AN: So someone pointed out that a wolverine isn't a cat which is true. Nat Geo says it is a weasel big enough to look like a bear.

Just want to just want to repost here so that people don't get misinformed.

Will still retain the title for the prev chap. I personally don't think Wolverine's personality is qualified to be called weasel.



The Vuk's ship just arrived at the rendezvous site. A planet on the borders of the Shi'ar Empire.

At the meetup location, there is a space fleet waiting for their arrival.

It was the Imperial Fleet of the Shi'ar Empire.


The space fleet was composed of the following. First is the Flagship. It is an Apocalypse-class Warp-Capable Warships, Behemoth. It is a starship with the shortest length spanning 100 miles (160km). It is equipped with two, gigaton-level plasma energy weapons. One shot from this is enough to leave a huge mark on a planet. It is even possible to break the crust of a planet with it.

Surrounding the flagship Behemoth were 6 Destroyers. The main ships are each surrounded by hundred of fighter ships of different types.

There are ships designed with heavy firepower in mind. Equipped with two main guns as large as the fuselage, these ships would be able to inflict damage even to destroyers and other warships bigger than them.

The fleet did not contain any bombers as they would be useless considering the objective. Even though their bombs can cause great damage, its velocity isn't so high. Even the fastest missiles fired are slow compared to the slowest shots fired from the guns equipped in the fleet. It would be easily avoided and could even be used against their fleet.

The fleet looked as if it was preparing for war. The fleet was packing enough firepower that if they entered the territory of another empire, that empire would immediately think that the Shi'ar Empire is there to invade them.


From this fleet, a ship came forward to approach Vuk's vessel. From the outside it looked like a common transport ship. Armed with only a couple of guns as well as some missiles, it felt out of place with the rest of the Imperial Fleet.

Seeing the party that was there to welcome them, Vuk reminded his crew not to do anything funny. They were just here to deliver the package.

The crew watched as transport ship approached. When it was near, the main doors opened and a woman came into view. She had white hair, red suit, and protruding shoulder pads. She waited for the door to fully open.

When it did, the she opened her eyelids and her eyes could be seen. They had no iris or pupils. They were just completely white eyes.

A holographic spacesuit covered her body and she jumped out of the spaceship and started moving towards Vuk's ship.

Vuk immediately ordered his crew to receive her.

Vuk: "Hello Lady Sybil. We are plea..."

Sybil: "Spare me pleasantries, mercenary. I am only here to check if you have done things as instructed. Take me to the Terran."

Vuk: "Right this way."

Sybil was led to the containment unit where Tony's clone disguised as Jean was being held.

Vuk: "Here she is. The target's name is Jean. She was captured unconscious and has remained unconcious until now."

Sybil didn't listen to anything Vuk was saying. She went to the control panel of the machine and checked everything in the logs.

Sybil: "Good. It doesn't seem as if you've done anything to her. The credits will be transferred into you accounts as soon as I transport her onto our ship. You can also keep this ship. It only be a waste of our space to keep it in storage. "

Vuk was thinking of stalling in order to get a bit more profit but Sybil interrupted him in the middle of his thoughts.

Sybil: "Do not try to negotiate for more mercenary. It is already considered mercy that I do not kill you at this moment.

Having told this Skywalker about our identity could be considered a breach of contract. The only reason you are alive is because you killed him."

Vuk: "I'm sorry. I would never do it again."

Sybil: "I'm sure you are. But one of your might. I suggest you kill him after you split the bounty."

Vuk: "I will. Thank you Lady Sybil."

Vuk then called some of his men to help Sybil Carry Jean away.

Sybil noticed his actions and stopped him. "No Need"

Sybil pressed another buŧŧon in the control panel and the surroundings of Jean's containment unit started moving. The end result was a capsule enclosed the containment unit.

Sybil walked towards the exits and the containment capsule floated behind her.


Inside the transport ship.

Jean's body is transferred into another containment unit. The new container was a spherical shaped container with devices around it that maintain the container as well as produced a certain psionic field.

The first containment unit was designed to calm Jean down. It was there so that Jean wouldn't easily go on a rampage after regaining consciousness with her powers getting boosted by the Phoenix Force.

This new container was different. While the other was to calm Jean down, this was designed to restrain her powers. This device is supposed to restrict the psionic powers of the person inside as well as most other powers that any super-powered individual could have. It had a one-way defence that could allow the powers of others from outside to go inside but not the other way around.


Shi'ar Empire has a special group of people called the Imperial Guards. They are individuals selected from the all races that compose the Shi'ar Empire. All races in the Shi'ar Empire became members due to some superior trait but the members of the Imperial Guards were special. They were recruited because they weren't just the most powerful soldiers of the empire. They also had special powers similar to mutants.

With the Shi'ar Empire having these special individuals, they learned not only to control their power but to also create devices to contain them. Such device was the one currently used on Jean.


With Jean secured in the new containment unit, Sybil went ahead to do her job. Sybil was part of the Imperial Guards. She wasn't just here to receive Jean's body. She could let one of her subordinates do that.

She was here because she needed to establish contact with the new host of the Phoenix Force.

Sybil went close to Jean's body.

When she was close enough, she used her powers to go inside "Jean's" mind


In "Jean's" mind

Sybil appeared floating in the middle of an empty space. In front of her, there was a ball of flame that surrounded what looks to be a small planet. The flame was too strong to see past. She was amazed with what she was seeing.

Sybil: "Hoo. This minder has already started forming structures in her mind. She even has defences protecting it. Quite impressive for someone coming from such a primitive race."

She is currently looking at a giant ball of flame that seems to enclose the whole area.

