Sybil had the transport ship to change its destination from the trial location to the Shi'ar Imperial Library. After the destination was set, she went to the containment unit and contacted 'Skywalker'.

When Skywalker heard that he was allowed access to everything that the Shi'ar race knows. He can't help but be surprised.

Tony: "Are you serious? They really allowed me to access to all information on your empire? Aren't you afraid of technology theft or something? Back in my world, we don't like to share personal technologies. Especially to our enemies."

Sybil: "Yes, access to all information regarding Shi'ar Empire has been granted. The Majestor personally issued the command.

As for your issue regarding technology theft, we aren't concerned about such things. Most of our technology is readily accessible to all citizens of the empire. More sėnsɨtɨvė information such as our weapon and warship blueprints are restricted and protected.

It is actually rare for someone, such as yourself, to be granted unlimited access to all our information banks.

Personally, I think the Majestor(Emperor) just wanted to avoid the hassle of selecting which informations you would be granted access.

You are only allowed access for a day. Even if the empire's definition for day was used, there is still too much information to sift through. The smartest person in our empire still took a year to scan through everything.

I doubt you could even read through half of that. Much less learn anything that would be useful for the trial. "

Tony: "And you wonder why I would rather represent Jean.

What about food? I don't think I'll be able to concentrate while eating prison food."

Sybil: "Do not worry. Our prison food isn't as awful as your worlds.

A molecular synthesizer will be prepared on site. It can recreate all known recipes in our empire. It lack a certain something that can only be found on hand made food but the taste is no where near unpalatable.

If you have no more concerns, we will be dropping you off shortly."

(AN: think Star Trek Replicator)

Skywalker: "Just one. I don't think Jean will be available during the trial. I'd appreciate it if everyone referred to me as me and not as Jean."

Sybil: "Understood."

Skywalker: "Wait. That's it? Do you just drop me off in the library and leave me there? Aren't you afraid that I will escape."

Sybil: "Not really. The library is equipped with special jammers. Only a select group of 'teleporters' could come in.

I also don't suggest trying to escape by flying away. We have already evacuated the area so our fleet could open fire at any moment. It only be a shame not to conduct the trial. "

Skywalker smiled a bit after hearing this.

Shi'ar Imperial Library

Tony looked as the transport ship flew back into space. Tony did not waste any more time and immediately went inside. The first place he went to was the bathroom. He went to a cubicle and locked himself there.

Tony theorized that if some privacy rules are universal, this place should be a location without any type of monitoring equipment watching. While Sybil promised that he would be given privacy while preparing for trial, he still went to this place just to make sure.

He started checking what abilities he could still use. He wanted to see if the Shi'ar's power jamming technology is as good as they think they are.

He knew that their technology isn't perfect. He has his connection with the main body after all. But this skill is special. He wanted to see what he could do other that this.

Tony first checked if he could project his astral form. If he could, then he could just use that astral form to investigate his surrounding.As he tried to do so, he was felt that the process got stuck. He unable to due to project his astral form.

Tony then tried creating a portal using a sling ring. He was able to form a sparking circle but that's it. The portal doesn't seem to be connected.

Finally, he tried to create a shadow clone. He was able to do so.

Tony was impressed with the Shi'ar technology because when he created this clone, he felt that he wasted extra chakra. They might not be able to stop this ability but they did make it harder for Tony to use it.

This was a portal created using the Space Stone.

Tony was a bit disappointed but realized that his disappointment was unjust. The Shi'ar has some advanced technology and he expected for them to at least make the portal smaller. But he remembered that he was using an Infinity Stone. The only way to possibly block this is with another stone.

Tony looked as a new Tony appeared. After they acknowledged each other, the Tony disguised as Jean vanished. The new Tony watched closely. He was checking to see if anything dropped. He found nothing.

Tony: "Well at least they didn't put a bug on me."

Tony then zoomed away from the cubicle and started roaming the library.

This Tony had super-speed.

The new found speed came from his ability to control his body.


Tony didn't acquire this ability by changing his body's genetics. He got this speed by increasing the rate of his body's cell activity. This meant that his body would grow old faster but Tony's extreme regeneration could counteract that. The old cells would just be replaced with new ones.

Tony didn't touch his genes yet because he thinks that he's still not ready.

While he did have a lot cell samples taken from himself, he's still not that proficient with microbiology and biotechnology to start playing with his genes. He did study it before but did not try to master it back then. He just didn't have the motivation for it.

Compared to things like programming and materials engineering, the experiments on microbiology was slow(relatively). He'd rather play with something where he can see improvements or results instantaneously.

He also couldn't just borrow the Time Stone for this. Unlike the other time where he used the stone to slow down time in order to capture photons, this actually deals with the natural laws. Unless a serious threat like Dormammu comes, he just has to settle with increasing, experimenting, and culturing the cell samples slowly.


After Tony did a cursory search around the place, he found that all monitoring equipment were indeed deactivated. He even had some astral projections sent to the library from the other side but even they found that hidden monitoring equipment were also deactivated.

Tony appreciated that the Shi'ar kept their word.

He made sure the windows are all closed. With the location secured, Tony started sending more of his clones towards this place. In less than a minutes, the library is filled Tonys. They started speed reading through the books. Topic by topic.

While the clones were speed reading, the original also arrived. He walked into the molecular synthesizer and had it make all the food that it knew. Tony's body's increased cellular activity did include his digestive system. His body used up a lot of energy and the most enjoyable way to replenish that is to eat.

With a machine that could produce all kind of food, Tony started an all you can eat buffet.

He didn't start with any food in particular and just started trying out everything. When he got something he liked, he had one of his clones send another portion to Earth.


Tony would have continued eating until the food supply was all used up but his clones just finished the history part of library and he discovered a few things.

Tony needed to go back to Earth because he got something wrong. It wasn't Jean who was in danger now. It was the other way around. The X-men, Magneto and his family, and some relatives of Jean are possibly the ones in danger.

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