After Sybil left, Tony went to contact the main suspect of this incident, the Phoenix. Tony delved deep into his 'planet' heading towards the place where Phoenix was supposed to be.

When he arrived at the Phoenix's resting area, he saw something that wasn't supposed to be there. He saw a huge tree that he had no recollection of ever making. On it, he saw the Phoenix resting. Tony wanted to complain to the Phoenix for planting a random tree in his mind but he controlled himself.

Tony: "Hey Turkey. Do you have any idea what that Sybil lady was talking about?"

Phoenix: "What? I don't even know what you are taking about."

Tony: "Ughh. The sun in the D'bari system. Did you make it go supernova?"

Phoenix: "Oh that. Yeah. Why?"

Tony: "What do you mean why. You just killed a entire race. Empires don't like it when someone goes ahead and kills a race under their rule."

Phoenix: "The D'Baris deserved it. They were the reason why Jean had to suffer. They were the ones who forced her to go on a rampage. I'd kill them again in order to make Jean's life remained peaceful."

Tony: "Oh..."

Tony stopped and didn't try to push his side. He understood where the Phoenix was coming from. In its mind, it was merely doing what it thought was right. Tony couldn't decide if he should let it go or reprimand the Phoenix for its actions.

This was personal for the Phoenix. Tony heard of the Phoenix's story so he can't blame the bird for doing what it did. The D'bari did try to use Jean and did cause all those things to take place.

While this incident happened in another universe, Tony did expect that something like would also happen in this universe. Unfortunately for the victims, Tony isn't that familiar with them. He didn't know much about the victims to give a damn about what happened to them.

He actually wanted to complain to Phoenix. For someone who's seemingly only dėsɨrė in life is to let a person live happily, it sure was doing a great job messing that person's life. But he decided not to. It would probably just lead to something worse.

In his perspective, the Phoenix was still immature. Sure it had probably lived longer than him, but the Phoenix did have limited interaction with people. Other than the Jean Grey s, Tony never heard the Phoenix mention anything about another host. He didn't think of it at first but it looked like this was the reason Phoenix did this is because it learned this from experience. He just needed to make the Phoenix gain more experience.

Tony: "Remind me to teach you about common sense. At least learn a few things just to relate with the mortals.

For now, can you give me another reason?

I can't just go on telling people that the you killed the D'bari for revenge. I just can't imagine things will ever settle down if everyone in this universe discovered the existence of a parallel universe."

Phoenix: "Do I really have to?"

Tony: "No. But it would help. The only defense I can think of for Jean right now is that she didn't do it."

Phoenix pondered for a while. It did have another reason for making that sun go supernova. But that reason was kind of embarrassing so it didn't want to let anyone know about that reason. It didn't really want to tell anyone but with Jean getting affected by its actions, it decided to say it.

Phoenix: "Fine. I made that sun go supernova because I was hungry."

Tony: "Uh . . . . . WHAT!!!?"

Phoenix: "Yeah, I know. I binge ate a whole sun. It's embarrassing. But I'd rather tell my story than let Jean suffer because of my actions. But else could I have done at that moment? I was hungry."

Phoenix looked at Tony to see his reaction. When it did, it looked at Tony with curiosity. Tony looked like he was lagging.

Tony was still stuck in the hungry part. This reason was another kind of useless. It was also too much for him to process. He knew anything could happen in this universe but this still caught him by surprise. He knew gods and myths could show up. He even expected something like a war between universes to happen. But he never expected a sun becoming a snack.


Shi'ar Imperial Fleet Flagship Behemoth. Inside the Great Hall.

Lights started condensing and a hologram of Sybil appeared.

After her conversation with the 'Skywalker'(Tony), she started thinking of how to explain the situation. She had to figure out a way to report to her superiors about 'Skywalker's' demands without making herself look bad.

In common situations, any competent minder would have been sufficient to serve as counsel for a defendant. They would check inside the defendant's minds to see if the accused was guilty. If the defendant was guilty, they'd offer little or no help. But in the off chance that the defendant is truly innocent, then they'd give him proper counsel before their trial.

The reason Sybil, the most powerful minder in the empire, was ȧssigned to become counsel is due to the fact that they were dealing with the Phoenix Force. With that cosmic entity present, the job that is usually harmless became dangerous. She became the best fit for the job. Not only does she have the best chance to gain access to the mind of the Phoenix's host. She also has the highest chance of surviving in case the host ever went on rampage.

Even though the Phoenix Force would augment the psionic capabilities of its host, the mercenaries Shi'ar hired captured the new host very early. The Phoenix's psionic energies shouldn't have merged completely with the host's yet. Even if it did, the time was too short for the host to get used with the found power. The host also came from a primitive planet. He would have had some rudimentary mental protection at most. With Sybil's skill, she thought that entering the host's mind would have been easy.