She went closer and put her hand forward. She was trying to see if the flame was 'real'.

As her hand got near, she felt heat coming from the flames. She tried to create psionic structures from wood, water, metal, and other materials. She threw them onto the flame in order to test the quality of the flame.

As she tried to see how strong the flames are, she also check to see if the flames would weaken.

In the end, she couldn't get anything inside. Everything she threw would just disappear. At first, the things she threw would only burn to dust. She tried to pour water as well as some fire retardants but nothing happened. When she got to the metals, she noticed that the flame slowly grew stronger.

She then tried to circle around the 'sun'. She did a couple of revolutions around the sun. She was trying to see if there is a someplace she could exploit. A place that had lower flame intensity.

Her search was fruitless. Although there were places that had weaker flames, they were only weaker by a bit. She couldn't get anything past the flames much less get herself inside.

She still kept trying. She looked around a couple more times before resting.

Sybil: "This seems to be harder that I first expected. The Phoenix Force is probably already helping this Earther protect her mind. I guess there's no choice other than to contact her directly. Hopefully she is still mentally stable."

Sybil went forward to where the flames are the weakest and shouted to attract attention.

She waited for a while but no one responded. She shouted a couple more times. She waited each time until she saw the flames in front of her 'part' ways.

In the middle of that gap, the man from Vuk's memories appeared.

Sybil: "Who are you? You are not the woman called Jean."

Skywalker: "Don't you already recognize me? I'm General Skywalker."

Sybil: "There's no way you are that man. I know that he already died. Now, tell me who you really are."

Skywalker: "I am Jean Grey. While I may look like a woman, I am very much a man on the inside."

Sybil: "Do not lie. I don't need to read your mind to see that you are lying. You're face is clearly showing it."

Skywalker: "Yeah sorry. That one's on me. Neverthess, why would I tell you who I am when you haven't even identified yourself."

Sybil: "Hello. I am Lady Sybil of the Shi'ar. That may be hard to say so you may adress me as Oracle.

I am a member of the Shi'ar Imperial Guards.

Now, will you identify yourself."

Skywalker: "My identity is not important. I merely exist as a spiritual anchor to stabilize my host, Jean. You can just call me Skywalker since if what you're saying is true, then I might need to act as the real Skywalker. Otherwise, Jean might end up losing herself."

Sybil/Oracle: "Very well. Mr. Skywalker. I, as the an Imperial Guard, hereby inform you that your host, miss Jean is under arrest.

She is currently being transported to the Shi'ar ThroneWorld.

There, she would be brought before a Tribunal"

Skywalker: "Arrest? I refuse on behalf of her. Do you even have a warrant?

Why are you even arresting Jean for. I knew she tampered the minds of some people but I don't think that is enough to warrant the use of a spaceship much less an intergalactic fleet."

Sybil: "Our laws do not require such trivial things."

Skywalker: "So what? You can just arrest anyone you want? I at least have the right to know about Jean's crimes."

Sybil: "That we share the same sentiment. What do you know of the Phoenix?"

Skywalker: "Phoenix? You mean that flame bird that moved in about a week ago? What does Jean have to do with that bird?"

Sybil: "Yes. Wait. You saw the Phoenix? How are you still existing? Isn't the Phoenix supposed to cause destruction to everything in its path?"

Skywalker: "Beats me. You're the one spouting all that bullsh*t. What does Jean have to do with that?"

Sybil: "So you mean to tell me, that the Phoenix just came into Jean last week?"

Skywalker: "Yeah. So what, is it a crime to adopt a pet now?"

Sybil: "Nevertheless, your host is being charged with the crimes of genocide. The Phoenix caused the sun of the D'Bari star system to go supernova. That cause the death of the entire D'Bari population."

Skywalker: "That's not Jean. That's the Phoenix. Why are you pinning the blame on her?"

Sybil: "That is where your host is needed. If she doesn't appear during the, then she would be judged guilty without getting a chance to fight for herself "

Skywalker: "No way. No lawyer, no trial."

Sybil: "I am to be her counsel. I will help her on this case but I can't fight for her. "

Skywalker: "Bullsh*t. You already consider her guilty. What counsel can you give her."

Sybil: "A word of advice young Earther, Watch your temper. You're not helping your host."

Skywalker: "When is her trial?"

Sybil: "We would be arriving at Shi'ar Throneworld, Chandilar. The trial would be starting tommorow. If she doesn't regain consciousness, then I suggest you control her body and fight for her."

Skywalker: "Fine. Give me all the books talking about Shi'ar Laws. Also add everything such as the technology used to gather evidence, the problems in their designs, everything. I want all of them.

Sybil: "Be reasonable. There is no way you can go through all that."

Skywalker: "Fine. Give me a day to read all. Delay the trial for that. If you can't give me that, then I would rather wake the bird up. Let's see how you're Throneworld matches up against the bird who can make a start go supernova."

Sybil: "Do not threaten the Shi'ar. I would have your head for that."

Sybil extended her hand to try and grasp Skywalker's neck but something happened. Her hand felt hot. It was as if her hand was burning. She pull her hand immediately after she felt that. She looked at her hand and saw burn marks all over it.

Skywalker: "How do you like the invisible flame? Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean the fire is extinguished. I wonder what will happen if I teach the Phoenix how to do this. Wouldn't it be nice, seeing your throneworld, Chandelier, burn without knowing what happened until it's too late?."

Sybil: "Fine. I will try my best to get you another day. Also, it's Chandilar, not Chandelier."

Skywalker: "I don't care if it is Chandelier or Chinchilla. I'll make sure your planet burns if you just let Jean be judged guilty for crimes she never even comitted."

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