want to show everyone how he drew it from nowhere because he wasn't ready to announce that he's a wizard to everybody.

Tony slowly moved to the covered walkway and punched the roof. He then pulled out a metal looking rod from inside.

The rod was actually a wooden rod enchanted with multiple layers of hardening. The metal layer was just for disguise. Tony didn't want rumors of him hitting Wolverine with his wood to appear.

The wooden rod was a failed product in one of Tony's experiments. It was supposed to be a substitute for metal in Tony's large robot projects.

The rod was strong enough to bend metal but only if magic was continuously supplied. It was still better than most metals so Tony had so he kept it.

Tony didn't know if this is going to work with Adamantium but now is a good time to figure out.


After Tony got the rod, he dodged Wolverine who was still attacking him. Wolverine missed Tony and ended up cutting posts by. the walkway. Wolverine just continued attacking Tony.

Tony used the rod to try and block Wolverine's claws. They managed to block it but marks were left on the rod.

Tony decided not to risk it the rods getting stuck and let the rod split in half. He now had two sticks that he used on Wolverine.

Tony would dodge Wolverine's attacks and try to hit Wolverine on the head.

Wolverine got angrier and started attacking more wildly. It didn't work as Tony continued hitting him at the same spot.

The damage from Tony's attacks eventually piled up and Wolverine was knocked out.

Tony looked at the rods while muttering: "Maybe they weren't such a failure after all. At least I can use them as drum sticks."


Ororo, Jean, and Scott were watching the whole fight.

The girls didn't have much of a reaction other than concern. Ororo was concerned that Tony would get hurt. As far as she was concerned, Tony was just a very rich human. He might know martial art but it wouldn't be enough against someone who had regeneration.

Jean was concerned about something else. She was concerned that certain part of Tony getting damaged. Jean knew Tony now had regeneration but still didn't want to risk it.

Scott was shocked that Tony was still able to keep up with Wolverine. He also had a fight with Wolverine when he arrived.

It was when Wolverine first awakened after getting rescued. The guy walked into the danger room just as Scott was getting out. Scott wasn't able to even dodge when Wolverine attacked him. Luckily for him, the Professor arrived and calmed Wolverine down.

When Tony got the sticks, Scott felt déjà vu. He started rooting for Wolverine to win.


After Tony knocked Wolverine out, Scott, Ororo and Jean slowly approached the two.

Ororo: "Is he okay?"

Tony: "Yeah. Just knocked out. The man's head is metal after all."

Scott: "Do you just have weapons like that hidden everywhere?"

Tony: "Yeah. Sort of."

Ororo: "You should jumping in front of us. You're human for Ra's sake. You would have been killed if you were like any other human."

Jean: "Really? Other than the start, it didn't feel like Tony is in any sort of danger though."

Ororo: "Of course you say that. But now that you point it out, it did look like Tony was playing around at the end."

Tony: "I want to brag and say that I was playing around at the end but I can't. The man's skull is just too strong. I had to hit it with all my strength and it still took a lot just to knock him out."

Scott: "Really? Didn't look like it."

Tony: "You're probably doing that to protect your pride but thanks."

Tony then started walking towards the mansion.

Jean: "Wait. You're going to leave him outside?"

Tony: "I sure as hell am not carrying him. The man is way heavier than he looks. Scott?"

Scott: "I'm weaker than you physically so I don't think I'll even manage to carry him"

Ororo: "Don't worry Jean. The guy has rapid healing. He'll be fine."

They walked inside and saw student near the windows. They also saw the Professor waiting for them.

Tony: "Am I being called to the principal's office?"

Xavier: "Yes. Jean, you too. As for the rest, you should return to what you're supposed to be doing."

The ȧduŀts followed Xavier.

On the way, Tony received new information from his clone who got abducted. The mastermind was about to receive 'Jean'.

Tony went towards the elevator and gesture for them to follow along.


X-Mansion Basement

Xavier: "Mr. Stark. Why did you."

Tony: "Sorry to interrupt you Professor but I've already lost a lot more time than I expected. There's somethings I need to know and I am in a hurry. I'll explain later.

Also, Jean. Don't show it to anyone yet."

Tony brought them to Cerebro. He waited for the doors to close before he started talking again.

Tony: "First question. Scott. Did your parents die in a plane crash?"

Scott: "Yeah."

Tony: "Did you find any bodies?"

Scott: "No. Why are asking me all these?"

Tony: "Not now. Professor, I need you to search for someone."

Tony then used a telepathic link to Xavier.

Tony: [I need you to find Jean's parents.]

Xavier: [Anthony? How are you? I'm afraid I can't help you. Jean's father]

Tony: [Don't tell me that he's dead. I already had some PI's check and found him. I know he hates Jean.

I don't care if you tell her or not. Right now, I just need to see if he's still alive. Please, just do it.]

Xavier rarely saw Tony this serious so he complied. He equipped Cerebro and started looking for Jean's father.

It took a quite some time. Xavier tried searching for Jean's father multiple times around the globe.

Tony waited for Xavier to finish.

Xavier looked back at Tony and shook his head.

Tony: "I see. This makes things a lot more complicated than I first expected."

Tony checked if JARVIS detected any activities in the atmosphere. The AI reported some anomalies a week ago but further investigations led to nothing. Tony had JARVIS check if similar events occurred recently but got nothing.

Tony: "Jean, we need go. This place has too many civilians. I don't want them get caught up in case anything goes bad."

Tony created a portals. He let Jean go to the first. As Tony was about to go in. Ororo stopped him. She knew it was different from the last time since Tony

Ororo: "Wait. Where are you going?"

Tony: "Antartic. Just come if you want to. Your powers can help.

Scott. Get ready to defend the mansions.

Professor, raise an alert. They shouldn't target you but just in case, prepare for an attack.

Also, try to contact Magneto and try to get him here. His powers would be useful on spaceships. "

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