Unfortunately for Sybil, Tony already has experience in protecting his mind. He

Tony already had multiple layers of defense protecting it. Even without the Phoenix's help, Sybil would have required at least half an hour before she could penetrate into Tony's mind. It would have been enough time for him to stage an escape.

He also already settled on a deal with the Phoenix. This deal granted him full access to the Phoenix's psionic powers(at that moment). With the Phoenix's flames acting as another layer of defense. Sybil could bȧrėly even peek into Tony's mind, much less read it and analyze its contents.

Sybil prepared her responses so that she wouldn't look like a failure. Her plan was to go with the 'I forgot' routine. She did rarely act as counsel after she entered the Imperial Guards. She could reason that she missed a question because she's not used to the job. She may be the most capable minder in the empire, but she is still a mortal.


Sybil's projection is currently facing a man located on the right side of the throne. The man she is currently reporting to is Kallark, Preator(head) of the Imperial Guards.

Kallark is the descendant of a proud bloodline. As he grew up, he was trained alongside fellow young men and women of his race. They trained in order to become the Imperial Guard from their race as for the title of Gladiator . The title of Gladiator eventually landed on Kallark as he was the only survivor from his group who were tested to become Imperial Guards

More commonly known as Gladiator.

Gladiator: "Sybil, what is the status of the captive?"

Sybil: "Sir, the defendant requests for the trial to be delayed."

Gladiator: "Delayed? Who does he think he is to demand such a thing."

Sybil: "Sir, the defendant is a woman. Though the one who I communicated with was indeed male, the body of the defendant is biologically female."

Gladiator: "Since the one you contacted was male we shall refer to the prisoner as male. Tell me, does it look like he would settle on the deal if we offered it to him?"

Sybil: "I'm afraid that situation is highly unlikely. The defendant strongly believes that he is innocent. He actually requested for the trial to be delayed so that he would have time to prepare for the trial. He wanted to learn about our empire's rules and customs in order represent himself.

I believe that he wants to prove that he is innocent. He even requested access to the evidence as well as the technologies involved in the procurement of said evidence. "

Gladiator was reaching the peak of his temper hearing about such requests. He already believed that the prisoner is guilty and the request he made were only to buy time. He wanted to lash out at Sybil for even letting the prisoner negotiate but a sound of laughter interrupted him.

?:"HA HA HA HA HA. Interesting.

Sybil, grant that person access to everything he requested.

He might be able to point out some loopholes in our laws.

Let's see if the new host of the Phoenix is more than just a powerful minder. "

Gladiator looked at the source of the laughter and saw that it came from the man seating at the seat of the ruler. The man who controlled the whole Shi'ar Empire, Majestor (emperor) D'Ken.

Sybil, who was facing D'ken, recognized the command so she immediately replied. "Yes sir. I will inform the defendant immediately."

D'Ken: "Good work. You're dismissed."

Sybil bowed and her hologram started disappearing.


Gladiator, who was too late to prevent the Majestor D'ken from issuing the command, tried to convince his lord to retract his command.

Gladiator: "My lord. I do not support your instructions. I suggest you retract the command. Letting the prisoner negotiate is already like showing weakness. Now you even granted him access to the library, what if he understood our technology and used it against us."

D'ken: "Relax Kallar(Gladiator's name)

Tell me.

Do you think this host could even comprehend our technology?"

Gladiator: "No sir. Our technology is too advanced for an Earther"

D'Ken: "Next question.

In the unlikely change that he is able to escape our containment field. Do you think he could run away from our territory before we could kill him?"

Gladiator: "No sir."

D'Ken: "Do you think he will be found guilty?"

Gladiator: "Yes sir."

D'Ken: "Do you think he will die after getting executed?"

Gladiator: "Yes sir."

D'ken:"Then let the man have what he wants.

Let him have another day of his life.

You can even consider this to be his last wish if you want. He's going to die anyway, might as well give him an extra day before he goes."

Gladiator: "I understand."

D'ken: "Good. Now. What about the host's bloodline?"

Gladiator: "According to the commandos, the host's(Jean) only immediate family member(father) has been killed. The host's other relatives have also been taken care of. There should be no more carriers of the host's bloodline."

(AN: A minder searched inside Jean's father's mind to check for ALL his and his wife's bloodline relatives )

D'Ken: "Then we have nothing else to worry about. Unless you have other things you'd like to point out?"

Gladiator: "The host did have an adopted family. These 'mutants' that are calling themselves the X-men.

The commandos also found a possible threat. The threat used to have a relationship with the X-men but later went alone due to some incident."

D'Ken: "Capture them if you want. Just make sure your hostages can be used as hostage.

As for the threat, does he have a family?"

Gladiator: "Yes sir. The threat has a wife and children"

D'Ken: "Is the wife a 'mutant'?"

Gladiator: "No sir. She's just a regular Earther"

D'Ken: "Too bad. I was looking for another member for my harem. Kill the threat and his wife.

As for their kids, bring them here. Train them if they show potential. If not, just make them slaves."

Gladiator: "As you wish."

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